All-Star Fierce Photos 2014-2015

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Since it's my daughters gym in question I'll tell what I know.

This is the hair for my daughters gym for every team but Cobras. The level 5 team has a few shoulder sits where the kids push off the girls head for the 1.5 ups which was squashing the poofs. So they decided to do the braid for them. I feel like because of that the others on Cobras don't do their hair as big as the rest of the team and she still does. They will make people with horrific/ no poofs fix it and girls with rat nests fix it. They want everyone to have the same hair. The other girls don't have as much as hair so theirs could not be as big as hers. Even if she toned it down some it would still be massive compared to everyone else. Especially on level 5 since most of them have shorter type hair and hers is extremely long. No one on the team has a problem with her hair and they love it. Our coaches do tell people want they want though and enforce it but when the kids hair on her team is all barely pass shoulders for the most part it won't get or stay that big


Also I may be biased but the hair that gets the most compliments on Cobras in comparison to hers is one of the nicest kids ... His poof is better than all the girls on the other teams lol


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All that hair is real? I thought she (sky) used extensions base on how it looked. My oops.

**Sometimes I ask questions I already know the answer to so I feel smart answering them**
All that hair is real? I thought she (sky) used extensions base on how it looked. My oops.

**Sometimes I ask questions I already know the answer to so I feel smart answering them**

She has short hair

But she has real extensions and they are put in the right way
Not the crap I wrap around my kids ponytail and place in with bobby pins

I also would like to point out though her hair is really big
I believe the reason it stands out so much is because of the unnatural color of it. If it was brown I don't think it would be as much in your face

If you look at the teased portion of the pony the heights aren't much different but because her hair is long and unnatural blonde it stands out more

No one ever says my kids hair is distracting on stage
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Since it's my daughters gym in question I'll tell what I know.

This is the hair for my daughters gym for every team but Cobras. The level 5 team has a few shoulder sits where the kids push off the girls head for the 1.5 ups which was squashing the poofs. So they decided to do the braid for them. I feel like because of that the others on Cobras don't do their hair as big as the rest of the team and she still does. They will make people with horrific/ no poofs fix it and girls with rat nests fix it. They want everyone to have the same hair. The other girls don't have as much as hair so theirs could not be as big as hers. Even if she toned it down some it would still be massive compared to everyone else. Especially on level 5 since most of them have shorter type hair and hers is extremely long. No one on the team has a problem with her hair and they love it. Our coaches do tell people want they want though and enforce it but when the kids hair on her team is all barely pass shoulders for the most part it won't get or stay that big


Also I may be biased but the hair that gets the most compliments on Cobras in comparison to hers is one of the nicest kids ... His poof is better than all the girls on the other teams lol


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What gym are you at again? I can never remember. I just know the uniforms say vipers
I agree she can do it anyway she wants as long as the gym is okay with it. Just a bit too much for me. It makes me want to follow the hair all the while there is a good routine going on I am missing.

**Sometimes I ask questions I already know the answer to so I feel smart answering them**
That's a really good point
I think her hair would stand out regardless of where she is in the routine, lol.

Seriously though, you are right she stands out for being center dancer but IMO the hair is almost distracting it is so big.

**Sometimes I ask questions I already know the answer to so I feel smart answering them**

I know everyone on here hates her hair and I should just let it go but I am up tonight thinking about this...

this is untrue. Her hair doesn't stand our regardless of where she is and if you think that then you would have to know about her hair and be focused on it well before it ever makes it to the front of the dance or even on the routine floor period. So if she wasnt center or front for dance she would not have all these random pics floating around instagram and people really wouldnt know who she is because she would barely be noticed heck even being center for dance if her hair was brown she would likely not be noticed half as much

there is the video and you and anyone else can watch in in 1080p and you better follow her after she comes out on the floor before they start otherwise you will only catch a couple glimpses of her before the dance and if her hair was any other color you would just have fun looking for her the whole time instead.

we are really acting like their hair aint noticed half as much, but no thats not distracting at all.

I know everyone on here hates her hair and I should just let it go but I am up tonight thinking about this...

this is untrue. Her hair doesn't stand our regardless of where she is and if you think that then you would have to know about her hair and be focused on it well before it ever makes it to the front of the dance or even on the routine floor period. So if she wasnt center or front for dance she would not have all these random pics floating around instagram and people really wouldnt know who she is because she would barely be noticed heck even being center for dance if her hair was brown she would likely not be noticed half as much

there is the video and you and anyone else can watch in in 1080p and you better follow her after she comes out on the floor before they start otherwise you will only catch a couple glimpses of her before the dance and if her hair was any other color you would just have fun looking for her the whole time instead.

we are really acting like their hair aint noticed half as much, but no thats not distracting at all.


You may have s point about the color and the way you were talking about the amount of hair she had I thought you were talking about her own natural hair.

The first time I saw RC was from the floor so was hard to see her until up front but if you watch elevated it is more noticeable. At least to me. Then again I've never been a huge big hair fan.

