OT 25 Facts

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bbrrrrriiiiix3 said:
13. There's something wrong with my back and my mom refuses to take me to the docter
14. I talk to my friends from fierceboard more then I talk to the friends I go to school with.
15. This class is over...i didn't finish.. ill finish later :)

16. I am horrible at spelling and my friend Jay always tends to point it out :armsrace:
1. I have 4 achiled tendons. 2 my own and 2 as cadavers replacing my ACLs.
2. I always wear obnoxiously bright makeup when I compete.
3. I'm a med tech major in college hoping to be a coroner or do stem cell research.
4. I aboslutely love disney movies.
5. I want an iphone so i can have a fierceboard app on it.
6. FDR "theres nothing to fear but fear itself" applies to me tumbling. always has. always will.
7. I have 26 scars on my body
8. I feel named without my juicy crown/ring necklace.
9. I'm deathly scared of driving.
10. Sometimes my mom steals my nfinity cup bracelet from last year and my jackets to show off my accomplishments.
11. It takes me forever to understand math, but I'm great with sciences.
12. My boyfriend got my a huge teddy bear with 2 cheer bows. If thats now love then i dont know what love is.
13. zebra print and crowns are my obsession.
14. I used to play lacrosse until I learned how to tumble.
15. I can draw when I'm in a drawing kinda mood.
16. I comment anyone that can tumble in those kid plastic don joys. they killed me.
17. Small abercrombie bags make the best lunch boxes.
18. I used to be able to twist left or right when doing a full.
19. I cant stand not layering my clothes.
20. My mom is on the boards (reigndeermom)
21. I have an incredibly vulgar vocabulary.
22. I wanna meet a bunch of the board members at either indy, nca, spirit sports, or worlds.
23. comcast is my worst enemy.
24. the only 2 books ive read in school and liked were to kill a mockingbird and the catcher and the rye.
25. II'm scared to death of babies.
1. My name is Nika
2. I live in Slovenia
3. I'm 16
4. I loooove Cheer Extrene and Senior elite
5. I love living 2 minute away from Italy ( if you want anything from there....PM me :) )
6. I haaaate my english teacher.
7. I love fierce board!!
8. Bows <3
9. Ugg <3
10. I'm obsessed with Facebook and Country story
11. I love Maddie Gardner ( I get Inside Cheerleading Magazine yesterday and I almost starts crying :D )
12. My english really sucks
13. My biggest wish is to live in US or going to Worlds
14. I'm a shy person
15. I'm on level 4
16. My favourite color is green
17. I love my team and my classemates.
18. I love my iTouch
19. I speak 3 languages - slovenian english and italian
20. I loooove trading shirts
21. I love snow <3
22. I love sleeping....every morning I wake up 20 minutes before school start
23. I love all star one...they are the nicest people ever!!
24. I love zebra print!!
25. I hate because we haven't starbucks in my town....even in Slovenia.
1. My name is Kristan but ever since my first year at Step 1, I've been known as KJ. I find it weird when my coach calls me Kristan on accident, she does too. She points it out. I also think it's weird if my close friends call me KJ, I'm strange, I know.
2. I have had 3 eye muscle surgeries. So if you ever meet me, my eye might cross, don't make a big deal about it. I went through a rough childhood with it, finally getting over it.
3. I'm 18 years old and the main channel I watch is Disney. My dad is 42 and he also watches the Disney channel.
4. I'm totally dependent on my parents. They tell people I'm like that movie "Failure to Launch" - I plan on going to community college because I don't wanna leave them.
5. I have an old soul and am totally immature at the same time.
6. Used to be obsessed with Hollister, Abercrombie, etc.. now I don't even go into those stores when I go shopping.
7. I'd rather sit at home with my best friend, whose a year younger, and watch a movie then go out and do things that people my age do.
8. I've lost a lot of friends because of #7.
9. My MacBook is my baby.
10. My favorite colors are teal and purple. And have been since before I cheered at Step One or was obsessed with CEA.
11. I drive a Navy Hyundai Sante Fe.
12. If I had to listen to two albums forever they would be Taylor Swift and Glee Volume 1.
13. I watch YouTube videos like it's my job.
14. I go to school online.
15. "When I grow up" I want to be a photographer.
16. I do random cheer routines in the most random of times.
17. My best friend finds it entertaining that my mom's favorite song is "I Gotta Feeling" (her favorite line being "Mazal Tov") and my dad's is "TiK ToK" (his favorite line being "Po Po shut us down")
18. I wouldn't know what to do if I had to get another phone besides my iPhone.
19. Some days I like zebra and some days I like cheetah.
20. Generally a really nice person. But some people just rub me the wrong way, so I may come off differently to them.
21. Until this year, I only side/secondary based and basically all but refused to do anything else. Now I main and have tried backing in a pyramid.
22. Twilight. (That's all I need to say)
23. I can't wait for the Olympics. In which I will resurrect my strange ginger crush on Shaun White.
