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I normally watch TLC in the mornings when I'm home. Decided I'm avoiding the channel all week in case they decide to play re-runs of "cheer imperfection". I need to go flush my brain out with some worlds videos or something. Ugg.
I'm having the hardest time finding a job. :( No one wants to hire a teenager.
I applied at 27 places. Yes I kept count... But about two months ago I went into my favorite store, dressed like I just got out of bed since I just finished with exams and they told me they were hiring and bam! I got a job just like that not even expecting it!
Just keep trying and keep your head up high! :)
I'm having the hardest time finding a job. :( No one wants to hire a teenager.

Running into this problem too. I was hoping to save up money that I wouldn't have to maintain a job, school, and cheer during my first year of college, but that's looking highly unlikely.
TinyBlondie15 maybe is it gluten issue?

Maybe... My diet consists of pretty much all bread/bread related products and has since I was little (super picky eater :p). I just started Nexium today since I went to the doctor's yesterday (Conclusion: Still no idea exactly what it is and doctor doesn't think a scope is necessary). We'll see how this goes.

On another note, talked to him today. In person after waking him up by calling him. We realized we expected different things when we were together and that my feelings for him went deeper than his for me. He said "I wish it wasn't true but unfortunately it is." about his feelings. He still cares about me and he knows I care about him and he hates seeing me like this. I yelled at him and he was taken aback because I NEVER, not once, ever yelled at him. He said he misses me too but he just doesn't have the same feelings for me as I do him. I would go into more but I just feel like I'm gonna cry while writing this so in conclusion, we're friends but it's rough.
On another note, talked to him today. In person after waking him up by calling him. We realized we expected different things when we were together and that my feelings for him went deeper than his for me. He said "I wish it wasn't true but unfortunately it is." about his feelings. He still cares about me and he knows I care about him and he hates seeing me like this. I yelled at him and he was taken aback because I NEVER, not once, ever yelled at him. He said he misses me too but he just doesn't have the same feelings for me as I do him. I would go into more but I just feel like I'm gonna cry while writing this so in conclusion, we're friends but it's rough.
I know you've heard this a lot and it's probably not what you want to hear but really just get over him, girlfriend. Don't talk to him and eventually it WILL be okay. I feel bad for you just reading your posts. You don't deserve a boy who doesn't appreciate you back.
I know you've heard this a lot and it's probably not what you want to hear but really just get over him, girlfriend. Don't talk to him and eventually it WILL be okay. I feel bad for you just reading your posts. You don't deserve a boy who doesn't appreciate you back.

Thank you. It's just all been so confusing. It's just hard to cut someone out of your life that you were with for 2 years. We both know it's time to move on but it's gonna be hard because school is starting up and we have a lot of the same classes. We've agreed to be friends because we know each other better than anyone else. He still cares about me but it still hurts.
ugh im so confused i have to take a liberal studies class next year and i have no idea which one to take because they have to fit into our curriculum and none of the ones im interested in are being offered first semester which is when i have to take it :banghead:
Job hunting is killing me... I interviews to be a graphic designer at a company that owns a ton of college campus properties and a law firm in down town Austin the other day. Fingers crossed and prayers would be appreciated.

Side note: just to update y'all things with my parents have gotten somewhat better. I am still living with them and they have gotten warmer to me since coming out since I am their son. We still have a long way to go with everything, if they ever do even accept that part of my life.

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