All-Star Little Fish Big Sea Vs Big Fish Little Sea

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@Kris10boo From what you have said about your cp, she seems pretty advance for her age. She started cheer at 5, with no skills and exactly 1 year later, she is a soild level 2. If she keeps going like that, she has a possibility to have level 5 before she hits double digits. I know on another thread, you said your cp has the skills she has because she pushed herself to get them. I believe she would progress and could be a stand out at any size gym because she works hard, in fact, it might make her push herself harder, because she sees kids her age or kids a little older than her with advance skills. And FYI, I don't think you are one of those crazy moms who pushes her daughter to be in a sport that she hates or doesn't have fun in. ;)

I agree with this.
@Kris10boo My cp was the same....started at 5, had a BHS in two months and had her running tuck at 6. She's 8 and as of last Saturday is working her double. We are at a small gym and she does stand out at times, but that isn't a motivating factor. And if we were at a larger gym where she either did or did not stand out, I wouldn't necessarily want her pushing herself because other people were better. That's just my thing though, I'm really hung up on personal achievements vs comparative ones.
I can understand your concerns, but when it comes down to it, you'll end up visiting all gyms you're considering and finding the best fit. If it turns out after a season, it's not the feel you're looking for ,you can go elsewhere.
I want to add that each year that goes by is a learning experience and my feelings and opinions on certain things change and evolve, but everything that has happened, I wouldn't's all happened for a reason, ya know? Good luck!
I honestly think much of this is a personal preference. Obviously, the uber-driven kid who wants to get their full by the time they're in elementary school and be on a worlds team at 12 isn't going to be satisfied at the small gym on the corner. Other kids (and families) are perfectly content to stay at that small gym.

I think we luck out in that the gym my cp attends is fairly big, but not so big that she gets lost in the shuffle. While she's one of the top tumblers on her mini 2 team this year, she knows that next year when she moves up to youth she'll have to work hard just to be in the middle of the pack. (which is why she's obsessed with getting her tuck and front punch now) And as our level 5 team emerges, there are really talented older girls which she can emulate. To me, it's the best of both worlds.
@Kris10boo From what you have said about your cp, she seems pretty advance for her age. She started cheer at 5, with no skills and exactly 1 year later, she is a soild level 2. If she keeps going like that, she has a possibility to have level 5 before she hits double digits. I know on another thread, you said your cp has the skills she has because she pushed herself to get them. I believe she would progress and could be a stand out at any size gym because she works hard, in fact, it might make her push herself harder, because she sees kids her age or kids a little older than her with advance skills. And FYI, I don't think you are one of those crazy moms who pushes her daughter to be in a sport that she hates or doesn't have fun in. ;)

Aw thanks I guess it's more my nerves because I know nothing about a large gym. Yes we have people at our gym who has full's and doubles, in fact most of our coaches cheer at APSU because the owners coach them too. It's just kind of scary and I want to make sure my daughter is still happy. Although I talked to her about it she is still 6 and doesn't know what to expect either. She also told me she wanted to cheer at that particular gym because in their music they had a Justin Bieber song...(had to let her know that's not going to happen every year & that should not decide where you want to cheer at) haha

I'm really proud of her but I wouldn't say that's all a gift or talent .. I know she works hard and puts in so many hours outside of the gym on the mats at the house just trying to get it right. Sometimes I feel she is working to hard and I have to tell her to take breaks. The exact words that come out of her mouth is "if I don't keep trying I won't get good at it"- I have to then say you have 3 hours of practice tonight you have plenty of time. Lol Then five minutes later I hear her tumbling again.. So it's not like I can say no don't tumble!

But thank you for your kind words I really appreciate it and I'm looking forward to the move next season!
I agree with this.
@Kris10boo My cp was the same....started at 5, had a BHS in two months and had her running tuck at 6. She's 8 and as of last Saturday is working her double. We are at a small gym and she does stand out at times, but that isn't a motivating factor. And if we were at a larger gym where she either did or did not stand out, I wouldn't necessarily want her pushing herself because other people were better. That's just my thing though, I'm really hung up on personal achievements vs comparative ones.
I can understand your concerns, but when it comes down to it, you'll end up visiting all gyms you're considering and finding the best fit. If it turns out after a season, it's not the feel you're looking for ,you can go elsewhere.

