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My cp is 11 and in middle school. When she is older and if she is still cheering, and is good enough to make a well known team, I would consider a long drive because I would know the motivation to be on a team of that caliber was coming from within her. At this point though anything more than 30 minutes is too far.
I commute 15-18 hours/week with train. Doesn't seem a lot compared to what some people been posting here about, but I couldn't commute any further than that!
I think it would be awesome to get to be able to fly to whatever state to be on your dream team, but I think after awhile it would be a little tiring.

But then again, it's probably worth it. I wanted to go seven hours (by car) away for college so I could be on the team that I always wanted to be on but my parents thought it was too much :( I envy all of you who get opportunities like this.
I saw on twitter that a girl had to fly into Oklahoma and then drive 3 hours to Dallas for Cheer Athletics. Its crazy but if I had the money and my CP was good enough I would totally do it. You would think that after the 3 hour drive, she would be too tired to even practice. I know its a dream of so many kids and only so many get a chance to try and fulfill their dreams. Kudos to the kids that can do this, and pull it off!!
Thats what I was thinking when I saw it, but I have no clue.
A couple possible scenarios:
1. had family or friends in OK to stay with/pick her up from airport/keep her car
2. flew Southwest airlines, which doesn't fly directly into Dallas unless its from one state away (you'd have to fly from another state to OK or LA and then into Dallas)
3. It was cheaper to fly into OK and drive

Don't know if it was any of those reasons for her, but just throwing out some possibilities
There was a guy on cheerforce nfinity that lived in the Tampa area that used to fly out like once a month if Im not mistaken...ok Im sorry thats nuts why would anyones parents let them fly out weekly to cheer..I mean I get that you want to cheer on a worlds contender team but still thats nutzo.

Yah that would be me. I did it mainly because I became very close to the staff at Cheerforce (so cal outlawz) and I learned most from cheer that winning titles isn't what it's all about. The journey with your friends and family's in the gym are most important and when I would fly twice a month from Florida to California for practices, I felt like I was at home every time. I'm very loyal to my gym, and programs like Top Gun and Brandon, in Florida (NO OFFENSE) just weren't for me.
That cheerleader moved to San Diego and is now a coach at Cheerforce. I must say we are very lucky to have him cus he is an amazing coach that the kids love and I enjoy watching him on Nfinity. :starwars:

Thank you so much for your support, I couldn't be happier here at Cheerforce San Diego!

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