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It truly astounds me how little some people know about drugs, what gets me the most is how quickly the vast majority of you throw the word drugs in the bad pile and attach negative connotations to it

Secondly, please refrain from taking the high road because you have chosen to associated with prescribed and legal substances. They are atill drugs! Alchol is a drug, cigarettes are drugs! Prescribed medication are drugs! They only difference is regulation, taxation, and corporations / governments are making money off you now. Cocaine was once legal, alcohol was once illegal.

I am also going I go there an say that anyone who dares judge dani for good or bad has no right. She was an absolute light! Positive, energy filled woman oh i had the pleasure f knowing for a short time.

I can honestly say! This issue is way more prevalent than you think! And people pass from overdose every day!

I know there are people here much qualified to speak about dani, as well as drug use in general. But closed mindedness and ignorance to the greater issue of drug use is not acceptable.

I implore people to do your own research regarding drugs and their affect on people, I know I did and the misinformation out there is frightening!
It truly astounds me how little some people know about drugs, what gets me the most is how quickly the vast majority of you throw the word drugs in the bad pile and attach negative connotations to it

Secondly, please refrain from taking the high road because you have chosen to associated with prescribed and legal substances. They are atill drugs! Alchol is a drug, cigarettes are drugs! Prescribed medication are drugs! They only difference is regulation, taxation, and corporations / governments are making money off you now. Cocaine was once legal, alcohol was once illegal.

I am also going I go there an say that anyone who dares judge dani for good or bad has no right. She was an absolute light! Positive, energy filled woman oh i had the pleasure f knowing for a short time.

I can honestly say! This issue is way more prevalent than you think! And people pass from overdose every day!

I know there are people here much qualified to speak about dani, as well as drug use in general. But closed mindedness and ignorance to the greater issue of drug use is not acceptable.

I implore people to do your own research regarding drugs and their affect on people, I know I did and the misinformation out there is frightening!

I don't think anyone is passing judgement on Dani. I just think there's a disgusting amount of people who believe that addiction is the addict's choice, it's their problem, and they should "get help for it" and therefore feel no remorse when someone dies as a result of their drug use/addiction. On one hand I can understand it, the resources are there, but people just don't have the experiences with it that others do to truly understand the difficulty an addict would face, especially in an environment that highly encourages the partying and drug use.
It truly astounds me how little some people know about drugs, what gets me the most is how quickly the vast majority of you throw the word drugs in the bad pile and attach negative connotations to it

Secondly, please refrain from taking the high road because you have chosen to associated with prescribed and legal substances. They are atill drugs! Alchol is a drug, cigarettes are drugs! Prescribed medication are drugs! They only difference is regulation, taxation, and corporations / governments are making money off you now. Cocaine was once legal, alcohol was once illegal.

I am also going I go there an say that anyone who dares judge dani for good or bad has no right. She was an absolute light! Positive, energy filled woman oh i had the pleasure f knowing for a short time.

I can honestly say! This issue is way more prevalent than you think! And people pass from overdose every day!

I know there are people here much qualified to speak about dani, as well as drug use in general. But closed mindedness and ignorance to the greater issue of drug use is not acceptable.

I implore people to do your own research regarding drugs and their affect on people, I know I did and the misinformation out there is frightening!
There's a huge difference (and it's not just regulation taxation and corporations) between illegally purchasing prescription drugs for weight loss, focusing, etc, and using them to treat a problem you actually have.
Sad that 13 and 14-year-old girls are having unprotected sex and are stupid enough to think that trapping a guy will make him stay... where is their self-esteem? No wonder Maury Povich's show is thriving... SMH those are the people who end up as train wrecks.
I hardly think 13-14 yr old girls come up with these ideas themselves. Perhaps we should be looking at our society and the environment we, as adults, have created and promoted that makes them think this is smart. Where's their self-esteem? Crushed by the weight of a society that says she's not pretty enough, her hair is the wrong colour, her eyes are uneven, her shoulders distract boys in class, she's too prudish, she's too easy, she's unpopular because she's smart, or only popular because she's pretty. Her self-esteem is tied up in a million conflicting messages that tell her she's just not good enough. Take a spin around tumblr one day, my heart breaks for teenage girls and all they have to deal with. Even the most supportive family environment can't shield your daughters from trying to measure up to an impossible ideal. So to have unprotected sex because someone says they love you? Pretending to be pregnant? Not so far out of the realm of possibility. Not all these girls are dumb, some are just desperate to be accepted and to be loved by their peers - something that no amount of well adjusted familial love can fulfil.