Wow that's awesome at 8 and working doubles I'm sure she is amazing!

Thank you... also I will be visiting the two gyms your already aware of when I go down there and hopefully we pick the right place the first time but if not we can always finish that season and move on the next. I'm scared of the bigger gym because that's not what my CP is use too. She asked me the other day why all the kids at her gym treat her like a princess. (she is referring to the older kids on her youth2 team) I laughed but had to explain to her why but I didn't want to say well it's because you can do skill XYZ. So I had to come up with clever reasoning because all though my daughter isn't like stuck up I have heard her tell people .."well I can tumble better then so and so" which may be true but I don't want her to get to thinking that's how it is everywhere. Also I'm with you I want too see her progress if she can and though I'm happy when others accomplish what they have been working on. I want to see her happy, because that's ultimately why we do this in the first place!
I think it all depends on what you want to do in your cheer career, if you doing it for fun, a small gym would seem best. But if your competitive, a big gym seems necassary. I'm at a big gym, and i still have lots of fun! So i understand an argument to this.
Aw thanks I guess it's more my nerves because I know nothing about a large gym. Yes we have people at our gym who has full's and doubles, in fact most of our coaches cheer at APSU because the owners coach them too. It's just kind of scary and I want to make sure my daughter is still happy. Although I talked to her about it she is still 6 and doesn't know what to expect either. She also told me she wanted to cheer at that particular gym because in their music they had a Justin Bieber song...(had to let her know that's not going to happen every year & that should not decide where you want to cheer at) haha

I'm really proud of her but I wouldn't say that's all a gift or talent .. I know she works hard and puts in so many hours outside of the gym on the mats at the house just trying to get it right. Sometimes I feel she is working to hard and I have to tell her to take breaks. The exact words that come out of her mouth is "if I don't keep trying I won't get good at it"- I have to then say you have 3 hours of practice tonight you have plenty of time. Lol Then five minutes later I hear her tumbling again.. So it's not like I can say no don't tumble!

But thank you for your kind words I really appreciate it and I'm looking forward to the move next season!
Your CP sounds like she can read social situations pretty well for a 6 year old. I think if you have a conversation with her and explain that things might be different at a bigger gym with more kids she will understand, even if she won't always feel great about not being the 'princess' any more. But being on a team with more kids the same age will give her the opportunity to have a more equal social environment and that's going to be a lot of fun. I think you might be just a wee bit anxious about the move and wanting the best for your little one, from all your posts I've read you seem to have a great relationship with your daughter, you're a great mom and I think it's going to work out just fine. Cheer is just cheer, but having your mom cheer for you is the best :D
Your CP sounds like she can read social situations pretty well for a 6 year old. I think if you have a conversation with her and explain that things might be different at a bigger gym with more kids she will understand, even if she won't always feel great about not being the 'princess' any more. But being on a team with more kids the same age will give her the opportunity to have a more equal social environment and that's going to be a lot of fun. I think you might be just a wee bit anxious about the move and wanting the best for your little one, from all your posts I've read you seem to have a great relationship with your daughter, you're a great mom and I think it's going to work out just fine. Cheer is just cheer, but having your mom cheer for you is the best :D

Wow you really just made my night. Like I have no words (which is odd I usually have a lot to say)! I think wherever we end up she will be able to adjust- it probably is me more then anything that will have the hard time. I mean I'd pay for my CP's gym to move down their with me if I could because although it is kind of small it's so perfect!

& I'm not married and I'm not looking so I think with all the free time that's only me and her and all the time we spend at cheer together makes us so strong as a family. I will never date because i don't have time! I'll just keep being her biggest fan! I really love my little girl!!
(sorry I just went on about that for a second she just left tonight to go out of town with her dad and I won't see her till Wednesday so I'm missing her)
i enjoyed being looked at my small gym and an awesome flyer, always getting compliments, but i knew that i was just average for my level. when i was at the large gym, i was just another flyer, which i was also okay with because it gave me something to compete for. i would think to myself that i want to earn the compliments, and that made me push myself farther. at the small gym, they praised me on how well i did, that i kind of reached my limit, i had nothing to work for any longer. so i would prefer a big gym, so i can push myself to exceed more.
She knows and she sees videos of my daughter on Facebook. That's the only place she sees things and videos of my daughter. For real it made me cry like your doubting my child. I just want her to be the best at what she does for herself she doesn't have to be better then anyone else.

