All-Star Cheer Perfection- New Tlc Special About Cheer

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Well they made the mom's look terrible sitting on the benches. I have to say if I had to sit on those benches for 3 plus hours that my daughter practiced I be one crazy Dance Mom type Cheer Mom. Not that parent viewing rooms need to be 4 star accomodations, but a few folding chairs would be an upgrade. Don't get the uniforms either.
I'd be hard pressed to imagine that any REALLY focused gym who wins major comps would let the producers of Toddlers and Tiaras anywhere near their gym. Not a chance in hell..

agreed but remember this woman already had her kid on Toddlers and Tiaras -- she is out for the money and dangling the carrot of fame to these moms and girls... they all probably consider this in itself a win -- not that I think it is in any way.
Lord, I love our gym and the focus on our gym is really positive and no drama and just a good regular gym. But seriously if we had someone taping us a ton and then editing it with a goal on making it "interesting and grabbing to the audience". I think any gym could be made to look bad.
That said I think this is going to be bad for our sport. I hope perhaps they sell the rights to the Twinkles doc in the end and it gets broadcasted - I think it from the promo looks to be more about what it is than making it "drama".
I think this gym owner for the TLC show likes being on TV already and see this as a way to increase her gym revenue and "15 minutes of fame" and she has found moms who want the same thing. But then I would have to say I and all of us who watch these type of train wreck shows are just as much to blame because here we are watching it and and posting on it.
I'm torn about this, and have thought long a d hard about posting, and I have definitely decided that I will not watch the show. I actually competed for the gyms open 6 team that does ASC's competition in south padre, some of my coaches and friends/teammates are involved, and during the competition season we compete against them most weekends. I'm not saying that I agree with how the kids are always coached there, or that the coaches/owners are perfect, however, there are some people there who really care about the kids and the sport, and we all know how editing can make things look. Rd is one of the nicest guys I've dealt with in this sport, and I really respect him.
I was worried about this show from the time I heard about it, as cheer in Arkansas is going through some growing pains, and I don't want anything that portrays it less than positively.
Whatever the show 'shows' I also want to know people to know that overall in the state cheer is on the rise and doing well. (I also will say they were our biggest cheering section when we got our bid at WSA which was our gyms first)

If anyone has any other questions about cheer in Arkansas or general questions about this gym, PM and I will do my best.

ETA: and please as always remember the adults on this show chose to be there,the kids didn't. I know some of these kids personally and don't want them attacked or criticized.
Other than the physical stuff, I didn't see anything that wasn't happening in my own gym. Now that I know it's her daughters, I feel a little differently b/c I have probably done the same thing to my kid at some point (grabbed her arm and pulled her to her spot). I WILL watch this show and I hope beyond hope that it's not as bad as I think it's going to be. First things first, they need new uniforms stat.
I hope there is not negative backlash against AllStar Cheer because of how this program is viewed by the general public (Has there been any positive publicity surrounding Toddlers and Tiaras? I cannot remember any). I would hate to see this as a setback for the sport, when so many have pushed for more acceptance. I hope it can be positive. We will see. I am sure all my non-cheer friends will be wondering if this is how I really spend my time at the gym.
If Mandy wants her child to be the best...she sure as hell better yank her daughter out of that place. That women is a bully, and judging by her athletes has no idea what she's doing.
I think that they should as someone else said film a Worlds team. So that the viewers could see how much work goes into it ALL YEAR LONG... :mad:

Um, CP is only on a level 2 but they also work ALL YEAR LONG.
Anyway, I like the idea of a lower level team being filmed because it could help grow the sport. Someone watching a 5 team would think "man that's cool but I could never do it.". The same person watching a 2/3 team could think "That's pretty cool. I bet I could do that!". Hopefully this won't be as bad as T&T.
Um, CP is only on a level 2 but they also work ALL YEAR LONG.
Anyway, I like the idea of a lower level team being filmed because it could help grow the sport. Someone watching a 5 team would think "man that's cool but I could never do it.". The same person watching a 2/3 team could think "That's pretty cool. I bet I could do that!". Hopefully this won't be as bad as T&T.

I worded that wrong and I'm sorry about that. I always do this :rolleyes: But I do see what you mean with this. Are they filming the whole gym or just one team??
"WSA nationals, Jamfest nationals...that's hard to beat"....ummm. So disappointed that TLC chose a gym that is not nationally known and doesn't have a Worlds team (I'm hoping it was because those gyms were not interested in this type of exposure). Not looking forward to seeing how allstar cheer is portrayed to the national public. :help:
I think she was chosen because they already worked with her on the Toddlers and Tiara show.

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