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This is going to be all I am going to say about it because I really don't want to rehash everything that happened but anytime he gets called out and people talk about it you tell people to stop and that they are being rude, but when he does it to someone you laugh and joke around with him about it or stand up to defend him. I do not understand how you can think it is perfectly fine when he does it but when someone else does the same to him it is awful. If you don't like what people are saying ignore it, sort of like how I ignore most of what meanJ posts because it is hateful and rude. Just like others were told to use the ignore feature if they didn't like what meanJ was saying you can do the same if you don't want to see what other people have to say about it.

Now back to the videos:

CA Ladykats are looking good and I can only imagine how good they will look by NCA. Cheerforce Senior Black looks great as well, it is so weird seeing them this size instead of Small Senior but I actually really like it because Cheerforce always has some of the best choreography.
This is going to be all I am going to say about it because I really don't want to rehash everything that happened but anytime he gets called out and people talk about it you tell people to stop and that they are being rude, but when he does it to someone you laugh and joke around with him about it or stand up to defend him. I do not understand how you can think it is perfectly fine when he does it but when someone else does the same to him it is awful. If you don't like what people are saying ignore it, sort of like how I ignore most of what meanJ posts because it is hateful and rude. Just like others were told to use the ignore feature if they didn't like what meanJ was saying you can do the same if you don't want to see what other people have to say about it.

Now back to the videos:

CA Ladykats are looking good and I can only imagine how good they will look by NCA. Cheerforce Senior Black looks great as well, it is so weird seeing them this size instead of Small Senior but I actually really like it because Cheerforce always has some of the best choreography.
He has Never commented on personal looks etc.....FYI this all started when he made a comment about content in a routine....and someone from that fandome didn't like advice to you...block him...but don't lecture me.
meanj said:
Okay, cheeromgbre If you want to go rounds we'll go rounds and I will outwit, outlast, out play your sorry @#%.

Just so you know, I will call out whatever I want, whenever I want, regarding WHO EVER I WANT, and this includes you!

So if you want to TANGO, step! Because I will not spare you in my next wrath.


Actually it started years ago back before The Fierceboard existed when he was being rude and condescending on the pro X message board, I've been around for a long time... The above statements are the ones that happened to get under my skin yesterday and prompted my response to him.. DJ has the right to his opinion, and lord knows my opinion isn't always a popular one either, I don't use that as an excuse to threaten and name call other posters especially children though. Yes I did call DJ a "snarky jerk" but I don't think that's even name calling, it's just calling a spade a spade. Not sure why you would be so defensive of a grown man behaving in such a manner...

We have all been granted, by the greatest nation on the planet, the right to freedom of speech and I'm glad everyone supports it as well, but it does go both ways, you can't praise Peter and punish Paul for the same actions. That being said, ma'am, the laws of God are higher than the laws of man, and yes our heavenly Father did grant all of his creations with free will, but never forget when a certain angel chose to abuse his free will and remove himself from gods love he was banished to the depths of hell, where he currently resides...
If meanj had the balls he acts like he has, he'd be on here defending himself.
I'll probably get a "do you want me to go there? @*&^# I will destroy you" post in response to this, but seriously. The comments have been made, this is 5 pages later, let the little drama hungry kid with the mentality of a 13 year-old menstrual girl come on here and fight back himself.
He has Never commented on personal looks etc.....FYI this all started when he made a comment about content in a routine....and someone from that fandome didn't like advice to you...block him...but don't lecture me.

He doesn't have to comment on anyone's looks to say things that shouldn't be said. He has been downright nasty and rude to members of this board on several occasions only for you to shimmy his post or back him up when he is called out. He is a grown man and can defend himself yet when he gets called out by several people he disappears.

I don't need to block him because I ignore his negative posts. To be honest I have agreed with some of his posts because they are not all negative, but when they are negative they are nasty. I am in no way trying to lecture you, but you seem to be trying to lecture others on what is right and wrong. I was going to keep my mouth shut about it all because I wasn't around when it all went down, but the fact that you are telling others to move on yet in another week meanJ will come back and do the same thing only for you to support his posts is just hyprocrisy at it's best. Why is it that when we do it we get called out but when he does it he gets nothing? Again I have no need to block anyone on here because I don't hate whatever everyone has to say. But if he can dish it out he better be able to take it back.

As for "someone from that fandome didn't like personal" they reacted the same way that meanJ reacts if something gets said about Cali Smoed or some other team that he likes. Actually that poster handled it better.

This is really just sad drama, but you can't blame people for finally speaking up and saying something instead of biting their tongues. It gets old sitting around and watching it happen while people laugh and think it is funny. Nothing funny about being downright rude and condesending.
If meanj had the balls he acts like he has, he'd be on here defending himself.
I'll probably get a "do you want me to go there? @*&^# I will destroy you" post in response to this, but seriously. The comments have been made, this is 5 pages later, let the little drama hungry kid with the mentality of a 13 year-old menstrual girl come on here and fight back himself.
It just makes me sad.... I don't care if you guys attack his opinion about cheer or whatever... But posting hateful personal attacks and Facebook pages... It's beyond cruel.... And I'm ashamed of you who did that
But look at what he does to my coach. He constantly berates him and disrespects my coach by posting videos, pictures, etc. how is that any better? And this is coming from a child who did not bully him.? He can attack my program all he wants -people have their preferences. But attacking my coach and gym owner Troy is just plain cruel.
It just makes me sad.... I don't care if you guys attack his opinion about cheer or whatever... But posting hateful personal attacks and Facebook pages... It's beyond cruel.... And I'm ashamed of you who did that

I wasn't the one who personally posted it (and I know your post was not directed at me), and I don't agree with posting it. I know things about him and social networking that I haven't posted out of respect for him, but when it comes to the person he portrays on this board, I'm allowed to make my comments. I don't know him, so any comments I make are based around the person that he is on this board. He has, in my own experiences, not once kept an argument 100% about opinions on cheer. If he wants to parade around like a high-and-mighty person, then when the poo hits the fan, he needs to learn to be able to take it. I just don't understand why someone who's made a name for themselves as being so brave, and willing to say anything on these boards doesn't come on here and defend himself, because I know I would be if I were him.
I'll make a blanket statement I almost posted towards the start of all of this. This whole "if you don't cheer at this gym" or "if you don't have this skill then your opinion doesn't matter" mentality has got to stop in the cheer world. I know people in gymnastics who are some of the most respected judges in my country who never stepped foot on a gymnastics floor. They've taken time in their lives to follow a passion of theirs and realize their dream of contributing to the sport that they love, EVEN IF they were never allowed the luxury that other gymnasts were. Does that make them any less qualified to pass judgement on a gymnast? No. Just because someone CAN'T do something, or HASN'T done something, does not mean that they don't know how. I could never go on to a floor and throw a full in pike, but I could tell you what a bad full in pike looks like based off of my experience. The same goes with cheerleading. I'm never going to cheer at BRANDON or Top Gun, but I can look at what they've done and make critiques on it based off of what I've learned about the sport through WHATEVER medium I am in it. The cheerleading world is a disgusting place that looks at someone like me (who's never done allstar cheer, for various reasons) and think I know nothing, or my opinion isn't justified, compared to a first year cheerleader on Top Gun senior 4.2 because of their gym name. It's a darn good thing the world doesn't understand the cheerleading industry, I'd be quite embarrassed if the real world knew about the mentality that a lot of you Fierceboarders and other cheerleaders have in this world.

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