OT Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle

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Dec 27, 2010
I really want to start eating better and working out more. Especially being in college, I have definitely put on a few pounds. I just want to be healthy and fit! I find myself eating healthy breakfasts and lunches but pigging out by dinner because I'm so hungry. Also, how can I stay motivated and get off my butt to go to the gym?

I'm sure other people could benefit from these tips so I figured it would be a fun thread to start!
I really want to start eating better and working out more. Especially being in college, I have definitely put on a few pounds. I just want to be healthy and fit! I find myself eating healthy breakfasts and lunches but pigging out by dinner because I'm so hungry. Also, how can I stay motivated and get off my butt to go to the gym?

I'm sure other people could benefit from these tips so I figured it would be a fun thread to start!
You might try adding a healthy snack in between breakfast-lunch and lunch-dinner. Almonds, a protein bar, low fat dairy, peanut butter and a couple of whole grain crackers are all easy to bring with you so you have it when you're hungry.

As for working out, you have up find something easy to stick with that you will do consistently. I started doing P90x3 in July and its been great. Only 30 minutes a day, so I manage to make the time for it. If you make your workout too hard or unrealistic to do its easier to stop or skip it.

One more suggestion - increase your water intake. You'd be amazed at what a difference that makes.
I really want to start eating better and working out more. Especially being in college, I have definitely put on a few pounds. I just want to be healthy and fit! I find myself eating healthy breakfasts and lunches but pigging out by dinner because I'm so hungry. Also, how can I stay motivated and get off my butt to go to the gym?

I'm sure other people could benefit from these tips so I figured it would be a fun thread to start!

When I was in school, I always found it easier to workout in the morning before my classes if I had time. If I did it at night I was exhausted and so bogged down with homework that it was impossible to bring myself to do.

As for eating better, that's was always the HARDEST thing for me to control in school - especially around the end of the semester. Dining hall food was gross and it was hard to know what you're actually eating. Stress eating happens. Late night ice cream/snack runs happen. Vending machines are taunting. Alcohol has a lot of calories and just makes you crave the most unhealthy foods. But @CheerBank mentioned a ton of good ideas. Maybe you could also find healthier alternatives to the things you're pigging out on. Like if you are craving a cheeseburger, you could get a turkey or veggie burger, use leafy greens in place of a bun, ask for a baked potato instead of French fries, etc.
When I was in school, I always found it easier to workout in the morning before my classes if I had time. If I did it at night I was exhausted and so bogged down with homework that it was impossible to bring myself to do.

As for eating better, that's was always the HARDEST thing for me to control in school - especially around the end of the semester. Dining hall food was gross and it was hard to know what you're actually eating. Stress eating happens. Late night ice cream/snack runs happen. Vending machines are taunting. Alcohol has a lot of calories and just makes you crave the most unhealthy foods. But @CheerBank mentioned a ton of good ideas. Maybe you could also find healthier alternatives to the things you're pigging out on. Like if you are craving a cheeseburger, you could get a turkey or veggie burger, use leafy greens in place of a bun, ask for a baked potato instead of French fries, etc.
As an adult, I've finally learned that if I don't work out in the morning then it doesn't happen. It's taken many years to accept that since I hate working out first thing but it's just a new habit to form.
One thing I've found that helps motivate me to go to the gym is putting on my workout clothes then deciding. Most of the time, I'll be more willing to go
One thing I've found that helps motivate me to go to the gym is putting on my workout clothes then deciding. Most of the time, I'll be more willing to go

This reminded me of another thing!

I only let myself listen to cheer music when I workout. This way if I know that a team has released their new mix or if a mix has been stuck in my head all day then I have to go to the gym to listen to it.

I also do the same thing with Netflix. Luckily my gym has free wifi and I can watch shows on my phone while I'm on the elliptical. It works out great since most of my shows' episodes are 45-60 minutes long and that's around the amount of time I want to spend on that machine. And if I'm watching a show then I'm not watching my miles/minutes/whatever I'm going by that day slowly (VERY SLOWLY) tick down to my goal. So if I wanna watch the next episode of Walking Dead on Netflix then I better get my booty to the gym or else I miss out.

Sometimes those incentives help me find motivation when I have none.
You might try adding a healthy snack in between breakfast-lunch and lunch-dinner. Almonds, a protein bar, low fat dairy, peanut butter and a couple of whole grain crackers are all easy to bring with you so you have it when you're hungry.

As for working out, you have up find something easy to stick with that you will do consistently. I started doing P90x3 in July and its been great. Only 30 minutes a day, so I manage to make the time for it. If you make your workout too hard or unrealistic to do its easier to stop or skip it.

One more suggestion - increase your water intake. You'd be amazed at what a difference that makes.
Water makes such a huge difference! You will have to pee all the time though.
I don't like a lot of granola bars/protein bars but one I found that I really like is Clif Kids Z Bars. They're for children technically but who cares? They taste good and are filling and good for snacks. My family buys them in bulk to save a little money.
Figure out some healthy things you like and then buy them in bulk for snacks and make it a routine. Consistency is good for you and snacking will help you not be so hungry by dinner. Same for working out - just try different things until you find something you don't dread going to do.
If there's one thing in particular that is a struggle for you, try your best to avoid it. Like for me, it's super tempting to go to sonic and grab a soda after practice. So I make sure I leave the gym on a route where I can only go right (away from sonic) so that way I'm less tempted to go to sonic because it's so much extra work and I'm already driving away from it.
Cut down on sugar! No energy drinks. No soda. No Gatorade. Not even diet soda (diet sugar alternatives are usually neuro-toxic). Just by cutting sugary drinks out will make a big difference! Sugar is addicting and also really hard to burn. After a week of tiredness your body will adjust and operate without the artificial energy.

