All-Star Stealing Choreography?

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That's exactly what I do also!! I was so excited to use a section of Orlando Sr 5's pyramid from last year on a sr 4 team. So obviously it couldnt have been the same thing. But i love what i did with it

How exciting we inspired someone! :) We have a new pyramid for worlds, which I think is pretty cool! Its a little different than what I have seen before.
Have you ever seen this happen where a team "steals" another teams choreography? Is it common? Has your gym ever said no to putting videos on youtube, etc because the choreography might get stolen?

I have seen it happen a few times, but overall I think you see more sections used than whole routines. That seems to be a common practice in the cheer world. If the section is tweaked to be different than what was copied then ok but when it is the exact same thing it hits me a little differently. A few years ago I worked a competition where a team had taken the music and routine off youtube from my old gym's teams and competed it. Even had our teams voiceovers still in the music. That gym purposefully did not put up vidoes back then until the end of the year for concern of the same thing. Even though it was an old routine it was very odd to see that on the floor knowing where the routine came from and how they got it.
In that case it was a program that didn't have the money to bring in choreographers so they did what they knew. Pulled a routine off youtube that they liked and did that.

It is a tough call either way on the you tube thing. For some gyms it is a competitive advantage not to put their routines out openly - with all of the scouting of competition that is done by parents, athletes and coaches it is good sometimes to be the unknown gym coming into a competition. For others putting their routines out there has built their fan base and increased their brand in the industry. Neither approach is wrong IMHO, just the preference of that particular gym. Personally speaking only I have issues when people dont get credit for what they do and someone else gets or takes the credit and accolades - and that is in every area not just cheer - so I have never embraced the imitation is the finest form of flattery concept.
I can really only comment on the situation that affected my CP's gym, although it's obviously not her specific team. I personally was frustrated with the fact that we, as parents, do pay a choreography fee each season and pay to have one of the best of the best in the industry (Wes Haley). Now, we know that Wes isn't doing choreography for any high school teams and would never duplicate that choreography if he was, so it's frustrating that a team (or their choreographer) would knowingly steal another choreographer's work, something that we families paid for.

Legacy's dance was also stolen by the owner of another local all star gym and she proceeded to sell it as her own choreography to an area high school!
I was watching HS States (Florida) online a few months back, and there was a HS team that pretty much used Panther's music to their routine. I can't remember who they were but when I caught myself singing along..I was like...WAIT that is Panther's music. It was not a local team from my area - I can research and see If can figure out who it was and if there is anything posted online from them.
I get inspiration from music! I redid ICE Passion (lg coed 4) and ICE Freeze (sm. coed 4) **(except dances) this season b/c the previous choreographers did such an insufficient job! I don't just present a showcase of skills but an overall performance worth watching. Doesn't matter if its High school or Allstar. Something I would want to watch. :) If interested, contact me!!
We aren't allowed to post any videos due to this reason. Our first year or so, one of the teams we went against used our stunt sequence exactly, but backwards. Using all the hand motions too.
Yes! It happened to UA Legacy. A high school team from Indiana copied their dance, music, voiceovers, everything from the last 30 seconds of their routine.

Legacy: (start watching at 2:06)
High School Team: (start watching at 1:59)

Wow, that literally is the exact same dance! I've seen sections of routines, which I think is normal, but this is kinda least they stole a pretty cool dance!
Yes, it happened at the gym I was at in the past. Our coach had got a coach from another gym to choreograph our dance, and one of my teammates ended up coming across the exact same dance from Columbus High School (AAA GHSA 2008 State Champions) on YouTube. we ended up finding out 2 weeks before competition, and got new dance choreography in time to compete!
This happens I am sure a lot, I think it's flattering when you see a team use something that you may have had the previous year. I do however find it wrong when the team uses something from your current routine in theirs during the same competition season. I know a team that has now put a piece of our stunts that we have had all season in their current routine......kinda annoying.....
georgia high school cheerleading is the worse, way to many teams coaches steal music from allstar teams, voiceovers and everything, but i feel this happens a lot more in high school.
These teams, did NOT do this, but this is just an example of the choreographer giving teams the same routine for the most part.
Northwestern Varsity-
Obviously a lot is the same, but if you watch the dance it's literally just the same.
Now as i understand the choreographer was the same person, and did this because he KNEW the teams would not be competeting against each other, but still I would feel weird thinking that some other team had the same routine we did, just slightly different.
A german team stole the whole CEA SE dance last year, as far as I've heard... didn't see it though.
There are usually a few cases of it at UCA (high school) competitions each year. A few years ago there was a high school team at UCA Nationals that did the Fashionista dance. I'm not talking just the music I mean the entire dance that stars did. I want to say it was 2009. It just looks bad on their choreographer and coach. 9 times out of 10 the athletes have no say in what their routine looks like, but if those athletes had any part in putting it together they are to blame just as much as anyone else.

As far as just using the music cut, while the gym originally paid for that music, until the music mixers start paying the artists and their labels for using their music there isn't much to argue about.

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