All-Star No Tolerance For Underage Drinking At Worlds?!

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Can we just end this tread? (Some, not all) Teens drink. End of story. USASF nor Disney is going to stop them from doing it at Worlds. And there will always be ways to sneak it in or get around it. So wether you like it or not, they're going to do it. And choosing to NOT send your kids to Worlds because there are other kids doing it is kind of dumb. And that's really sad that some of you would deprive your kid of experiencing Worlds because the other kids are drinking and acting a fool. How about you put some trust in your kids and let them experience the best weekend they will probably ever have.
I did NOT witness kids appearing drunk at the milkhouse. I witnessed amazing cheerleading and tons of fans supporting it. My daughter and her team were not allowed to attend the block party so I did not witness what happened there but I have in the past and it truly does give you that sad feeling and disappointment. No one is saying EVERYONE was drinking, and not talking about it won't make it better. Will we stop it from happening NO but maybe we can help change it or they can just stop having the block party all together.

Making sure kids face consequences for their actions WILL make them think twice :)
Can we just end this tread? (Some, not all) Teens drink. End of story. USASF nor Disney is going to stop them from doing it at Worlds. And there will always be ways to sneak it in or get around it. So wether you like it or not, they're going to do it. And choosing to NOT send your kids to Worlds because there are other kids doing it is kind of dumb. And that's really sad that some of you would deprive your kid of experiencing Worlds because the other kids are drinking and acting a fool. How about you put some trust in your kids and let them experience the best weekend they will probably ever have.

I think the point is that as the people who are actually spending the thousands upon thousands of dollars and years and years to get these kids trained and Worlds ready...we have a reasonable expectation that they will be safe. I have to disagree with my girl @Mamarazzi (for the first time ever) in that I do of course think it's my job as a parent, but I do also think the gym owners and the USASF are responsible for at least not looking the other way. Do I think they should do bed checks? Not really. But I am curious as to why they hold the event, it's part of the Worlds weekend package, but they're not responsible? If you send your kid to the prom and they are wasted, at least at my daughter's school, they are thrown out and parents are called. Why is this any different? If the kids are at the block party, which is basically the Worlds Prom, then why are the adults just ignoring the fact that these kids are "falling down drunk"? Not just drinking...falling down, passing out drunk. I'm not saying parents shouldn't be responsible for their own kids - trust me, I will never say that. I'm just saying that if you are a responsible ADULT and you see these kids literally passed out in the bushes or falling down on the sidewalk...why the $@%* wouldn't you do something???

Like I said in the beginning of this thread...heaven help us when something horrible happens to one of these kids.

This whole thread makes me not want my kid to ever go to Worlds, and really casts a negative light on what we want so badly to be legitimized - cheerleaders as trained and disciplined athletes. Athletes who respect themselves and who can at least respect the entity of the ultimate in cheerleading championships, Worlds. Just saying, you don't see Olympians acting this way in the Olympic Village during the games, you don't see other serious athletes disrespecting themselves and the championships they've just competed in by looking all trashy and banged up at a sanctioned championship event. Why must people who love this sport so much, do so much to reverse its legitimacy and advancement? I dont get it. It's not a teenage thing, its a respect thing, in my opinion. Underage drink all you want at home, thats your issue, but please respect the Cheerleading Worlds.

If I could shimmy this 8473918679487201247 times I would.
I think the point is that as the people who are actually spending the thousands upon thousands of dollars and years and years to get these kids trained and Worlds ready...we have a reasonable expectation that they will be safe. I have to disagree with my girl @Mamarazzi (for the first time ever) in that I do of course think it's my job as a parent, but I do also think the gym owners and the USASF are responsible for at least not looking the other way. Do I think they should do bed checks? Not really. But I am curious as to why they hold the event, it's part of the Worlds weekend package, but they're not responsible? If you send your kid to the prom and they are wasted, at least at my daughter's school, they are thrown out and parents are called. Why is this any different? If the kids are at the block party, which is basically the Worlds Prom, then why are the adults just ignoring the fact that these kids are "falling down drunk"? Not just drinking...falling down, passing out drunk. I'm not saying parents shouldn't be responsible for their own kids - trust me, I will never say that. I'm just saying that if you are a responsible ADULT and you see these kids literally passed out in the bushes or falling down on the sidewalk...why the $@%* wouldn't you do something??.

