All-Star "males - Minimize Exaggerated Or Theatrical Movements"

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I think it is here because this section says the sport should be athletic.

I can easily take a thrusting motions and make it exaggerated and theatrical.

Maybe i'll get some people tonight at practice and make videos of what won't be allowed. It could be quite comical.

Haha do it!
I was extremely offended by the statement. It took my son an entire year on a tiny team just to learn to smile during a routine...and he's a clown. So now, once he finally gets it, I have to tell him "dont wave your head too much when you smile"...and then tell his sister, "but you, you go out there and work it like there's no tomorrow".

This is my EXACT thought. I hope my son werks. I hope he smiles, shimmys exaggeratedly, fist pumps and theatrically wipes his brow after he dubs. And I hope my daughter does the exact same thing.
i found this statement incredibly offensive. i find it doubly incredibly offensive that they have blightly 'swept it under the rug'....whoops, my way. no do-overs here USASF!!! Man up and take responsibility for the offensive behavior!! as another poster said, cheerleading has helped to teach my child to see no color and see no 'lifestyle' differences.

sorry for any mis-spelled words!! forgot to spell check!
For the USASF to make a discriminatory statement like that is shocking. The world is tough enough for kids today. The USASF should not have turned it's back on some amazing cheerleaders, just because they did not like their "style". I have always viewed the sport of all star cheer as a safe place for boys to go, where they could let loose and be themselves. No judgments. It was something I have always loved about the sport. This statement undoes all of that acceptance, not from other CP's or gyms, but from the sport itself.
I have raised my children to judge people by who they are, not the color of their skin, what they might have and certainly not because of who they love. I love that my children can be around people so very different from them, and enjoy the differences. My CP especially likes the "theatrical" boys at her gym, especially after getting to know some of them. She is 12, and she is as appalled by this statement as I am. I am ashamed of the USASF. I now have to explain to my very accepting kids, how a few bigoted adults can think that this is acceptable and O.K. I thought they were supposed to be setting the example.
I feel like the rule is offensive, discriminatory, bigoted... I could go on.

I don't feel that it is the job of the USASF to regulate how someone expresses themselves on the mat. This is simply telling male cheerleaders that are "theatrical" that it is not okay for them to be themselves. Its saying that in order for them to be accepted in this industry, in the sport they chose to participate they must conform and adhere to some asinine norm that has now been implemented by the USASF

I don't personally like seeing male cheerleaders flying in stunts, I don't personally like the shimmying, fair flips, etc etc... but I respect all people as people and if that's the way they want to express themselves or participate in this sport then SO BE IT. I am nobody, and I definitely nobody to judge them. To see some organization try to regulate this just flat out pisses me off. What message is this sending?!

IM BEHIND YOU ON THIS 1000000000000000000%

its funny how USASF is quick to try and pull the industry together by "SUPPORTING" when there is a death/suicide because of bullying/homophobia but they cant accept the gay community in a performance.


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