All-Star Nca's Appropriate Choreography Reminder

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Thank you to Justin and NCA for standing up the integrity of the industry, maybe I am just old fashioned or getting old but lately all the uniforms seems super short and skimpy, the choreo seems more risque and the standards of coaches and some kids have gone out the window. I know all sports have to progress to grow and I get that , but it does not mean it has to get sleezy. Keep it classy cheer world. Please and thank you. :oops:
Instead of analyzing how to get around or unfair this may be in your opinions why don't you look at the TRUTH being told to you from the HEAD OF NCA and say, "WOW thank you so much for warning me a head of time so I can avoid a potential expensive trip to be ruined bc I wanted to be too much". As said, if you THINK it might be an issue, at least for NCA, take it out! I for one would like to thank you Justin!

i feel ahead of time would have been BEFORE choreography season, and BEFORE music was picked for the routine. some teams don't have the time or money to replace music.
i feel ahead of time would have been BEFORE choreography season, and BEFORE music was picked for the routine. some teams don't have the time or money to replace music.

yeah, (and i know it's not the case) but i think coaches/music mixers should have enough common sense to not put anything inappropriate in a CHEER music mix. swearing and sexual or drug references should be a no brainer of things that are NOT okay.
Instead of analyzing how to get around or unfair this may be in your opinions why don't you look at the TRUTH being told to you from the HEAD OF NCA and say, "WOW thank you so much for warning me a head of time so I can avoid a potential expensive trip to be ruined bc I wanted to be too much". As said, if you THINK it might be an issue, at least for NCA, take it out! I for one would like to thank you Justin!

I think she's entitled to voicing her opinions on the matter and that she's doing so in a respectful manner. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand where you're coming from..and as a parent of a child who is 6 and cheers...there are certain things I don't want her to see during a cheer routine. To be honest, it's mostly uniforms that bother me, but for others it could be the dancing. I definitely think most people know what dancing "nasty" (overtly sexual) is, but I think she's right by stating that she feels it's too subjective bc everyone has different moral views. Also, certain choreography might be considered inappropriate to certain people, when in fact it's actually a legitimate, normal dance move; just like a heel stretch is a common body position for stunting, but one could argue that a heel stretch reveals a girl's crotch and therefore is "inappropriate". Do you see what I'm trying to say?

I also think it was kind of unfair for you say that moreoverthree was playing the race card, when she was simply stating her opinion on subjectivity due to cultural differences. She's basically saying the same thing glitterdiva is, which is that she thinks it's possibly too subjective due to people's moral beliefs differing. That could be said of many cultures too, not just African American. I don't think she was "playing" the race card, just stating in her culture it's not considered sexually suggestive for younger kids to do moves like "pop, lock, and drop it", etc. Similar opinion, just brought up in a different manner. At least that's the way I understood it. :)
Yall can't hit him with too much else. It's subjective, that why a geographically and socially diverse panel of judges must all agree on the "inappropriate" element in question. Plus, he posted a link for more detailed info regarding the rule.
So, what else can be said? I find it pretty darn accomodating for this to even be posted, so that everyone knows, can give examples and discuss.
I feel like its a I know it when I see it thing...There are def some unis and performances that get close to the edge. The guidelines mention age which is important because what is ok for a senior team may not(in my eyes) be ok for a youth team. It seems to me that the guidlines are pretty specific and I would think that coaches would read all of these prior to choreo, just like the level rules ect..We attended NCA allstar nationals for the first time last year and it was head and shoulders the best comp we have ever been to. NCA knows what they are doing and as long as there has to be an agreement ofwhole judging panel I see no problem. It all comes down to if you don't like the rules of a particular EP don't go to their event, there are plenty of comps to choose from. As a mother I thank NCA for trying to keep the progression of cheer moving in the right direction. Can't wait for Nationals this year!!!
I feel like this should only matter if the music is vulgar, and if the uniform (like most uniforms these days...what happened to our old turtlenecks?) is verrrry inapropriate. I don't think it's very fair otherwise.
I feel like this should only matter if the music is vulgar, and if the uniform (like most uniforms these days...what happened to our old turtlenecks?) is verrrry inapropriate. I don't think it's very fair otherwise.

We can put our hands on our hips and stomp up and down and say things "aren't fair" all day long, but NCA is doing "unfair" in the most fair way possible.
Culturally, the dance is very subjective. We see a local gym every year do a lot of hip thrusting and booty shaking in their sr dance. I'm not sure if they've ever been warned or deducted for it but it's the way they dance every year and I wish they wouldn't.

ASCheerMan , I applaud NCA taking a stance on this. I may not be a varsity brands fan, but I AM a fan of yours which has me wanting to bring teams to Dallas for the big show. The fact that you're on here and ready to talk with any and all of us wins major points in my book---and those are subjective points lol!!
t think is had to do with some of the Midwest teams cause our senior 5 was dancing to inside out by Britney spears lol it was one compete we changed it lol and i agree with That policy is so subjective that there is no clear cut way to define that. What is suggestive in lets say Utah is not suggestive in california and whats normal in florida is over the top sexual in the bible belt. How can you regulate and give a deduction to something that is SOOOO subjective. I don't find the aspect of deducting points for this fair at all.
There is a saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" that I think applies here. Whether or not something is considered vulgar or offensive in your neighborhood is not relevant to NCA's decision to give you a penalty at their event. What matters is what NCA has decided is it's standard for their event. You are in their house, so you play by their rules.
mia4life06 said:
t think is had to do with some of the Midwest teams cause our senior 5 was dancing to inside out by Britney spears lol it was one compete we changed it lol and i agree with That policy is so subjective that there is no clear cut way to define that. What is suggestive in lets say Utah is not suggestive in california and whats normal in florida is over the top sexual in the bible belt. How can you regulate and give a deduction to something that is SOOOO subjective. I don't find the aspect of deducting points for this fair at all.

Life isn't fair. This is as necessary and needed as legalities and fall deductions. If nothing is regulated in our sport then it's not a sport. He stated quite clearly, and others have quoted him on this, that it will take a total agreement from their culturally/regionally diverse panel of judges to issue these warnings or deductions. Fair enough.
yeah, (and i know it's not the case) but i think coaches/music mixers should have enough common sense to not put anything inappropriate in a CHEER music mix. swearing and sexual or drug references should be a no brainer of things that are NOT okay.
Swearing and drug references of course should never be in there! But like the beyonce song where they have the "mother" part and other various things like that. Who is to say what is appropriate and what is not when music and choreography varies so much. Appropriateness is subjective. In my high school, you technically were not allowed to wear shorts shorter than fingertip length. We had two vice principals who would let you get away with shorter, as long as they were appropriate and your but wasn't hanging out. But another principal didn't even think it was appropriate to wear anything shorter than bermuda shorts. appropriateness is subjective based on so many different things.
First of all 'Boobgate'? someone explain...I wasn't there didn't see and never heard of it..and I agree with NCA..I have a young boy child who accompanies my cheerleaders to competitions and if I have to shield his eyes to your routine or explain lyrics..then it's probably too suggestive. I do not like hearing some of the new songs out there for example 'peacock' by katie perry..don't wanna hear that in a cheer mix AT ALL...

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