Ok, let's use your example - if your child decides to drink, it's because she decided to drink. I'm saying I don't expect the USASF and her coaches to educate my child on the dangers of alcohol abuse. Is it the school's fault that a kid drinks before prom? No, the the school imposes consequences because they hope it will limit the behavior. Responsibilty for the action lies with the child and, by legal default if a minor, the parent(s). The responsibility for consequence lies with the governing body but only due to an effort to curtail the behavior, NOT because they were responsible for the child in the first place.

Now, in light of what was said a page or two ago, if I'm not allowed to stay with my child, someone better be taking care of her as well, if not better than, I would. If the gym, or USASF, says I can't be with my child to monitor her behavior, then, at that moment, they just took on full responsibility for her actions.

I guess they can use part of that paid bid for bail.
Ok, let's use your example - if your child decides to drink, it's because she decided to drink. I'm saying I don't expect the USASF and her coaches to educate my child on the dangers of alcohol abuse. Is it the school's fault that a kid drinks before prom? No, the the school imposes consequences because they hope it will limit the behavior. Responsibilty for the action lies with the child and, by legal default if a minor, the parent(s). The responsibility for consequence lies with the governing body but only due to an effort to curtail the behavior, NOT because they were responsible for the child in the first place.

Now, in light of what was said a page or two ago, if I'm not allowed to stay with my child, someone better be taking care of her as well, if not better than, I would. If the gym, or USASF, says I can't be with my child to monitor her behavior, then, at that moment, they just took on full responsibility for her actions.

I guess they can use part of that paid bid for bail.

OK I see. Then we do agree. (of course we do, what was I thinking???:D) I totally think it's 100% MY JOB to make sure my kids grow into responsible adults and that they leave my care aware of the dangers of alcohol. But if an ADULT from our gym or the USASF sees my child DRUNK at their function, I do expect them to react, not just look away. Even if that reaction if just to haul her by her hair back to me and dump her on the ground in front of me saying "Um...pretty sure this belongs to YOU." It's the blatant 'looking the other way" that's upsetting me.

And I could not shimmy you enough on the second part - if I'm not allowed to stay with her, then you said it perfectly. They had better be taking care of her as well, if not better, than I would.
Ok, let's use your example - if your child decides to drink, it's because she decided to drink. I'm saying I don't expect the USASF and her coaches to educate my child on the dangers of alcohol abuse. Is it the school's fault that a kid drinks before prom? No, the the school imposes consequences because they hope it will limit the behavior. Responsibilty for the action lies with the child and, by legal default if a minor, the parent(s). The responsibility for consequence lies with the governing body but only due to an effort to curtail the behavior, NOT because they were responsible for the child in the first place.

Now, in light of what was said a page or two ago, if I'm not allowed to stay with my child, someone better be taking care of her as well, if not better than, I would. If the gym, or USASF, says I can't be with my child to monitor her behavior, then, at that moment, they just took on full responsibility for her actions.

I guess they can use part of that paid bid for bail.

Usually teams are housed together and parents stay some where else. Its like a giant slumber party..... lol..... with little supervision.
Our gym had the USASF take the fee of the block party off the package and our gym does not attend. Maybe if more gyms did the same it would send a message. All you young folk that are commenting that its worlds we are celebrating and you cant stop it yada yada yada really need to stop and think what you are saying! God forgive you if something tragic happens and you were okay with " underage drinking in a theme park far away from home cause everybody does it..."
One day you will be a parent spending thousands for your children to cheer and attend the most prestigious cheer event.
Wonder how you will feel about the topic years from now!!
Usually teams are housed together and parents stay some where else. Its like a giant slumber party..... lol..... with little supervision.
Our gym had the USASF take the fee of the block party off the package and our gym does not attend. Maybe if more gyms did the same it would send a message. All you young folk that are commenting that its worlds we are celebrating and you cant stop it yada yada yada really need to stop and think what you are saying!

I think that's a good idea, if the gym is full of like-minded parents and/or coaches. But when we see a kid acting a fool, what do we say? "Where is his/her momma?!?"

And I really don't think most kids on this thread said it was ok because everyone does it. I think they were saying that it's NOT ok, BUT everyone does it. It's a not-ok reality.

Parents/Young adults: How many of us can say we didn't drink underage? Not many.

