All-Star Help Strengthening Hip Flexors For Jumps

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Apr 11, 2011
I read this. My girls tried it & could barely keep their leg up for 5 sec. on each side. They are already flexible. So, I'd like different ideas to help them strengthen their hip flexors to improve their jumps.
Thanks! :)

"It is important to strengthen the hip flexor. Have them hold a T motion and hold each leg out as high as they can (Like a toe touch on one leg) See how high they can hold it for 30 sec. Usually people who struggle with jumps cant hold their leg very high or very long. Doing this over and over again will strengthen the muscle and help. "
Here are two drills that should improve your toe touches. Sometimes tightness in the glutes and lower back prevent an athlete from demonstrating their full range of motion while performing a toe touch. These two drills will improve range of motion, strength, and endurance in order to execute your touches correctly multiple times in a row. Striders to Runner Pose

Step 1
Start in the plank position – or the push-up position – with your hands under your shoulders and your legs extended out.
Step 2
Lift one knee to your chest and keep your other leg extended straight out behind you with your toe on the floor and your heel lifted into the air.
Step 3
Rest your chest on your thigh and keep your head up with your eyes facing in front of you.
Step 4
Keep your knee over your ankle and extend your straightened arms to the ground, locking your elbows and putting the fingertips on the ground.
Step 5
Hold the pose, driving your back heel to the ground and your front thigh forward.

Step 6
Return to Plank
Step 7
Step your other leg forward
Step 8
Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

Striders to Runner Pose

Stride To Runner Pose Front
Glute Stretch

Slide the right knee forward toward your right hand. Angle your right knee at two o’clock.
At the same time slide your left leg back as far as your hips will allow.
Keep your hips square to the floor. If your hips are not square, there will be unnecessary force on your back, and you won’t be able to open the hips to their fullest.
If you’re not feeling a deep stretch in your right glute, slide the right foot forward–little by little–toward your left hand. With practice, bring your foot parallel with the front edge of your mat
Your right thigh should have an external rotation, and your left thigh should have a slight internal rotation. This keeps pressure off the knee cap.
Depending on how you feel; you will be upright on your hands while sinking the hips forward and down. Level two will rest on their forearms, and level three will rest the chest on the floor with the arms fully extended in front of you.
Repeat steps for your other leg.
Step 11
This is a rapid and rhythmic shift that is repeated for the required number of repetitions.


Glute Stretch
Sit in a straddle with back straight. put your hands flat on floor, right next to the inside knees. Then simply lift your legs up and down (we do 50), you can also do small circles.

Sit in a pike position, with a straight back, put your hands flat down, right next to the outside of your knees and simply lift your legs up and down.

You want to do as many in a row as you can without letting your feet touch the ground.

Its important to not lean back while doing these. Using perfect posture will help to put more stress (good stress) on your hips.


Here is another drill.

Get a chair or any kind of equipment that is about knee or hip height. Stand with your arms on your hips, facing the 'chair'. Hover 1 leg (straight leg) over the 'chair', and simply lift your leg up and down, we do 50 of these on each leg.
Then Turn around so the 'chair' is behind you. Hover 1 leg (straight leg) over the chair, almost like you're doing an arabesque, and do leg lifts, we do 50 on each leg.

Do as many as you can without your foot touching the 'chair' and also keep your chest up to target the right muscles and tendons.

Both of these drills also help to build muscle needed to make lifting your legs easier. Really good for flyers, especially the ones who are flexible but struggle holding or doing body lines.
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Sit in a straddle with back straight. put your hands flat on floor, right next to the inside knees. Then simply lift your legs up and down (we do 50), you can also do small circles.

Sit in a pike position, with a straight back, put your hands flat down, right next to the outside of your knees and simply lift your legs up and down.

You want to do as many in a row as you can without letting your feet touch the ground.

Its important to not lean back while doing these. Using perfect posture will help to put more stress (good stress) on your hips.


Here is another drill.

Get a chair or any kind of equipment that is about knee or hip height. Stand with your arms on your hips, facing the 'chair'. Hover 1 leg (straight leg) over the 'chair', and simply lift your leg up and down, we do 50 of these on each leg.
Then Turn around so the 'chair' is behind you. Hover 1 leg (straight leg) over the chair, almost like you're doing an arabesque, and do leg lifts, we do 50 on each leg.

Do as many as you can without your foot touching the 'chair' and also keep your chest up to target the right muscles and tendons.

Both of these drills also help to build muscle needed to make lifting your legs easier. Really good for flyers, especially the ones who are flexible but struggle holding or doing body lines.
Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. Both of my girls are extremely flexible, but their hip flexors are weak! This is perfect! :)

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