A 13-14 yr old girl is not a train wreck until society gives up on her.
I don't think anyone is passing judgement on Dani. I just think there's a disgusting amount of people who believe that addiction is the addict's choice, it's their problem, and they should "get help for it" and therefore feel no remorse when someone dies as a result of their drug use/addiction. On one hand I can understand it, the resources are there, but people just don't have the experiences with it that others do to truly understand the difficulty an addict would face, especially in an environment that highly encourages the partying and drug use.
THIS. I was so shocked when people said this about Whitney Houston. It's easy to judge if you're not an understanding or person or it's never happened to you/someone you know. Lots of people have the same attitude about eating disorders.

And @BowCat I've seen Tumblr... the support for eating disorders is terrible. And have you seen how some famous Viners will only put modelesque girls in their videos? Girls feel like they have to live up to that standard or they're disgusting. I've also stumbled upon Vines that literally just showed a girl jiggling her butt. She obviously did it for attention. Sad.
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There's a huge difference (and it's not just regulation taxation and corporations) between illegally purchasing prescription drugs for weight loss, focusing, etc, and using them to treat a problem you actually have.

Actually, not really...

Before I say why, this is my personal opinion only based upon research I've had to do for Uni courses

Going with ADHD medication, there is a fine ethical line between medicating a person as they are currently disadvantage, and that medication than takin that same person significantly above what we a 'standard' level is. In short that disadvantage person is now largely advantaged due to the their legally prescribed meds.

So now the 'normal' level people are the disadvantaged ones

I absolutely get that people require meds for this that and the other. But at what point does it stop treating, and start increasing potential.

The same can be applied to person who require steroids for medical issues, yes it fixes their issue or helps treat it, but we all know they are also going to gain a physical benefit from it especially if they are an athlete of some sort.

We never used to have medication for ADHD, so really, who is to say that it is ok for a pharma company to produce one artificially!!! And also regulate the people who can have it.

I could go on, but a lot of people need to open their minds and not take the 'facts' that have been shoved down their throats by religions, families, governing bodies.

Everyone has their own agenda and to believe otherwise is just plain silly
I hardly think 13-14 yr old girls come up with these ideas themselves. Perhaps we should be looking at our society and the environment we, as adults, have created and promoted that makes them think this is smart. Where's their self-esteem? Crushed by the weight of a society that says she's not pretty enough, her hair is the wrong colour, her eyes are uneven, her shoulders distract boys in class, she's too prudish, she's too easy, she's unpopular because she's smart, or only popular because she's pretty. Her self-esteem is tied up in a million conflicting messages that tell her she's just not good enough. Take a spin around tumblr one day, my heart breaks for teenage girls and all they have to deal with. Even the most supportive family environment can't shield your daughters from trying to measure up to an impossible ideal. So to have unprotected sex because someone says they love you? Pretending to be pregnant? Not so far out of the realm of possibility. Not all these girls are dumb, some are just desperate to be accepted and to be loved by their peers - something that no amount of well adjusted familial love can fulfil.

A 13-14 yr old girl is not a train wreck until society gives up on her.

Can I just print this out and plaster it EVERYWHERE???? Where's the preach smiley?
I would say I came from a fairly innocent background, my mom was an inner city principal but I thought a lot of those problems were inner city problems. Freshman year of college changed my total outlook. My roommates were all beautiful girls, and so were their sorority sisters. I couldn't believe how many of them smoked weed regularly, including my one roommate. A girl I cheered with was pre-pharm and bought adderal off another girl on the squad who had a prescription for it but didn't like to take it because it made her sluggish. Our boys would show up so hungover and a one varsity guy was constantly high at Sunday practices. Quite a few casually hooked up. It was a total culture shock for me.
I've said this before, it's not usually the impoverished communities with drug issues. It's the affluent ones with disposable income. There is a fair amount of economics in the drug industry.