I'm not saying she can't do her hair like that since the coaches are okay with it just my opinion is if is a very noticeable

**Sometimes I ask questions I already know the answer to so I feel smart answering them**
I know everyone on here hates her hair and I should just let it go but I am up tonight thinking about this...

this is untrue. Her hair doesn't stand our regardless of where she is and if you think that then you would have to know about her hair and be focused on it well before it ever makes it to the front of the dance or even on the routine floor period. So if she wasnt center or front for dance she would not have all these random pics floating around instagram and people really wouldnt know who she is because she would barely be noticed heck even being center for dance if her hair was brown she would likely not be noticed half as much

there is the video and you and anyone else can watch in in 1080p and you better follow her after she comes out on the floor before they start otherwise you will only catch a couple glimpses of her before the dance and if her hair was any other color you would just have fun looking for her the whole time instead.

we are really acting like their hair aint noticed half as much, but no thats not distracting at all.


if it makes you feel any better, I think that smoed hair looks like actual rat's nests. it's not an attack on vipers, I just hate it and find it distracting on any team.
Do coaches/owners typically set a standard pony "height"?
Are they allowed to tell an athlete to tone it down?

(non cheerleader here so not a clue of the typical proceedings)
I feel like coaches totally should tell kids to dial if down if they feel it's necessary. After all, kids are representing them and their gyms and every gym has a certain image they want to uphold.
I know at worlds last year the girls on some CA teams were a bright orange tint with massive hair. At their showcase and comps this year I noticed not one of them had a pouf (pony was still teased) and their tans looked natural, and they all looked much much prettier to me. I didn't know if CA had asked them to go easy or anything, but I silently thanked the cheer gods they did.
I feel like coaches totally should tell kids to dial if down if they feel it's necessary. After all, kids are representing them and their gyms and every gym has a certain image they want to uphold.
I know at worlds last year the girls on some CA teams were a bright orange tint with massive hair. At their showcase and comps this year I noticed not one of them had a pouf (pony was still teased) and their tans looked natural, and they all looked much much prettier to me. I didn't know if CA had asked them to go easy or anything, but I silently thanked the cheer gods they did.
i believe CA "banned" the poof (sorry i still cant spell it any other way). i agree i think it looks much better!
New hair rules from USASF for next year.

"An individual will not be permitted to have hair more the 1 inch higher than their bow (Exception: An athlete from one gym may have little bows and if smaller than the average bow, may go 2 inches provided she meets the bow requirements coming out in the next rule vote). For the 2015-16 season, an all-star cheerleader is limited to only one can of hairspray and one set of extensions per performance, which the USASF will measure and if not followed, deduction of one point per additional ounce of hairspray used or one point per extra inch of extension, whichever is greater. An event producer may choose to be more restrictive than the rules above causing more confusion or may choose to not follow any rules at all. In that case, none of this matters AT ALL and they can do what they want (as always). The higher the hair does not make you closer to God and even He can't help you with a dismal performance. You may have better luck not worrying about ginormous hair, get in that gym and sweat those weaves out."
New hair rules from USASF for next year.

"An individual will not be permitted to have hair more the 1 inch higher than their bow (Exception: An athlete from one gym may have little bows and if smaller than the average bow, may go 2 inches provided she meets the bow requirements coming out in the next rule vote). For the 2015-16 season, an all-star cheerleader is limited to only one can of hairspray and one set of extensions per performance, which the USASF will measure and if not followed, deduction of one point per additional ounce of hairspray used or one point per extra inch of extension, whichever is greater. An event producer may choose to be more restrictive than the rules above causing more confusion or may choose to not follow any rules at all. In that case, none of this matters AT ALL and they can do what they want (as always). The higher the hair does not make you closer to God and even He can't help you with a dismal performance. You may have better luck not worrying about ginormous hair, get in that gym and sweat those weaves out."
Haha, I thought this was serious at first and I actually got really excited lol.
Re: hair, to me, the most important thing is uniformity across the squad - if you want a huge 8 inch high poof and a huge pony tail that's 20 inches long and 15 inches high, that's fine, but make sure every female on the squad has that - ones w/ short hair get a hair-piece fake ponytail, or better yet, make everyone get the same hair-piece fake pony-tail so everyone's hair is identical.

To me a big part of cheer is uniformity among the squad - they are wearing uniforms so they all look the same, the same shoes and socks, they are judged on if they jump together, tumble together, how the pyramid is timed together, etc., and then you got all these kids doing crazy/different things w/ their hair (kids with crazy short bobs, kids w/ streaks of purple and blue, etc.) so they can "stand out"? It just goes against the spirit of cheerleading if you ask me.

Same deal w/ make-up. Do a class where the whole team learns the right way to do it and ensure that they all did it right when they show up for check-in - and the coach tell them to go fix themselves if they are not in line w/ the rules.

CP's gym is a big offender of this and it drives me crazy (maybe it's my dance background ;)) - the beginning of the year info says the hair/makeup is supposed to be no poof w/ a straight pony tail, uniform matching glitter on the eyelids, a certain color of lipstick, etc. Then we show up at the comp and third of the kids have poofs (all of varying degrees), huge teased out curtly pony tails, a third have braids, and only some actually listened to the rule - and don't get me started about the makeup discrepancies. Lol.

I doubt the judges take off points for this, but I really think it detracts from the overall impression of the routine. If I ever owned a cheer place, or if I was a judge, I would be a stickler for this type of thing big time.

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