All-Star 2013/2014 Team Videos

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Hey, did you have on a black NE jacket at the MD showcase, .sitting directly in front of the stage, over the priority seating area? If so I saw you. I tried to get your attention but it was crazy in there. It was awesome showcase and F5 was absolutely incredible!

Yes, that was me! :) Had an awesome time! Feel free to smack me or yell at me next time!
The second routine scored a 94.757. Thank you for the compliment (and you are correct, we are still trying to get in shape to jump the way we are capable of. Still a lot of cleaning to do). It's early though, they are great competitors and will get there.
I personally loved seeing all your teams in Dallas so early in the season, I hope y'all come back next season!!
I personally loved seeing all your teams in Dallas so early in the season, I hope y'all come back next season!!
Thank you! We will utilize what we learned in Denton and work even harder to get better. We had some great performances but as a whole we did not perform to our standard. Spirit and CA certainly gave us a wake-up call! There were many other really good teams there as well.
After a long weekend of comps and practice, I can catch up on videos now.
I've been a SUPA fan for a long time and I must say I'm blown away at their improvement.

A lot of routines look, to me at least, like reruns of last year. I'm waiting to reserve judgement on most teams until later on in the season.

But okay CS Great Whites... I see y'all want that crown.

And congratulations to Wildcats on their bid! An ex PCMer and good friend of mine is on the team and I couldn't be happier for him.
Anybody else notice panthers took out the jumps to hand hand fulls?

Obsession .. WOW.

Generals - you some of the cleanest double ups I've seen. And tumbling, but we already knew that.

Smoed -pyramid makes me nervous in a really, really good way.

CJA - really impressed!! That dance had me moving in my chair (and i dont dance)

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Not allstar but just feeling the need to brag because my high school won state for the 2nd time in a row and state is a huge deal in Georgia!

Do you know where I can find more videos of GHSA state? I know AsianTumble usually posts them but I didn't know if there were any around yet. I live for watching them every year.
F5 . i love you forever.
Panthers routine is amazing as always, i am just not the biggest fan of all the tumbling in the beginning, it's a little long.But hey if it gets them gold i won't complain ;)
Supassss that's how i like it, always been a fan , always will be! I'd love to see them in the top 3 again at worlds!
Obsession and WIldcats are amazing just as always.
Viqueens... my envy is endless. I wanna be on this Team so bad. Well , maybe in my next life.
ok so obsession.... the skills are amazing the routine doesn't do much for me as a whole but I will say T&S can jump in circles all day in their jumps and still be cleaned. the cleanliness of them will deff. take them further then last season.

and that shablam from the center dancer was EVERYTHING :deathdrop:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GDUBS. dance doesn't do it for me. :-(

generals LIFE!

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