All-Star A Year Off?

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i'm in a year/career off now. yeah, it's not the greatest, and i miss it, but not cheering has opened up SO much time and i've been able to discover some of my other passions. don't get me wrong, i LOVE cheerleading...but i've found i love other things too that i never would have found had i still cheered. (i'm in college, by the way)
Has anyone on here taken a year off? I think i am going to have to... but have any of you ever done it? If i continue to take a tumbling class or two all of next year will I loose a lot of my skills? Also I'm afraid that my coaches won't want to put me back on the level 5 team because I quit for one year. Also I'm afraid I might loose some of the passion I have for it

I think if you keep your tumbling up, (no, you won't lose it if you keep up your tumbling to a certain degree) and your face in the gym (your coaches will SEE you working it out)'ll be fine. You can certainly stay in shape without AllStar cheer, so no worries there. I would think just being in the cheergym and going to watch occasional competitions would keep you passion up, possible make you miss it more if your a cheer freak like most on here. Take the year off, save your money and cheer next year........just stay in the gym and keep up with your tumbling and stay in shape. Your gym will appreciate your dedication even though you can't afford it this year.
In my experience (I thought I'd never set foot in the gym again.. came crawling back one year later :rolleyes:) it actually increased my passion for cheer. I mean.. I guess I really missed it. Like the exercise, the friends, and just that feeling cheering gives you. I dunno. That's just my experience but if you really love it you'll probably feel the same way too :)
And if you keep up with tumbling classes, you shouldn't lose your skills or get out of shape or anything!
In my experience (I thought I'd never set foot in the gym again.. came crawling back one year later :rolleyes:) it actually increased my passion for cheer. I mean.. I guess I really missed it. Like the exercise, the friends, and just that feeling cheering gives you. I dunno. That's just my experience but if you really love it you'll probably feel the same way too :)
And if you keep up with tumbling classes, you shouldn't lose your skills or get out of shape or anything!

Worded perfectly! Exactlyyy how I feel! I thought taking the year off would make me less into it and lose my desire to cheer in college or on an open team in the years to come....nopeeee! It just made me miss it even more! Even though I just aged out, it made me reallyyy want to keep doing allstars an open team this year just to keep doing it!
if you love cheeer a lottt, you're definitely going to miss it, but if its something you have to do, put that aside and put yourself first. i did an open team this year and we only had one practice a week so i didn't tumble as much and i lost some of my skills/consistency. i'd definitely make a point to taking tumbling lessons if you can.
When I use to cheer, I took a year off and did nothing. When I say nothing, I really mean nothing lol. Anyway I came back out of shape, but still had everything up to a full. My only problem was landing jumps to tuck. My standing tuck was still high and never changed, but my muscles forgot how to connect a triple toe to a tuck. It took me a while to get my technique back.
I took a year off, and missed it SOOOOSOSOSOSO much. I dont think you will lose alot of skills, but at the time I only had a cartwheel so I wouldnt know. :)

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