OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Junior four practiced yesterday and while we were warming up their standing tumbling the ones that have a standing whip pass in the routine asked if they could try them on the tumble track. So I'm like fine. Go ahead. Meanwhile I'm doing the other stuff with the rest of them.
I do this thing where I tell them we're doing 10 or whatever skills set. They have to land three as a team before we move on. If they land three before I get to ten we stop there. Otherwise we keep going, but we will not do more than 10. However when people don't stick and stand for every step that's taken out of that landing person it's 10 of some type of conditioning after we finish that part.
So we're doing all that. Well the standing whip kids all run over and ask if they can do it. And I should have known better with how excited they were to do it after only ten minutes practicing it probably.
They lined up in their formation and the five of them went BHS, whip (THE DANCE), BHS, BHS, tuck.
I was like "no. You guys are ridiculous" which is something I say. It's like "you guys are crazy/silly".
I can't tell you how much I wanted to be mad at them but it was so funny I couldn't. And I walked right into it. When have kids ever been excited for standing tumbling ever?!

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If invisalign really isn't an option for your teeth, i'd look into an orthodontist who does the reverse braces. IDK if that's they're official name? but it uses the same metal hardware and wires but they "install" it on the backside of your teeth. not sure if that would interfere with playing the trumpet, though... but nothing would be on the front of your teeth.

Lingual braces. They attach to the back instead of the front. I have no experience though with them, since I think my mouth is too small to fit them all in.

My teeth are crooked again after 3 years of braces. I'm debating on getting braces again (Invisaline only though) to fix them. :(
Invisalign may very well not be an option if you need big adjustments. One of my closest friends has to basically get jaw reconstructive surgery but needs eight months of braces beforehand. Actual braces, no invisalign. She was told this towards the end of high school but didn't want to get them right before college. The surgery at the end is also very rough, 10 days off work and liquid only diet for over a month afterwards and she wasn't down for that at the time. But the doctors told her she probably had a 10 year window of when she NEEDED to get it done before she started having major jaw issues.

She's about to get the braces now at 23. She's not excited but was confident in her decision to wait until she was finished school.

You should discuss with them the time sensitivity of the corrections. If you have some time use it and wait a few years. Be sure to keep saving if you do decide to put it off, though. In my experience the cost of this stuff goes up every year. My sister's braces now in 2015 cost almost double what mine did in 2005-ish
Invisalign may very well not be an option if you need big adjustments. One of my closest friends has to basically get jaw reconstructive surgery but needs eight months of braces beforehand. Actual braces, no invisalign. She was told this towards the end of high school but didn't want to get them right before college. The surgery at the end is also very rough, 10 days off work and liquid only diet for over a month afterwards and she wasn't down for that at the time. But the doctors told her she probably had a 10 year window of when she NEEDED to get it done before she started having major jaw issues.

She's about to get the braces now at 23. She's not excited but was confident in her decision to wait until she was finished school.