Kids: We tell you how stupid it is because we speak from experience. We weren't always a bunch of dry, crotchety old people.
the problem is they are in orlando, FLORIDA. its warm there, its like a vacation! people wanna get "f***ed up on a vacation in a nice, tropical spot". girls are gonna be wearing small clothes and wanna go "all out". people drink in college before they do ANYTHING these days. football & basketball games, concerts, perfomances, parties, pre-games to parties, frat/srat exchanges, philanthropy events. . people in the 16-20 range love to be rebellious and drinking is an easy way to do it.

Leave it to smiley ;). Orlando is, by far, not the biggest party spot in this country. It's the freakin "Happiest Place on Earth," where small children get hugs from fairy princesses and guys in oversized rodent costumes. Yes, girls and guys may want to dress up or wear fewer clothes because of the heat, but they don't need to look like street walkers. I wish my child would try to walk out of the house/hotel room with some piece of loincloth and a bra-lette on. And what do you mean "these days," like people didn't drink in college before they did anything else in "those" days? We've been there!! We know what goes on! WE started it!
Leave it to smiley ;). Orlando is, by far, not the biggest party spot in this country. It's the freakin "Happiest Place on Earth," where small children get hugs from fairy princesses and guys in oversized rodent costumes. Yes, girls and guys may want to dress up or wear fewer clothes because of the heat, but they don't need to look like street walkers. I wish my child would try to walk out of the house/hotel room with some piece of loincloth and a bra-lette on. And what do you mean "these days," like people didn't drink in college before they did anything else in "those" days? We've been there!! We know what goes on! WE started it!

no mamarazzi.... we were locked in our houses drinking hawaiian punch with our nine channels on the TV playing Atari's.... We never even left our block.....LMAO!!! you made me laugh so hard!!
:DLOL @Mamarazzi and @tinytumblersmom I thought the same thing. "These days"??? I remember when i was in college...I'm not sure I always went to CLASS without drinking. So we get it. OK kids? We get it. It's what kids do. That does NOT mean it's OK for the grown to turn a blind eye to it. And it doesn't make it any safer or more OK.

I like the idea of the whole gym not going - sends a message to USASF.
no mamarazzi.... we were locked in our houses drinking hawaiian punch with our nine channels on the TV playing Atari's.... We never even left our block.....LMAO!!! you made me laugh so hard!!

Sure, we had Hawaiian Punch, it was an inexpensive mixer.
And we learned valuable life lessons from those Atari games - the game never changes, it just goes faster and faster and gets harder and harder until you die. And just try doing it drunk. Game. Over.
Sorry, kiddos. What you do in PUBLIC becomes the PUBLIC'S business. Especially if it's going to affect them. Yes it happens. Thousands of people (both legal adults and otherwise) consume alcohol without incident. Problem is, there are millions more who don't and I'd bet the numbers fall on the 14-20 age group. Sorry.
Allstar resorts sunday night just smelled like alcohol walking around. And where are the coaches? Out getting drunk with other coaches. i walked by rooms where kids were smoking weed, doing drugs, wasn't just at the block party. Basically sunday night as soon as worlds is over with its one big party in disney. for some people the party began saturday and lasted for 2 days.
I think that this problem exists everywhere you go, any sporting event. Think about all the crazy tail gating at college games and most of them are underage. I think that this is the cops/parents responsibility to deal with, and Im not just saying that because Im 17. Everywhere in life there are going to be things you dont like. If the percentage of drunk people at the block party (im sure it was less than 50%), then dont go. Same goes for the milkhouse. No one says you have to associate with them. I understand the parents concerns but there are much worse things in the world to shelter your child from than a few college kids having fun. Please dont jump on me, but this is just my opinion.
.... I just can't NOT comment any longer! The first day I came to visit my daughter I went to the restroom at Allstar Sports and there was a huge empty bottle of liquor on the counter. WHAT! I went to the front desk and told them to please remove it ... sure I could have thrown it away, but why not make you all accountable for your actions? Have some respect people ... for yourself, your coaches, for your gym, other gyms, your parents and the cheerleading world in general. It's not a college frat party or your high school prom ... where you probably would get dismissed from your team or suspended for your behavior if caught. If Cheerleading and The Cheerleading Worlds is EVER going to be respected for what is ... you must STRAIGHTEN UP! Be bigger than all the other sports in the media ... be the best in the sports industry ... hopefully, you're not addicts at 12-21 years or whatever ... you can live without alcohol and drugs for 4 darn days! Geesh, eventually Disney may just say no thank you to hosting The Cheerleading Worlds in the future:(

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