All-Star Young Kids On Higher Levels And Older Teams?

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I'm in a similar situation where i have an 8 year old that could potentially be level 4 or 5 next year (she's very close to having her full, not double or anything...LOL). and our gym currently has S5 and J4 and they might have J5 next year and probably J4 again. and other parents are constantly asking me what i'm going to do. if i say keep her on Y3 with her peers, i get questioned about why i wouldn't put her (as if i own the place) at her skill level (she cleanly has layout, standing tuck, etc). and if i say i'm leaning towards J4, i get questioned as to why i wouldn't keep her with her one is happy with MY decisions...he he he. the bottom line is, there clearly isn't a perfect scenario. go with what you know! or just put it in the hands of your coaches (which i've seriously decided to do). i'm just going to flat out ask what team do you want her to tryout for. and unless i feel there is any unnecessary drama or undue pressure being put on her, i'll leave it up to them.

And from the peer standpoint, i will say that most of these girls are with kids their age all day long at school. it can benefit them to be around kids of other ages, and the older girls at our gym tend to take care of the little ones and treat them appropriately.

Good luck with your placements as well. I think it is hard when they have so much skill at such a young age. I miss the days when she was just a mini! I Don't get me wrong I am a proud mom I just feel torn for her! I know the coaches will do the right thing!
OK I wasn't going to chime in on this, since I have never experienced it. However, I will chime in anyway...because that's what I do. :p I'll only address the age issue, since that's the only part I know anything about.

ALways the one with input, hahahaha. you have some good thoughts and obviosly did your research. i overlooked that she was only going from youth to junior. my cp started on seniors as a 9 year old. this year he is only on senior teams. :)
She definately seems like she has the talent to make a level 5 team, so i would let her go for it. if she doesnt make it this year, she has soo many more years ahead of her and it will give her the drive to work even harder next year.

As far as the age thing goes, I had multiple 9 and 10 year olds on my senior team when i was doing all star. Most senior aged girls understand when to keep their mouths shut about certain things, and being that she would only be going to a junior level team, there really shouldnt be anything innapropriate said.

I wish you and your daughter the best of luck!
I think its awesome how talented she is at age 9!! Whatever happens with her, she will always have those skills and it only goes up from there! Best of luck! :D
My daughter is 10 and on our Senior team (as well as last year at 9). Although I felt the level was most appropriate for her ability, my biggest concern was her age and being with older girls. I am very fortunate that her stunt group are the youngest of the "Senior age" and they treat her like a 10 year old, not a teenager.

They are honestly big sisters to her, they sit with her during breaks, away from some of the older, more dramatic of the girls on the team. They walk her to the bathroom at comps, they bring her cupcakes and wrote her a letter while she was a week long school field trip.

I don't know how this addresses your questions or concerns, but wanted to share! :p
My daughter is 10 and on our Senior team (as well as last year at 9). Although I felt the level was most appropriate for her ability, my biggest concern was her age and being with older girls. I am very fortunate that her stunt group are the youngest of the "Senior age" and they treat her like a 10 year old, not a teenager.

They are honestly big sisters to her, they sit with her during breaks, away from some of the older, more dramatic of the girls on the team. They walk her to the bathroom at comps, they bring her cupcakes and wrote her a letter while she was a week long school field trip.

I don't know how this addresses your questions or concerns, but wanted to share! :p

I love hearing both sides and this makes me feel better! Thanks so much for sharing! :)
There is something to be said for the really young ones [which I consider to be under 10 years old in cheerleading] learning to "wait their turn.' I believe it promotes staying humble, focusing on skill versus the pressures of what team to make, and not equating making a certain level with failure. It is much like saying to the child: "You are amazing, you are in full control of getting more skills, and your time will come for certain teams. Keep working hard and you will get there." Kids at that age do not always have the concept of "what does my time will come" mean...In the meantime, I think an individual routine is a great alternative, because she can take all her amazing skills and put them to use in a competition where she can take 100% credit for her accomplishment.
There is something to be said for the really young ones [which I consider to be under 10 years old in cheerleading] learning to "wait their turn.' I believe it promotes staying humble, focusing on skill versus the pressures of what team to make, and not equating making a certain level with failure. It is much like saying to the child: "You are amazing, you are in full control of getting more skills, and your time will come for certain teams. Keep working hard and you will get there." Kids at that age do not always have the concept of "what does my time will come" mean...In the meantime, I think an individual routine is a great alternative, because she can take all her amazing skills and put them to use in a competition where she can take 100% credit for her accomplishment.

I think you are right! I have told her that this may not be her season. I love watching her get a skill and then making it look better and better. Thanks for your comment! I have already looked into an indvidual so if she does not get j5 then she can work on that!
Chiming in on my own personal experience.... My cp was always on older teams due to her abilities. It was ok....she is quite an old soul for her little body. She was friends with everyone but not close to any. She did not have sleepovers or go hang at the mall or any of that stuff that the other girls were doing. I will not let her wear makeup ir get highlights... lol.. Having this relationship really didn't bother her! That is her personality. It may not be for someone else.
This past season we left a sr coed 4 for a jr coed 5...she is the youngest on the team. She was 9 at tryouts. It has been a great year! There still are 14 and 15 year olds that are on the team that she doesn't hang with. But there also are a few 11 and 12 year olds that she can hang with! (didn't have that on the sr 4....)
Good luck to your daughter and I'm sure your coaches will know what is the best fit for her maturity and skill set!
Chiming in on my own personal experience.... My cp was always on older teams due to her abilities. It was ok....she is quite an old soul for her little body. She was friends with everyone but not close to any. She did not have sleepovers or go hang at the mall or any of that stuff that the other girls were doing. I will not let her wear makeup ir get highlights... lol.. Having this relationship really didn't bother her! That is her personality. It may not be for someone else.
This past season we left a sr coed 4 for a jr coed 5...she is the youngest on the team. She was 9 at tryouts. It has been a great year! There still are 14 and 15 year olds that are on the team that she doesn't hang with. But there also are a few 11 and 12 year olds that she can hang with! (didn't have that on the sr 4....)
Good luck to your daughter and I'm sure your coaches will know what is the best fit for her maturity and skill set!
Thank you! There are some 11 years olds on J5 now and she gets along with them so if she does make it I hope she will transition easily!
my gym will only move a youngin up to a high level only if they see that the she has a mature attitude. i think it's really hard for some of them to be with a lot of older children, but it doesn't sound like this is the case for you! good luck!

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