Cheer Pet Peeves?

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here's a few from me after watching some recent videos

1) PLEASE do not do your "kick" in your basket to the belongs on the side people
2) if you have no difficulty in your routine and you're still not clean, do not blame the judges or the competition officials for your loss...i am always honest about my kids performances...if we didn't do well, we didn't do happens
3) wear your bow the right does not belong flat on your head...what would be the purpose of wearing it if no one can see it?

had to get that off my chest....more later lol
What are some of your cheer pet peeves?
Here are mine...

-When flyers aren't felxible enough to hold the bottom of their foot on a heelstretch, but instead hold their ankle.
-Jumps that have flexed feet and land their legs a mile wide apart.
-Slow tumblers.
-Walking into a competition arena and teams are walking around in their spankys and sports bra.
-Slow award ceremonies.
-Sloppy hair and makeup looks like its been thrown on at the last second.
-When flyers stick their elbows out on full downs/double downs.
-Bad and slow music.
-Not being ready (hair down, makeup not on, uniform off) when you get to the arena.
-Cowboyed out back tucks.
-Girls walking around with their uniform unzipped and skirts unbuttoned after the routine.
-Inconsiderate teams that walk infront of you in the middle of watching someones routine.
-Teams that take forever to get off the warm up mat.

Anyone else have pet peeves that are cheer related? :)
these are a lot of my major ones, but heres some more that i think....
-flyers blaming the bases when they know its their falt
-the third getting blamed for the stunt coming down
-the worst jumper, but best tumbler in the front for jumps
-slowwwwww music
-people not throwing the last pass of the tumbling
-simple stunts not hitting
i seriously HATE when stunts drop and dont bother to get back up if you have enough time get your booty back up stop standing there with a pissy face and rolling your eyes i fell once during a comp and go back up like nothing happened!!!!!!

perfect example!!!!!!!
This is going to be a long list
-people that don't try
-people that quit
-people that give up
-when people land their standing tucks with their legs far apart
-when people start working on before they have mastered the ones before them
-pike baskets...they either looks really good, or really bad IMO
-left hurdlers (least favorite jump!)
-when people never land their tumbling in the routine and then complain when it get taken out
-bad attitudes
-short warm ups
-when people don't take their nail polish off before competitons
-when people think that the rules don't apply to them
I prbly have more... just can't think of them right now
This is going to be a long list
-people that don't try
-people that quit
-people that give up
-when people land their standing tucks with their legs far apart
-when people start working on before they have mastered the ones before them
-pike baskets...they either looks really good, or really bad IMO
-left hurdlers (least favorite jump!)
-when people never land their tumbling in the routine and then complain when it get taken out
-bad attitudes
-short warm ups
-when people don't take their nail polish off before competitons
-when people think that the rules don't apply to them
I prbly have more... just can't think of them right now
OMG left hurdlers are the DEATH of me! Mine is like a retarded ninja kick
Not showing up for practice. If i can get my girls there and they can manage to handle all their activities and still make it to practice, so can you.

When you have a minor injury and milk it to last the entire season and think it gives you a pass to do nothing to contribute to the team. If you don't want to be a competative cheerleader, find another sport. But beware, any physical sport will mean pushing through the pain. This is the sign of a true champion, pushing through your own tears and fears so that you can support your team.

Cheer mom drama-but let me be specific. Moms that sit in the stands and at practice, with their notebooks out critiquing the routine and adding up points-Really!!! Moms that then complain about the routine or the coach's decisions for the team in front of God and everybody-how in the world do they think this is a constructive thing to do for the team? Do they not realize that this attitude will carry through to their cheerleader and no matter how hard they try, will eventually affect their attitude and performance. If the parent doesn't show confidence in the coach, how in the world is the kid supposed to?

EXCUSES!!!!! Do you always have one? Well, maybe you should consider taking up another activity cause at some point you have to take responsibility for your actions.

And finally, when my girls are busting their humps on their senior teams, where everyone is within about 4 years of each other, and you see a team come out onto the floor with a 45 pound girl that they use to fly only and then stick in the back on everything else in the routine, or worse yet, have crouch down in the back!! This does nothing to help either the bigger girls that need their chance to learn to hold their weight so that they can be a successful flyer, or to the little girl that is stuck with big girls that they have nothing in common with and have no chance of being able to do all the physical things the big girls can at that age. I realize that some girls are just tiny, we have one on our lvl 5 and my youngest is as well; but so often, this is not the case. You can just tell as the routine plays out. A small girl who is age appropriate will be able to handle a lvl 5 dance and manage the jumps and are advanced with all motor skills.

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