When you made the choice to put your daughter, your 6 YEAR OLD daughter, out there like that, you gave up the right to have feelings about what others think about it.

Further, why would you cry if someone doubts your child? Another person's doubt is completely irrelevant. Plus, it's a fabulous motivator. But it would be a motivator for your child, not for you. Therefore, if she's not hearing people's doubts, then go right ahead and ignore the doubter and keep right on being proud. Problem is, you rely on other's warm fuzzies too much. Form your own opinion about your child's skills and abilities and teach her to be proud of her own skills.
Gotta agree with @Mamarazzi on this one. You can't exactly make the videos available to the public and then say you're crying because of what someone thinks of them; either don't let people see them, or stop worrying about what they think. As for you "not talking to her like that", if she's your coworker I can only imagine how much she's heard about your daughter. I know a LOT about your daughter, and I've only seen you on here. And you can't exactly come on here and ask for advice and then flip out because you don't like the advice you're given - just because you didn't like what @tucknduck had to DID post a question, and you got an answer.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's coming from a better place than it sounds.
Little Fish Big Sea Vs Big Fish Little, this has always been a struggle for me!!! We love our small gym and they are our family!! Our little cheer family means the world to my daughter and our whole family. I am so proud of my CP being at a small gym and staying ahead on her skills, she has learned her double, standing full, and specialty combos to fulls and working them to doubles, now landing most. She says it is hard not seeing others do them since she is a visual learner, but I have watched her really try hard and our coaches give her the push and training she needed to achieve this. I feel she has the talent to make some of the best level 5 teams in the country, but her goal is to get her team to the level to go to Worlds and make her team a household gym name. She is respected and known by many members of the "BIG" gyms and their coaches. So I must say to have my small gym child recognized and spoken to by her name from a coach of one of the gyms they claim you are just a number.....hmmmmm I'll take it.

i love a small gym. I know every single person that walks into the gym & im usually the first person to say "hey" to someone whos new in the gym because i cant stand not knowing who someone is. now cheering in a large gym is OVERWHELMING i went from 1 team at a time practicing in one gym 7 teams practicing at a time.
When you made the choice to put your daughter, your 6 YEAR OLD daughter, out there like that, you gave up the right to have feelings about what others think about it.

Further, why would you cry if someone doubts your child? Another person's doubt is completely irrelevant. Plus, it's a fabulous motivator. But it would be a motivator for your child, not for you. Therefore, if she's not hearing people's doubts, then go right ahead and ignore the doubter and keep right on being proud. Problem is, you rely on other's warm fuzzies too much. Form your own opinion about your child's skills and abilities and teach her to be proud of her own skills.

It's not I was relying on them to say good things I just don't agree with people thinking that she isn't having fun. I asked a question about how it is and the atmosphere change for my child is more so what I was looking for. Not a personal attack on me and
my daughter cheering and what skill she has mean she isn't having fun because I care about how she is doing.
Gotta agree with @Mamarazzi on this one. You can't exactly make the videos available to the public and then say you're crying because of what someone thinks of them; either don't let people see them, or stop worrying about what they think. As for you "not talking to her like that", if she's your coworker I can only imagine how much she's heard about your daughter. I know a LOT about your daughter, and I've only seen you on here. And you can't exactly come on here and ask for advice and then flip out because you don't like the advice you're given - just because you didn't like what @tucknduck had to DID post a question, and you got an answer.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's coming from a better place than it sounds.

Also in regards to the other post I just wrote back to mamarazzi. As far as me getting upset about what my co worker said probably has to do with me being an emotional person in general. You probably do know more about me then my co worker does we have close to 700 employees and I really only know some names not faces so yes I do put a lot on here because I feel like some people can help me. Hey I don't know everything. A lot of the people on here are really nice and I look forward to getting on here and hearing other peoples accomplishments and what others have to say about cheer.

Sorry I wrote both of these and I'm on my 15 minute break so these 2 posts aren't real though out. So I do apologize! Lol

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