OT Wisdom Teeth Out?

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Cheer Parent
Mar 23, 2010
I just got all 4 wisdom teeth out this morning (all 4 impacted, one had grown in sideways). I've been very, very diligent about icing and taking my meds (Oxy for pain, Ativan to calm vasovagal syncope episodes, Prednisone for swelling and Amoxicillin? for antibotic). Has anyone had a similar situation w/ their extraction? If so, how long did it take for the swelling to go down and to feel "normal" again w/o Oxy or Percocet? Lol thanks in advance :)
AHH that sounds so painful! I know it hurts a lot more if they are impacted :/ haven't gotten mine out yet so I can't be of much help to you, but FEEL BETTER SOON! :)
Haha thanks! I'm really not in much pain...the Oxy is really helping out. I feel a bit sore but it's not too bad.

Thanks, though! :) And if ya have to get yours out, good luck!
I had all 4 taken out at one time but I didn't swell that bad at all but my cousin just had the same thing and it took about a week before hers was completely gone. I took all of my medication until it was gone because the doctor said that is what he recommended but if I was not in pain that I could cut down on the Oxy. Mine was super sore though so I took all of the Oxy. Unlike some other people I was only given pain meds, an antibiotic, and a stomach pill. I actually wrote out a schedule and set an alarm to wake me up when it was time to take each pill.

I slept for about 3 days straight only waking up to take pills, eat, shower, and clean out my mouth. I also made sure that I kept ice on one side or the other anytime I was in bed which could be why I had little to no swelling. Just make sure you clean out your mouth with salt water regularly.

The only problem that I had from my removal was for about a year afterwards I had a knot on the inside of my mouth which was sore but it eventually went away.
I didn't take all the pain meds because the ones given to me had codeine, and codeine can be a literal pain in the behind by stoppering you up. Do not want! So after two days I went off them and just took basic over the counter pain meds. The worst for me was an earache - referred pain so there wasn't much I could do about it. The smartest thing I did was to use gauze tubes (like socks, with no foot, you could use old stockings) and put two small ice packs in them, positioned each one by my jaw line and tied the ends on top of my head - just like those old cartoons when people had toothaches. Kept the swelling and bruising to a minimum, I've had worse bruising from cheer.

Gargle with salt water frequently (I just kept a glass of salt water in the bathroom and gargled whenever I walked past) and antiseptic mouthwash twice a day (you can get ones with mild anaesthetic as well at the drugstore). It seems like the worst week of your life, but I hear childbirth is worse ;)
Thank you for all of your advice! @Katybugmom , I'm already doing that :) My mother has me pumped full of clear liquids. Any time my glass is empty, she refills it. She's like the world's best waitress ;)

@ztaprincess I'm keeping a schedule like you (LOL the nerd in me) and am still taking the hefty painkillers, as well. Doc said I could start going off of them tonight if I want, but I'm still pretty sore. Thank you for reminding me about the salt water rinse though...I totally forgot I was supposed to start doing that this AM!

@BowCat , I really appreciate the idea for tying the ice around the face. I wanted to do that last night b/c I was having difficulty keeping it on while i slept but that sounds like it would work perfectly.

Thanks for the advice everybody! Hoping it'll get better soon. The swelling isn't that bad, it just looks like I have a very square, masculine jaw line LOL. Somewhat like a transformer....no bruising that I can see :)
@F!ERCE hope it works! Just don't let your friends come over while you have it tied on or those photos will haunt you for months :D
@F!ERCE hope it works! Just don't let your friends come over while you have it tied on or those photos will haunt you for months :D

Hahaha good advice! One of my friends actually got his out and did the whole "face wrap" thing and decided it was a good idea to post a picture on Facebook. IDK if it was the painkillers or if that's a teenage dude thing or...what, but I don't think I will be doing that!
My brother is getting his out Friday, but his face is already started to swell because one of his wisdom teeth is infected! He's on medication that his oral surgeon gave him so he can't drive right now! I'll probably get mine out next year or so, but when one of my friends got hers out she didn't sleep with ice on her mouth the first night and she was so swollen!!! Best of luck! :)
I got all 6 (!) of mine taken out last summer and I fell asleep when I got home instead of icing. Chipmunk cheeks = no fun.

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