Music Where Can You Find Good Sfx?

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Members see FEWER ads... join today! click on the "slap store" tab then click the yellow/golden handprint on the bottom left that says SlapKitz. We offer a sound effect kit, a beat kit, and the official template that we use here at slapfire to make our mixes. The template is an file which you can open in Sony Acid Pro. With it you have all of our SFX, Builds, Air Noises, and Beats organized alphabetically instantly at your disposal.
I already bought that and it's really not what it comes out to be. Everything didn't download either.

Looking for your order#? Let us know what you were supposed to download and let's figure out why everything didn't download. Haven't had any complaints except for you and another person named Trenton Shaffer out of numerous orders this season so far. Please advise so we can make ya a happy camper. order number?