24. When my dad tells me to get a job, I tell him "I'm enjoying my youth." I'm techniquly not "youth"ful anymore. ..I need to find another excuse.
25. I don't have any piercings or tattoos.
1. within the Past year I finally started to like my name.
2. even though i like it i wish my name was spelt Ryanne instead of Ryan.
3. Cheerleading is my life
4. I will NEVER EVER EVER go back to school cheer.
5. I've been intrested in cheer my whole life
6, but I"ve only been cheering for 4 years.
7.I've thought about quitting cheer a few times in the past couple years but then I relized how much I would miss it.
8. my best friend hates cheerleading
9. but she still fully supports me and trys to like it just because of me :)
10.I've had my BHS for 3 years....
11. but I've never thrown it by myself :(
12.I really regret not getting i nto all star cheer sooner
13.I wish i had more friends that cheer.
14. Southern California is my favorite place ever <3
15. Ever since i was 4 I've said I wanted to move there.
16. now that im planning for college I'm becoming very serious about moving out there when I graduate.
17.I hate being called a ginger, and other names that go along with being a redhead
18.Even though cheerleading is my life, I dont think I want to cheer in college
19.I really wish I could get over my mental block, sometimes i makes me so upset that i cry :(
20.in the past year or so, I've become very shy.
21.I used to be outgoing
22. A lot of my friends are two faced and it makes me really mad.
23.I love cheer bows :)
24. Everyone mamkes fun of me for wearing bows
25. I get distracted really easily ( I got distracted twice while doing this)
1. I'm 17 and a senior in high school.
2. I skipped kindergarten. (thats probably why I have no idea how to spell it)
3. I'm scared of literally everything. Especially bugs. I have panic attacks.
4. I loveee reading. I probably spend more money on books than anything else.
5. I will be attending the University of Louisville next year.
6. My family hates me for it. ^^^
7. When my mom makes pasta I only eat the sauce, not the noodles. Especially if its meat sauce or she makes meatballs too.
8. My best friend and I were friends when we were realllyyy little through our parents. We met up again in sixth grade and became best friends again. <3
9. I'm the biggest rutgers fan ever.
10. I know a lot more about sports than most girls do, and it suprises the majority of the people I meet.
11. I eat unhealthy amounts of unhealthy food all the time.
12. I swear i'm dyslexic but nobody believes me.
13. Im having an MRI in a few hours and i'm absolutely terrified.
14. I bring apple juice to school in a travel coffee mug every morning.
15. I really wish I was still as confident in my tumbling as I used to be. I miss that feeling more than anything in the entire world.
16. I'm considering not cheering anymore after this year, and that thought terrifies me. I have never not wanted to cheer and I dont know what I would do with my life if I didnt.
17. I told you i was scared of everthing.
18. Theres a 99.9999999% chance I will still cheer next year even if I dont really want to.
19. I actually want a job so that I can have my own money but i'm too scared to go get the applications.
20. I have a birthmark on my tooth...its just extra white.
21. When I was in sixth grade a golf tee went through my foot when I was in my backyard.
22. I hate when people comment on how skinny I am. It makes me very self concious and upset.
23. I dont have a favorite color...
24. ..mainly because I hate hate hate making decisions.
25. Me and my friends are obsessed with olive garden and I would eat their salad every night if I could.
TRILOGYobsessed said:
1. within the Past year I finally started to like my name.
2. even though i like it i wish my name was spelt Ryanne instead of Ryan.
3. Cheerleading is my life
4. I will NEVER EVER EVER go back to school cheer.
5. I've been intrested in cheer my whole life
6, but I"ve only been cheering for 4 years.
7.I've thought about quitting cheer a few times in the past couple years but then I relized how much I would miss it.
8. my best friend hates cheerleading
9. but she still fully supports me and trys to like it just because of me :)
10.I've had my BHS for 3 years....
11. but I've never thrown it by myself :(
12.I really regret not getting i nto all star cheer sooner
13.I wish i had more friends that cheer.
14. Southern California is my favorite place ever <3
15. Ever since i was 4 I've said I wanted to move there.
16. now that im planning for college I'm becoming very serious about moving out there when I graduate.
17.I hate being called a ginger, and other names that go along with being a redhead
18.Even though cheerleading is my life, I dont think I want to cheer in college
19.I really wish I could get over my mental block, sometimes i makes me so upset that i cry :(
20.in the past year or so, I've become very shy.
21.I used to be outgoing
22. A lot of my friends are two faced and it makes me really mad.
23.I love cheer bows :)
24. Everyone mamkes fun of me for wearing bows
25. I get distracted really easily ( I got distracted twice while doing this)

