OT Passive Aggressive Bullying...

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Cheer Parent
Feb 18, 2011
So, CP has an interesting sort of problem. It all started about a year ago. We were due to move into a new neighborhood. One of the girls in CP's class, let's call her Jenny, lives there as well. So of course she is all excited since we lived in the country, and now she would have friends to play with. Well, there is another girl the same age in the neighborhood, "Annie". Annie doesn't go to the same school as CP and Jenny, but cheers at the same gym (different team) as CP. Annie will be going to the same school as CP and Jenny the next school year though. Jenny tells CP one day at school that Annie has been talking about her. CP gets excited because Annie is talking about her. This is how naive and sheltered CP is that she thinks Jenny was trying to tell her Annie was saying nice things about her. I know that Annie wouldn't have even been talking about her regardless because her and CP had NO idea who the other one was. They didn't meet until after we moved in. Anyway, so that is my first inkling that there is going to be trouble because I have one kid making stuff up and we haven't even moved in yet. We move in, everything is ok for about a week. I find out Jenny is causing a lot of trouble at school for CP, making stuff up, talking about her to other children, and just blatantly embarassing her. The gym has tryouts shortly thereafter, and CP and Annie get placed on the same team for this season. However, on the first night of practice I see Annie and Jenny on the trampoline in Annie's yard, and I holler over that she has practice and needs to get to the gym. Jenny yells back that Annie isn't going to cheer because she wants to spend more time with *her*. It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that there are major problems here. Over the summer there would be lots of not including CP, or if Annie was at our house, Jenny would come over and tell Annie that her dad wants her and they would run to her house to play. Childish stuff. I had to tell CP that only one kid was allowed over at a time- not both. And this is where it gets interesting.... so at the end of summer Jenny tells me her mom is signing her up for a half year team at the gym. I think "hey, great, let me tell her mom who is selling their used uni so she doesn' t have to pay full price!". Call mom, and she says no way! Jenny wants to do it, but with her four year old brother and disabled 2 year old sister it just isn't possible. No problem. So, now Jenny isn't going to do it. NBD. Long story short Annie gets brought back to CP's team and now Jenny is in full-force mean mode towards CP. I do feel bad for the kid because she really, really wants to join the gym, but her parents can't let her. I went to CP's school the other day and Jenny was wearing one of our gym's blinged out stretchy headbands. Now though, she is driving a wedge not just between Annie & CP, but between CP and her teammates that they go to school with. I just don't know what to tell her. CP is too meek to confront anybody, and I certainly can't tell her how *I* would handle the situation. I feel like I can only offer up PC lame solutions. I completely get that Jenny and Annie have been friends since they were in diapers, and CP understands that too. She is just really getting upset that she is becoming the target here and hasn't done anything. She is NOT the vindictive, catty type at all. She doesn't talk badly about people, tries to find the good in them, etc. One night she did say to me "mommy, I just don't understand it. I think, I'm just going to have to start being mean back". Of course I told her that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, yada yada yada. To be honest this kid is infiltrating my daughter's life and one of my biggest fears is that her parents relent and let her join the gym. I think my CP would die a little inside if she had to deal with this kid constantly rubbing stuff in her face like inviting half the team for sleepovers, but not CP (this kid is that type...). What would you all do?
I hate that CP's have to grow up.......I always tried to make my CPs be the bigger person, be the nice one and Im so sick of mean people, I wish I wouldve just focused on them sticking up for themselves, you dont have to be mean to do this, but sadly she'll run into this her entire life. Some people are jealous and mean and you have to be honest with your CP. She hasnt done anything wrong so she cant change her behavior or theirs, she can just change the way she reacts to it. You teach people how to treat you and sadly your feelings get hurt a lot younger these days. You can tell her how *you* would handle it, it will make her feel better to know what you did if this happened to you when you were her age.

Self Confidence and self respect is the best medicine. Ugh this kills me......
This makes my heart hurt for you and your baby. Both of my girls (now 20 and 18) have both said on more than one occasion "I can't stand girls!". Boys get mad, maybe push each other around a little and five minutes later are fine, no lingering angst. Girls can be vindictive little snakes in the grass. Allstarobsession may have hit it right on the head that Jenny is dying for attention. However, my concern is she may be jealous of your cp over cheer and may feel her friendship with Annie is in danger now that your cp is also annie's friend. A threesome of girls rarely works, especially in elementary and middle school. I am guessing these girls are 5th or 6th grade?
I would love to have a solution but my only advice is be honest with your daughter about how some friendships aren't healthy and try to limit her exposure to Jenny. I know this is easier said than done, but try to search out other friendships to encourage, are there some girls at the gym that don't live too far away? Good luck, I know how hard it is to see your child being hurt and feeling virtually helpless to stop it.
How old are they?

Not to defend Jenny (or is it Annie) but it seems like being at home with a 4 yr old sibling and a 2 yr old disable sibling, she isn't get enough attention and is lashing out on others. She may feel like (esp depending on how long she was an only child) that the dynamics at home are changing, she can't do certain activities her friends are doing because of these siblings (thats how a kid would view it) and now new girl is coming along and taking away the friend she has had since she was a baby. She might be trying to cling to some normalcy and feel that your CP is infringing upon it.

Sounds like Jenny might be going thru a difficult time.

I personally (I don't have kids but I do have a sister that is 9 years younger and a 6 year old niece) would try different approaches....

1. Tell CP that everyone isn't your friend and everyone isn't going to be your friend....and she should just leave Jenny and Annie alone...there are other .....friends in the sea.

2. Talk to Jenny's mom and say hey, our daughters aren't getting along, I'd hate for them to have the option of growing up together in this neighborhood and not being able to play together....

(side note, in my neighborhood, I don't know what was in the water, but 17 years ago my mom and 2 of our neighbors ended up being pregnant at the same time and all of these girls were born back to back (Twin girls-December, another girl January, and my sister in February).....they never played together, never talked, don't associate at school...I always thought it was weird because they could have been really good friends....my sister and the twins were friendly and they'd come over once in a blue moon...but the girl born in January was destined to be a hater, and when another girl the same age moved in while they were in Middle School they attempted to "tease" my sister out of jealousy...but my sister never cared)


3. Let your CP, Jenny and Annie have a sleep over...all together. Don't keep those seperate play dates..include everyone. It might start of like World War III....but I've found that if you leave kids alone they'll fix the problem themselves....or get over it and no longer have interest in one another.
I think that Jenny is jealous of CP. She's jealous that Annie has a new friend and now has to split her attention between the two of them and she's jealous because CP is a cheerleader and she isn't, and she probably feels like Annie will like her more because of that.
With a 4 year old sister and a 2 year old with a disability I can assure you Jenny gets VERY little attention at home. That's the root of this whole problem. I promise.

Jenny needs help you may not be in a position to give. Your daughter, however is in great need of your help. Jenny is a bully and very aggressive, I can definitely see her behavior escalating if she gets the reaction she is seeking. I'm sure there are effective ways to deal with this child.
I'm going to google (bc google is your best friend lol). If I find anything I'll share!

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