You should discuss with them the time sensitivity of the corrections. If you have some time use it and wait a few years. Be sure to keep saving if you do decide to put it off, though. In my experience the cost of this stuff goes up every year. My sister's braces now in 2015 cost almost double what mine did in 2005-ish
This sounds very similar to what I had done, went through years of orthodontics to try and fix my jaw problem, ended up not working. So I had to spend another year in braces before I could even get the jaw surgery, and then another 6 months of braces after surgery. And then Invisalign which I sucked at. And now a quite a few years later I've had to have 3 back molars pulled to fix other problems. It's such a joy to go through.:rolleyes::banghead:
This sounds very similar to what I had done, went through years of orthodontics to try and fix my jaw problem, ended up not working. So I had to spend another year in braces before I could even get the jaw surgery, and then another 6 months of braces after surgery. And then Invisalign which I sucked at. And now a quite a few years later I've had to have 3 back molars pulled to fix other problems. It's such a joy to go through.:rolleyes::banghead:
I feel so bad for her. She continually asks us if we will "still be her friend when she has braces". OF COURSE we will! But I totally get her justification for wanting to put it off until now. We're all 23/24/25 and already have an established friend group. And while people can be judgmental at any age, I don't think you see it as much at this point as you do in high school and college. She needs to get it done to prevent LOADS of trouble and pain down the road and while the timing is never really "right" for something like that, now is as good as ever.
Retainers are SO important! I had my braces on for 5 yrs in high and didn't get them off until November of my senior year, the day before my senior pictures, and these were the old school metal wrapped around the whole tooth braces. The ones today are nothing compared to those!
At any rate, I was fanatical about wearing my retainer because there was no way I was going to have suffered all those years for nothing. I wore it every night until I was probably 30ish and then still a few times a week for the next several years after that. Not that long ago I found it and tried to put it in, I managed, but barely and oh my goodness did it hurt! I'm not sure I could have handled more than the 30 seconds I had it in.
So seriously people wear your retainers! Especially for the first few years after your braces are off. My public service announcement for the day:)
So I twinged my calf muscle a few weeks ago and it doesn't seem to want to heal. I've been to chiro and massage, and I'm getting graston, ART and taping done on it, as well as ice/heat as per my Doctor. And I'm trying very hard to stay off it for serious workouts. Walking doesn't hurt it, but the toe point while going down stairs is what makes it bad. Tryouts are the first week of Sept and I'm starting to get worried I'll still be injured then. I've never had a minor injury take so long to heal :(
I had braces for six and a half years and I'm the only person I know who still wears their retainer haha. I spent way too long in them risk them looking bad again! I have the clear plastic Invisalign type retainer and it's been a pain, but I'm sure it's better than the metal ones. I also flushed it down the toilet earlier this year but that was my own fault [emoji28]

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Retainers are SO important! I had my braces on for 5 yrs in high and didn't get them off until November of my senior year, the day before my senior pictures, and these were the old school metal wrapped around the whole tooth braces. The ones today are nothing compared to those!
At any rate, I was fanatical about wearing my retainer because there was no way I was going to have suffered all those years for nothing. I wore it every night until I was probably 30ish and then still a few times a week for the next several years after that. Not that long ago I found it and tried to put it in, I managed, but barely and oh my goodness did it hurt! I'm not sure I could have handled more than the 30 seconds I had it in.
So seriously people wear your retainers! Especially for the first few years after your braces are off. My public service announcement for the day:)
Former cp off to college next week. Got her braces off in 6th grade and still wears her retainers almost every night. I wore mine through college and into my mid 20s.
@njallday by chance were you wandering a little town near your school today and wearing a black shirt that said chiropractor on it?

**By a show of pictures, who has worn their kids cheer uniform?**
Have any of y'all heard of Cheer1FM.com? I found it about two weeks ago on Twitter. Just wondered about how it was started, makes money (I haven't heard any ads but haven't listened for longer than 30 minutes at a time), has any competitors, etc. I was listening during my run the other day and it was really giving me energy! I need all the energy I can get when I'm running. ;)
Found them years ago, I love them! It's just weird when you go back to listening to regular music. Everything feels slow.

Unrelated: Expectations and Their Consequences | Coaching Gymnastics in the New Millennium
Found this awesome article online. Even though I've never coached before, I didn't realize that I was developing this attitude. Interesting to read about someone else with the same mentality. I'd like to iron as many of these kinks from my psyche before I start coaching.
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@njallday by chance were you wandering a little town near your school today and wearing a black shirt that said chiropractor on it?

**By a show of pictures, who has worn their kids cheer uniform?**

I was not. today was our last day of finals for the summer semester so I booked it out of there and am currently in NJ :) but they sold those shirts as a fundraiser, so lots of options of who it could have been lol
I was not. today was our last day of finals for the summer semester so I booked it out of there and am currently in NJ :) but they sold those shirts as a fundraiser, so lots of options of who it could have been lol
Was a long shot but worth asking anyway.

**By a show of pictures, who has worn their kids cheer uniform?**

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