ha tell me about it. When people make jokes about my hair i usually say "its only a colour i can change that, but thats actually your face"...
1. My name is martin... i almost got named henry :|
2. I have 7 piercings and 3 tattoos... i want atleast 2 more piercings and a couple more tattoos
3. I grew up in new york, and i miss it... Currently in ohio :hysterics:
4. I'm 16, and junior and i drive... and almost everyone in my grade is older then me... by a year ....
5. My school refers to themselves as the ' Dirty South ' ...
6. I loveeeeeee cheerleading... I'm slowly regretting doing high school cheerleading though..
7. I have an obssesion with french fries... Scratch that... anything potato :thumbs up:
8. I have 2 pairs of uggs, and yes i'm a guy... and i love them :D
9. I plan on putting a blue tint into my hair... or red ... haha
10. My school is just like mean girls... with the jungle scene fight in the cafeteria ...
11. I have OCD ... my shoes have to be a certain tightness ... and i have to put more then one period at the end of a sentance when i type ...
12. I usually know about what happens in life ... it's why my hair is so big !!! its full of secrets :lol!:
14. Oh and i cant forget my girl Ke$ha
15. I was going to dive this year ... but it got in the way of cheerleading so i stopped ... i'm thinking of doing pole vault/track ... but its getting in the way of cheerleading ...
16. I have a north face jacket... now i want a south butt jacket too hahaha !!!
17. I <3 Stephen Jerzak's cover of white horse ...
18. I want to gauge my ear ... but im too scared of what people might say :bicker:
19. I've become more shy then i ever was over the last few years...
20. I don't know where i want to go to college... Or if i even want to go to college ...
21. I just recently discovered that i love skinny jeans .. haha
22. I've been doing this since 2:40ish ... it's now 3:57 .... hmmm :oops:
23. I just recently started talking to the best boy evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... i hope it works out ... so far it is :prayer: :prayer:
24. All my friends are girlsss ... basically ...
25. I so wanna be on real world one day ...
bbrrrrriiiiix3 said:
1. My name is Brianna. I was supposed to be a boy and my name was going to be Sean
2. I wish I started cheering All Star when I was younger
3. I spend majority of my time at the gym...I actually told my Mini's that I live there and sleep in the parent viewing room :lol:
4. I wish I didn't live in the middle of nowhere. The closest friend lives about 20 min away.
5. I met two of my best friends on Fierceboard! :infatuated:
6. Thinking about the future scares me but I really want to be done highschool
7. I wear a bow to EVERY practice.
8. I spend my summers in Jersey
9. I have NO IDEA what i'm supposed to be doing in class right now.
10. I am not going to be in school on Friday's in April, thank you cheerleading :)
11. I have an obsession with socks.
12. I don't get hurt when something major happens but I'll break something by running into a wall.
13. There's something wrong with my back and my mom refuses to take me to the doctor
14. I talk to my friends from fierceboard more then I talk to the friends I go to school with.
15. This class is over...i didn't finish.. ill finish later :)

16. I am horrible at spelling and my friend Jay always tends to point it out
^ true fact. I just wasnt paying attention when i spelled doctor wrong
17. I LOVE bowfab bows :)
18. I tokbox extremely to much!
19. I go to a Catholic School and I actually like wearing a uniform
20. I am currently making grilled cheese.
21. I have 2 dogs.
22.I really don't want to go to practice tonight.
23. I have an ENV2 and its a piece of crap
24. I'm running out of ideas
25. I hate the cold !
1. I'm 25, turn 26 in June.
2. I drive a beat up dodge durango.
3. I have one full blood brother, a step sister from my mom's marriage, and a step sister from my dad's marriage.
4. I'm the oldest of all my siblings.
5. I cheer for SJS All Girl 6 =D
6. I'm bipolar, and have choose to no longer take medication for it, I like being free spirited.
7. I went to 3 different high schools.
8. I've nevered lived more then 20 minutes from the town I grew up in.
9. I start college (for the first time) in less then a week.
10. I am majoring in Psychology
11. And plan of either being a social worker, or a criminal psychologist.
12. I will probably be in school for at least the next 8 years of my life.
13. I finally found a great guy to spend what little free time I have with.
14. I moved back in with my folks a few months ago so I'd be able to afford school.
15. I'm only 4'11.
16. I'm pretty much on a vegiterian type of diet right now, with the exception of fish, and the rare piece of chicken.
17. I no longer drink soda, and dont mind as much as I thought I would.
18. I LOVE strawberries.
19. I hate the Jersey climate.
20. I've always been to nice for my own good.
21. I broke my nose about 4 years ago in a pit, at a Terror/Unearth show.
22. I haven't slept for more then an hour at a time in I don't know how long.
23. I HAVE to sleep with a fan, or I can't sleep at all.
24. My ears at gauged to zeros at the moment.
25. I have yet to meet any FB members in real life.

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