As to this situation, as someone who works with high schoolers daily, it was (unfortunately) my first thought when I heard. Much like suicides that shock everyone (I.e Robin Williams) drug abuse issues most frequently come from people you don't expect because they do a fabulous job masking the issues that drove them to become addicts in the first place.

I don't think anyone wakes up in the morning and says "I want to be. Drug addict!" There is always an underlying mental health concern (not that they're crazy, maybe that they're not able to deal with their particular life situation effectively) with any addict. If they don't get Help the healthy way, they frequently help themselves the unhealthy way.

Given the cocktail from the toxicology report id say there's an entire backstory to this girl that no one knows that likely explains why she made the choices she did....even if they were self-destructive ones.

Not taking up for her, just stating there's never a "short" story behind someone who overdoses, and it's usually from someone you least expect.
The skill sets involved in this sport/activity is not like swimming. You want to dive in a pool may sink or swim. For the individuals in this sport who are abusing drugs and/or alcohol are willingly compromising the safety of someone's daughter, son, brother, sister etc. This is not a "fly solo" activity. So many people here posting about the known abuse in the industry. Those who compete these skills under any influence have set someone up to be a victim because of their disregard. People who operate a vehicle while under the influence are prosecuted because they put others at risk when a tragedy occurs. Many substances affect the body for days after it has entered the system NOT just the day of an athletic competition.
I've said this before, it's not usually the impoverished communities with drug issues. It's the affluent ones with disposable income. There is a fair amount of economics in the drug industry.

As to this situation, as someone who works with high schoolers daily, it was (unfortunately) my first thought when I heard. Much like suicides that shock everyone (I.e Robin Williams) drug abuse issues most frequently come from people you don't expect because they do a fabulous job masking the issues that drove them to become addicts in the first place.
I couldn't agree more. Today my community buried a kid who graduated a year after me and OD'd on something ( tox screen hasn't been released). Good kid, good community, came as a total shock. 5 years ago I buried my then senior in high school cousin who commuted suicide. Private school, being scouted for baseball, popular, had a girlfriend, but had a lot of demons in has past from being adopted. Still shocked the community and of course our family. Since graduating 5 1/2 years ago I have heard more and more about classmates who are now on drugs and it's a sad reality.
And this is exactly what i hoped not to hear, very tragic!
I hope regular and serious drug testing will be a result of this, it probably wont solve the problem of a lot of people being addicted, but if you are cheering in college , it is probably important to you. And having sth important taken away from you if you are using illegal substances may hopefully have an effect on at least a few people who are about to make bad choices
Not shocked at the drugs found in her system. Maybe because there have been so many heroin deaths here that I automatically assume heroin now. I had guessed heroin, had heard cocaine, and looks to be a combination of both.
When I first heard what she'd OD'd on, I wondered if she'd taken "molly"- or what she thought was molly but was actually laced with something. It was a problem up here when those people died at Electric Zoo last year- at least one had taken "molly" that was laced with heroin.

I knew heroin was making a comeback..but WHY? Needles..why the needles? All I can think about is Requiem for a Dream and he injects it into his infected arm and amputations and *shudder death* That movie was my anti-drug.
When I first heard what she'd OD'd on, I wondered if she'd taken "molly"- or what she thought was molly but was actually laced with something. It was a problem up here when those people died at Electric Zoo last year- at least one had taken "molly" that was laced with heroin.

I knew heroin was making a comeback..but WHY? Needles..why the needles? All I can think about is Requiem for a Dream and he injects it into his infected arm and amputations and *shudder death* That movie was my anti-drug.
Heroin has always been HUGE where i live. Esp this little town near me, its so crazy. there was once this big thing because people were buying heroin from a worker at mcdonalds. i wonder if their school's football team does drug tests now that i think about it... not even sure.
this isn't really directed anyone in particular but the things some of you are saying prove to me you've never experienced addiction first hand, whether a close friend, family member, or even yourself. And no, I don't mean addiction like that time you didn't have your diet coke first thing in the morning which caused you a headache.

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