All-Star Will Your Kids Cheer

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Jan 17, 2011
Seeing the other thread about how people got into cheer, I was wondering what people are going to do with their own kids? Are you going to push them to cheer?

I know with my daughters (praying I am blessed to have a daughter) she will be doing gymnastics and tumbling as soon as she can walk, and be perfecting her shimmy on the tiny team by the time shes 5! I am also going to put my child in a lot of tumbling classes, because I didn't do a lot of tumbling when I was younger, and I totally regret it.

If my kids ever wanted to quit, of course they could, but I would love to be a CHEERMOM.
Never pushed my kids into it and won't choose their path for them. They choose this and I support it because I support them. If they want to do competitive underwater basket weaving next season then we'll find the best pool and coaches around so they can reach their goals. being a mom is about letting your kids become what THEY want and providing the support and resources for them to achieve whatever goal they've set for themselves. Our time to choose what we wanted happened when we were kids. I think there would be a lot less drama in basically any sport if parents didn't try to recapture their youth through their kids.
Seeing the other thread about how people got into cheer, I was wondering what people are going to do with their own kids? Are you going to push them to cheer?

I know with my daughters (praying I am blessed to have a daughter) she will be doing gymnastics and tumbling as soon as she can walk, and be perfecting her shimmy on the tiny team by the time shes 5! I am also going to put my child in a lot of tumbling classes, because I didn't do a lot of tumbling when I was younger, and I totally regret it.

If my kids ever wanted to quit, of course they could, but I would love to be a CHEERMOM.

I would love to have my kids cheer for some similar reasons - also because I regret my lack of tumbling when I was younger and that I didn't have the advantage of growing up in the "cheer culture" like so many American kids are able to (and which, I imagine, with the growth of this sport over here atm, Australian kids in the future will be able to as well). I also just love it as a sport and will advocate for it til the day I die.

Though at the same time I would never want to push my kids into anything soI know that I will have to make a conscious effort not to do this and to make sure that they are doing it because they really want to do it for themselves :)
Never pushed my kids into it and won't choose their path for them. They choose this and I support it because I support them. If they want to do competitive underwater basket weaving next season then we'll find the best pool and coaches around so they can reach their goals. being a mom is about letting your kids become what THEY want and providing the support and resources for them to achieve whatever goal they've set for themselves. Our time to choose what we wanted happened when we were kids. I think there would be a lot less drama in basically any sport if parents didn't try to recapture their youth through their kids.

Sounds like Cathy in Dance moms, poor Vivi
I think many parents begin the introduction to sports with their kids by having their kids do what they did. I started LittleRazzi out in dance classes. Turns out, that wasn't her forte (she's still back row, but she's gotten much better.) The key is to not push if/when you find out that your Suzy isnt flying because she's built like an Amazon backspot. Accept who and what your child is and want he or she wants to be, and give them the opportunity to do lots of sports...until they figure out that nothing beats cheer.
I think every parent would love for their kid to do something the parent loves. Not only to share that bond but also because then their activity is something you can be helpful with. Your knowledge can (finally!) be useful! But, it doesn't always work out.
I knew zippo about cheer when my CP fell in love with the sport. I'll be honest and say that I'd bought her a pony when she was 6 months old (what was I thinking?) but she just never really got into horses. So much for my accumulated knowledge being useful! But on the bright side, my CP has introduced me to a sport that I now truly love and for that I'm thankful! So whether it's cheer, softball or whatever, I hope all parents can embrace the things their kids choose because there is NOTHING worse than seeing some poor kid being forced to do an activity they don't like. And if you think I'm kidding, go watch the first month of practice on any local Tiny team!
I was a competitive gymnast for 13 years. I NEVER put my kids in gymnastics, although I DID run a gymnastics cheer center for 7 years, so there were there all the time ha. I actually put them in totally different sports. Older one in horseback riding and younger one in dance. Once the older one kinda saw me coaching a cheer team, she decided she wanted to try it. I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....hahaha. But I let her, and a year later, my younger one followed suit. Sigh. 9 years later, we are still here haha. At least they are good at what they do I suppose. So maybe I'm weird, but I did not start them in my sport of choice or in cheerleading!
I want my kid (possible future kids) to be involved in something. Cheerleading piano rock climbing whatever. Being her parents are involved in Cheerleading my daughter will probably be a cheerleader, and I'm cool with that. Although if nothing changes I'd probably say no high school Cheerleading. It's just too dangerous.
I want my kid (possible future kids) to be involved in something. Cheerleading piano rock climbing whatever. Being her parents are involved in Cheerleading my daughter will probably be a cheerleader, and I'm cool with that. Although if nothing changes I'd probably say no high school Cheerleading. It's just too dangerous.
Shimmy x100. I thank my lucky stars that our town is too small to have School cheer because it's going to save me hundreds of future arguments!
I would love for my kids to be interested in cheer. I'll probably enforce it at a young age but if they decide to not to it anymore, of course i won't make them. I really hope they do decide to do it though because it teaches such incredible discipline and work ethics. I don't think I would be half the person I am today if it wasn't for cheerleading, I would want the best for them and... cheerleading is the best for them :)
My future child will cheer if s/he wants to cheer.

I doubt I will be one to live vicariously thru my child. Theres no way in the world I will be that mom wearing last years bow while rocking the team make up...
make up, uh no. However, my daughter has lots of practice bows and thinks its good luck for me to wear one when she competes, so she decides which is the lucky bow I'm supposed to wear that day (most of the time...sometimes it's a necklace or some such). I do it for her. (although I cut my hair a little bit ago so now she's looking in other "lucky" directions.....all part of my evil plan!)

I cheered for over 20 years and am not pushing my daughter to do so. I also ran a gym for 7 years and no longer have any filter left. I would need to ease myself into it slowly or stay away from the "crazy" parents or years of pent-up frustration from listening to parents complain about Susie's uniform/bow/place-in-the-routine might just erupt on the wrong person. ;) She's casually mentioned once or twice that she would like to cheer but I'm in no rush to put her into it. My son plays ice hockey and his schedule can leave us a little crazed at times so I'm also not eager to add to household chaos. Plus, not yet convinced DD doesn't want to cheer just because she gets a new bow and "sparkles" (her words, not mine). She also stunts on Dad (former collegiate cheerleader) but doesn't have a prayer in the world of being anything besides one of those Amazon backspots based on her height compared to her age. :) I think that would come as an unwelcome surprise to her so we shall see. When/If she truly tells me she wants to cheer, we'll cross that bridge (but I'd honestly rather stay on this side of things and just keep judging)!!!
i'm gonna start my kid when there like 3 or 4 but if they don't want to do it i'm not going to force them

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