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Completely agree.
I used to work in a shop and I saw so many kids who would throw insane tantrums, throwing themselves about the shop floor and their parents would pander to them and say "oh stop that, please stop that" and be all nicey nice. If I threw a tantrum in a shop when I was little my mom would just walk away and ignore me until I stopped (She could always see me, but 5 year old me didn't know that). If someone did that now-a-days they would get side-eyed by everyyyyone and kids think they can get away with tantrums.

I couldn't agree more. But the sad thing is they not only think it, they know it by experience. They are used to getting away with throwing tantrums, talking back, etc. I work with kids from ages 10 to 15 and my job involves discipline among other things. To say that some kids aren't used to be told what to do or what not to do is an understatement.

It seems that some parents are reluctant to be strict with their kids because they're afraid to crush them, humiliate them or that they (kids) won't love them (parents) anymore, when in fact kids try to push boundaries only hoping for a firm (yet fair) reaction from adults, even though they won't admit it. What really bothers me is when parents blatantly cover up for their kid's rule breaking, just so he/she won't be punished at school, but when they're in the principal's office, they complain that the kid's out of control and that they need help... I understand that parents can be insecure about disciplining their children sometimes, but people refusing to set up rules (and then wondering why a kid feels entitled to do whatever they want) annoy me to no end.
I just had a 2 hour work day. I went to work at 3pm, 20 minutes later they announced we'd be closing at 5pm because of the icy roads (normally the library closes at 8pm and it was my night to work)...

Thank goodness because as I was leaving my mom sent me a text letting me know that our cousin was in a wreck (slid on ice) and her 7 yr old daughter broke her femur, was was currently in surgery and will be in a full body cast for 8 weeks

Northerners make fun of us for flipping out over snow....but seriously...we can't treat the roads here properly...we have no other option than to shut down
I just had a 2 hour work day. I went to work at 3pm, 20 minutes later they announced we'd be closing at 5pm because of the icy roads (normally the library closes at 8pm and it was my night to work)...

Thank goodness because as I was leaving my mom sent me a text letting me know that our cousin was in a wreck (slid on ice) and her 7 yr old daughter broke her femur, was was currently in surgery and will be in a full body cast for 8 weeks

Northerners make fun of us for flipping out over snow....but seriously...we can't treat the roads here properly...we have no other option than to shut down
Omg that is terrible. I hope she's okay...

In regards to driving in the snow, it's not as hard as people make it out to be, just go slow. But if people never have practice then are all thrown in it at once then there's gonna be an issue..

I feel your pain though, my town is TERRIBLE at keeping the roads plowed so every snow storm I'm driving on 3+ inches of snow and ice. (With bald tires I might add, I'm too poor to buy new ones) Once you hit the town line the roads are clear, sanded and salted. I don't get it? Anyway, I hope she recovers that is truly terrible I couldn't imagine being in a full body cast for a day let alone 8 weeks.

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Northerners make fun of us for flipping out over snow....but seriously...we can't treat the roads here properly...we have no other option than to shut down

I understand this so much. I have not had a full day of school since Monday. Tuesday we got out early since it was snowing. They closed Wednesday, Thursday, and now Friday. I have black ice in my driveway while a county over my friend has no black ice near them. Surprisingly our neighborhood actually brined our Main Street in the neighborhood this morning.

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I'm in a contest to win an entry to the Nike Women's Half in DC and I find out tomorrow if I get in and I'm SO nervous :(
Ahhh I'm doing it!!! I'm so nervous about it though, I hope I can actually finish it without dying. Good luck!
I just had a 2 hour work day. I went to work at 3pm, 20 minutes later they announced we'd be closing at 5pm because of the icy roads (normally the library closes at 8pm and it was my night to work)...

Thank goodness because as I was leaving my mom sent me a text letting me know that our cousin was in a wreck (slid on ice) and her 7 yr old daughter broke her femur, was was currently in surgery and will be in a full body cast for 8 weeks

Northerners make fun of us for flipping out over snow....but seriously...we can't treat the roads here properly...we have no other option than to shut down
I am actually getting so irritated with the arrogant comments some Northerners are making. Snow and ice are two completely different animals, and "us Northerners" cant drive for crap on ice either. The only reason why we dont have 23-hour long traffic jams is because we have the equipment to treat the roads before, during and after a storm. And there are still accidents and 5-10 mile traffic jams on the main highways during every storm. I feel so badly for all who were stuck in their cars for so long and/or who have been injured but at the same time I have been following the snowinatlanta (not sure I named it right) facebook page and it has been really heartwarming to see so many people step up and help complete strangers! I hope you get back to your normal temps soon and winter stays where it belongs -up North!

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I just had a 2 hour work day. I went to work at 3pm, 20 minutes later they announced we'd be closing at 5pm because of the icy roads (normally the library closes at 8pm and it was my night to work)...

