Cheer Attitude

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Mar 26, 2013
Cheer Attitude!
Cheerleading is more than a sport... it's a way of life and an attitude. We should be role models for other girls by dressing like ladies, acting like ladies and being kind to others. Don't dress skimpy it sends the wrong message out to other girls that cheerleaders are a bunch of (you know whats). Dress classy and put effort into what you wear incorporate lots of school colors you are a cheerleader you know.

Cheerleaders should always be good sports. When the angry parent is screaming at the ref at the basketball game cheerleaders have to be good sports and be the models of good behavior. Smile and cheer as if the game is going great and your team has it handled. When a ref makes a bad call don't rant about it just spirit and yell "Go (whomever got penalized for wrong reasons)!!!" and you will improve their attitude as well as your own.

I encourage you cheerleaders to take the extra time to be nice to the girl who no one cares about if you do maybe other people will follow because no one deserves to feel un-important. Cheerleaders have the power to be a light to others and make school and the stadium a better place. Never ever bully other girls EVER. That just feeds the myth that cheerleaders are airheads. Be nice to everyone. You might be a cheerleader but that doesn't mean you are better than everyone. So be the best you can be on and off the sidelines. :)

~Alexandria Pavkov

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