Worst Tumbling Accidents You Have Seen

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My brother cheered on step one allstars coed level five team for about four years. And one day a girl was tumbling from the back left corner to the front right and there was a garage door at that corner.. she was going to fly out of it because her tumbling is so powerful. So my brother went to catch her and he got kicked in the head. He has a severe concussion.
ummm the WORST one I've ever seen was just a few weeks ago at a national....not gonna say team or area or even comp.... but from what I saw this team was doing their standing tumbling and spacing was a bit off. There was a girl doing a double and then another girl starting her pass.... the girl doing the double went to land it and actually landed the double on the girls ARM of the one that was starting the pass..... once the music finally stopped you could hear her screaming..... ohh it just put a pit in your stomach. Poor girl, I heard it broke both bones straight through. :(
I was cleaning up after a tryout clinic one day at the dance studio where I held the clinics. The dance studio had all concrete floors, which is unusal for a dance studio but they refuse to get dance floors. Anyway, they had panel mats and a port-a-track, which is a full size tumble trak that folds up and can be rolled away for storage ( takes a good 4 strong people to fold up and put away). After the clinic I had to clean up. One of the families trying out had 4 daughters- 2 in the younger clinic and 2 in the older clinic. Mom had asked if the younger two could stay because she had to pick up a bday cake for one of them and I said that was fine as I knew the family quite well. The youngest girl was 4 or 5 and while we were folding up mats she had hid under the tumble trak and we didn't know it. Her older sisters and I finished folding up all the mats and their mom wasn't back yet. Oldest daughter asked if she could do 1 more RO bhs layout on the tumble trak before we put it away and I said 'sure no prob'. Meanwhile, youngest child is still underneath and we didn't know. Oldest tumbles down the trak and lands her layout. When she landed the bed part of the trak sinks down of course and landed on youngest sister's head. Her head hit the steel frame underneath and then bounced off the concrete. Little sister comes crying out from underneath with her hands on her forehead and is upset. I didn't know how bad it was and asked her to take her hands off so I could see what was wrong and her forehead was split clean to her skull and blood sprayed clear to the front of the room (like 15 feet- no joke). She left in an ambulance.
I'm still good friends with the family today and poor kid still has a nasty scar and it happened in 2005.

Is it normal for the team to continue to compete when someone goes down? Tonight I was watching a competition and a girl went down and at first the others didn't know and they continued but they stopped the music. It was bad a cross tumbler nailed another person in the head- I think- it happened so fast. The competition was delayed about 30 minutes and they took her off on a stretcher- I am praying for her, family and team that she is ok. It freaked my 9 year old out because they have a very similar pass in their routine.
last year at a competition my team was standing near the warm up area waiting for our turn & a girl (i didn't see what pass she was doing or what team she was on) from another team was on the tumbling strips then all of a sudden you saw her just laying there & the medics rushed over to help. as we passed that mat to get to ours you could see that she was laying down on her back but from about her knee down her leg was backwards i know that probably makes no sense but her whole foot & everything was backwards & she was passed out.. i don't know what ended up happening to her but a bunch of teams including mine went to cheer on her team perform since they had to do it with out her it was so sad :(

Good Sportsmanship
The worst I have seen was in Las Vegas 5 or 6 years ago. An upper level team was competing and when this girl landed her tumbling she just landed wrong. She snapped her femur in half and the lower portion of her femur was sticking out of the skin. Needless to say, she left by ambulance and then they had to replace the floor from so much blood loss. I sure hope she ended up OK.
One of my worst ones I have personally had was when I was working whip thrus the summer of 09 at my old gym. I was hesitating before the backhandspring out of the whip so she told me to try t again and to not hesitate out of the whip. So after my whip I went right into the backhandspring. But I forgot to put my hands down. I literally ate mat so hard there was carpet fibers in my braces. My lips were busted up and bleeding like crazy. I could hardly move my neck the next day and I will never do a whip again.
Several years ago at Spirit Sports when a girl from Large senior 5 tumbled off the stage, she was ok and competed the next day
eeek, for tumbling these two girls did double handspring to full into the middle and they collided and both ended up in neckbraces for weeks, it was so horrifying

and cheerleading related sorta, for high school we ran outside and one time the grass was slippery and this girl slipped and tried to catch herself and shattered her forearm bone through the skin
yesterday at Beast of the East i was watching a team and in the two handspring section of their level 4.2 routine one girl fell and another backhandspringed right on her spine. It was awful because it was the beginning of the routine and the girl was crying the rest of the routine. Happy she stuck it through though!

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