Thank goodness because as I was leaving my mom sent me a text letting me know that our cousin was in a wreck (slid on ice) and her 7 yr old daughter broke her femur, was was currently in surgery and will be in a full body cast for 8 weeks

Northerners make fun of us for flipping out over snow....but seriously...we can't treat the roads here properly...we have no other option than to shut down
Snow is one thing but ice is totally different. I hope your cousins daughter has a great recovery.

Cheer Dad = broke dad
I got out of school early Tuesday, no school Wednesday, Thursday, and it was called off tomorrow too. I'm happy and I HATE driving in snow. I refuse to unless I absolutely have to. My boyfriend and his family are from Rhode Island though and they'll drive everywhere an act like it's not a problem and make fun of me for getting really excited about like 2 inches of snow. Haha. I guess it's just a north/south thing. I lived in Chicago for 2 months in like 5th grade and it was December/January and they still had school and I was just amazed because there was snow on the ground and I had to go to school... Hahaha

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My day has been awful...my gym really needs some prayers for strength right now...for various reasons, they let my coach go, and she was literally the backbone of our gym, mainly my team because we were her main team. And we have another coach, and I/we love her to death, but there's not ever going to be a replacement for my original coach who was there from the start. It's actually heartbreaking...
My day has been awful...my gym really needs some prayers for strength right now...for various reasons, they let my coach go, and she was literally the backbone of our gym, mainly my team because we were her main team. And we have another coach, and I/we love her to death, but there's not ever going to be a replacement for my original coach who was there from the start. It's actually heartbreaking...

I've heard about this myself. All of you should work 10 times harder just for the original coach and at least try and get through this season :) stay strong

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I've heard about this myself. All of you should work 10 times harder just for the original coach and at least try and get through this season :) stay strong

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We're trying!
What got me is she's taught me so much and been there for us and it's heartbreaking. I talked to her this morning and it killed me because she said "if there's anybody that can coach Senior Shine like I did, it's you. I will always believe in you and I have no doubt you will help the other kids get through it..." Absolutely heart wrenching
And now I feel like I have a quest to finish out my senior year and help lead these girls like she wants me to
My day has been awful...my gym really needs some prayers for strength right now...for various reasons, they let my coach go, and she was literally the backbone of our gym, mainly my team because we were her main team. And we have another coach, and I/we love her to death, but there's not ever going to be a replacement for my original coach who was there from the start. It's actually heartbreaking...
:( Praying for your gym.
I am actually getting so irritated with the arrogant comments some Northerners are making. Snow and ice are two completely different animals, and "us Northerners" cant drive for crap on ice either. The only reason why we dont have 23-hour long traffic jams is because we have the equipment to treat the roads before, during and after a storm. And there are still accidents and 5-10 mile traffic jams on the main highways during every storm. I feel so badly for all who were stuck in their cars for so long and/or who have been injured but at the same time I have been following the snowinatlanta (not sure I named it right) facebook page and it has been really heartwarming to see so many people step up and help complete strangers! I hope you get back to your normal temps soon and winter stays where it belongs -up North!
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The people of Atlanta were awesome! Michelle Sollicito began the Facebook page called "Snowed Out Atlanta" to help Good Samaritans partner up with those in need, in an hour there were 45,000 people using the site. People were bringing food, hot chocolate, coffee, blankets, water, baby formula, diapers, insulin and testers, and gasoline to people stranded on the roads. People invited strangers to stay in their homes. Kids were stranded at schools, on school buses, and at home with no parents. Our teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and neighbors took care of them. Krogers, Publix, Home Depot and numerous other businesses stayed open and gave shelter to thousands. When we went to Kroger the next day, the deli was empty, because they were instructed to feed those they were sheltering at no cost. Our neighborhood blog was used to get kids locked out of their homes or without parents to neighbors they knew for the night. We took in 5 kids, none of their parents got home until the next morning.

To my laughing Northern friends, deep down, you know we just took care of your elderly parents, pregnant sisters, nieces and nephews. You're welcome, it was a privilege.
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The people of Atlanta were awesome! Michelle Sollicito began the Facebook page called "Snowed Out Atlanta" to help Good Samaritans partner up with those in need, in an hour there were 45,000 people using the site. People were bringing food, hot chocolate, coffee, blankets, water, baby formula, diapers, insulin and testers, and gasoline to people stranded on the roads. People invited strangers to stay in their homes. Kids were stranded at schools, on school buses, and at home with no parents. Our teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and neighbors took care of them. Krogers, Publix, Home Depot and numerous other businesses stayed open and gave shelter to thousands. When we went to Kroger the next day, the deli was empty, because they were instructed to feed those they were sheltering at no cost. Our neighborhood blog was used to get kids locked out of their homes or without parents to neighbors they knew for the night. We took in 5 kids, none of their parents got home until the next morning.

To my laughing Northern friends, deep down, you know we just took care of your elderly parents, pregnant sisters, nieces and nephews. You're welcome, it was a privilege.
From the north and am jealous to hear of the generosity you all have shown.

Cheer Dad = broke dad

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