Read the nutrition information on granola bars and protein bars. There's a lot of sugar in some of them.
Cut down on sugar! No energy drinks. No soda. No Gatorade. Not even diet soda (diet sugar alternatives are usually neuro-toxic). Just by cutting sugary drinks out will make a big difference! Sugar is addicting and also really hard to burn. After a week of tiredness your body will adjust and operate without the artificial energy.

Read the nutrition information on granola bars and protein bars. There's a lot of sugar in some of them.
Quest bars. My personal preference. You want one that's high in protein and low in sugar. I would stay away from granola bars.
Stop drinking beer. You could go to the gym, eat an incredible diet and drink a ton of water, but beer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday will nix all your efforts. I gained 5 or so pounds my freshman year of college from drinking. Not cute.

People will harass you to drink. A little tip: Bring a half full bottle of water to parties and sip from it. Everyone assumes you're drinking straight vodka (bad a**!). No one will bother you to "just have a beer!" or "live a little!"
This reminded me of another thing!

I only let myself listen to cheer music when I workout. This way if I know that a team has released their new mix or if a mix has been stuck in my head all day then I have to go to the gym to listen to it.

I also do the same thing with Netflix. Luckily my gym has free wifi and I can watch shows on my phone while I'm on the elliptical. It works out great since most of my shows' episodes are 45-60 minutes long and that's around the amount of time I want to spend on that machine. And if I'm watching a show then I'm not watching my miles/minutes/whatever I'm going by that day slowly (VERY SLOWLY) tick down to my goal. So if I wanna watch the next episode of Walking Dead on Netflix then I better get my booty to the gym or else I miss out.

Sometimes those incentives help me find motivation when I have none.
Love Netflix at gym. The Following gets me thru the workout currently.
I have found that exercise works best for me rather than trying to diet (I try to watch what I eat but I am just not a particularly healthy eater, and I really dislike water. I have to force myself to drink it). Make your workout part of your schedule, just like your classes. Pick a time of day that works best for you and literally write it in to your schedule. When it becomes part of your routine and you see it in writing or set as a reminder it is easier to do. And no joke about the beer, but your underage so I know that's not an issue for you ;):D
What you eat is so important! Make smoothies (ugh so good), eat your favorite fruit when you crave sweets (cuz fruits are the best!!). I would also recommend cleaner food that is not as processed. Try Lara bars or Nakd bars, they usually have like 3 ingredients?! Also remember that carbs are your friend ❤️

As for working out, i'm right now in a "i don't like the gym" phase so I usually do yoga videos at home.
Stop drinking beer. You could go to the gym, eat an incredible diet and drink a ton of water, but beer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday will nix all your efforts. I gained 5 or so pounds my freshman year of college from drinking. Not cute.

People will harass you to drink. A little tip: Bring a half full bottle of water to parties and sip from it. Everyone assumes you're drinking straight vodka (bad a**!). No one will bother you to "just have a beer!" or "live a little!"
Freaking truth. I've changed a few things about my diet since college, the biggest one being no more binge drinking. I still have a few beers on football gamedays, but it's much different every couple weekends than 2-3 nights a week in college. I also cut out all drinks other than water and a coffee in the mornings. If I want something with flavor, I'll do a flavored or sparkling water. Occasionally I'll have a Diet Coke at work for a little afternoon energy boost if I'm dragging.

I've also developed the habit of just straight up eating less. I like to call it the being poor diet. It sounds awful, but it's true. I was on a meal plan all 4 years of school, and the last three were unlimited buffet style every meal at my sorority house. I developed awful habits. Now when I have to budget my own money towards food, it's much easier to eat lighter.

I'm closing in on 35 pounds lost since graduation! College, man. It'll get ya.
I think I gained a freshman 20! It was mostly from drinking, and I felt like I was too busy to eat healthy. It was easier (and cheaper) to grab fast food, a pre-made sandwich or a bagel than to take the time to make a smoothie at home or buy a salad. I had to micro-manage my time down to the minute. I also found that I was much more stationary and less active. In high school I had been very active, I was (at one point) on the track team, cheering, dancing and competing at an upper level for horseback riding. When I went to college, I ultimately stopped most of these activities. I was on the varsity equestrian team, but found I went to my 2 hour practice and then sat right back down to study. There was no time for the gym, running, stretching etc.

My senior year of college, I finally started to find some balance in my life. Despite being a varsity athlete, I really needed to make time on my own to run and work out (outside of designated practice 4x a week). Here are a few things I found to be very successful in managing my time;

1. I made time for an afternoon run 4 days a week. I wore workout clothes under my class clothes or at least brought them with me so I didnt have to go home between classes (leggings under a dress, extra t-shirt etc.)
2. I went to the store on Monday nights and budgeted groceries for the week, and bought healthy snacks (thank god for the organic food section in wegmans). This enabled me to plan out at least some of my meals, and ensure that I was making healthy choices. Better for me to eat a bag of carrots than a bag of chips.
3. I cut down my drinking to one night a week, which also saved me a ton of time and money.
4. I cut my cable subscription. This meant I HAD to go to the gym if I wanted to watch the football game. Every sunday night I would do some stretches and weight lifting and catch the game. This also saved me money and made me feel like my TV time was not wasted time.
5. I found a buddy. My roommate and I would hold each other accountable and made plans to do a 5k at the end of a semester, or would (jokingly) compete over who could run more miles in a week. A little friendly competition made me more focused.
6. I stopped eating at work. I worked part-time at a restaurant and made a conscious effort to either eat before work, or bring healthy snacks.

Good Luck with everything!

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