High School Bad Injuries.

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2 years ago I was dropped from an extension and fell face first... concussion, broken jaw, whiplash... all the week before cheer camp. It was really fun when my coach wanted me to fly a one man the day I came back in a neck brace... yeah no.
Luckily I've had very few injuries. About a year ago I tore the ligament in my left ankle. Then after that it seems like atleast once a month I've sprained one of my ankles!!!!!:(
Tore my meniscus simply doing a bhs. Just landed funny I guess.

I had a girl on my team once tear her ACL playing around doing a cartwheel. Had surgery did and did all the therapy and not two weeks after being released she did a toe touch and tore her other ACL. So sad :(

my friend tore her meniscus jumping into a lake and not realizing how deep it was... apparently meniscuses are fragile? hahaha
my squad has been full of injuries!
In allstar cheer i broke both my arms at the same time and had two surgeries (they did each arm separately), my elbows still bother me :/
I severely sprained my ankle the week before tryouts and it's never healed because i didn't want to stop before tryouts
A flyer on my team got dropped and sprained her neck and injured nerves in her spinal cord
I haven't had any major injuries I just have what's called Snapping Hip Syndrome (usually something older people get) in my knees. The tendon or ligament (or whatever connects the muscles to your joints and bones.. I got this confused in biology last year) pulls whenever I stretch, do splits, jumps, etc. It doesn't bother me too bad DURING practice but after its hard to walk. I wear a brace on it during practice.
me tooooo except in my hips instead of my knees... i end up limping around all the time after practice and everyone's like "what???"
OH YAY! I am glad you put up a thread about this :) Let's see... too many but I'l just do the main ones: Last week I dislocated my shoulder while tumbling so I'll be out for a couple of months. Last year I screwed up my hip stretching and had to get surgery. (:) Theres more just cant quite remember...
I've sprained both knees multiple times, fractured my right ankle twice and tore a ligament in my shoulder
For myself I've broken my ankle from jumping off tramp at the gym to the floor..I didn't see that where I was jumping was the end of the floor cuz the mat kept going but sprung floor didn't :/ ..needless to say I was told it was a sprain competed 4x on it the following week due to being at a comp that had 2 runs per team and I double teamed..hated my life..found out after worlds that I HAD fractured it and made it much worse...

Worse I've seen was a flyer trying to stop herself falling from our opening stunt at practice and she put her arm out and it snapped and the bone was *almost* coming out of the skin and was bent in the wrong direction...same girl 2 years ago also tore her ACL...:/
Rotated pelvis, caused bone bruising in both of my hip sockets. Had to have physical therapy.
Did an ariel on a spring floor, landed it, got too much rebound and fell, but my foot decided to stay on the ground, sprained my ankle, couldn't walk for a week.
Over-rotated on a front tuck on spring floor, put my hand out to break my fall, tore a ligament in my finger. Had to have physical therapy on my hand, still have a lump from the scar tissue.
Did a bhs, elbow hyper extended, badly sprained it, physical therapy all this summer!
My best friend broke her ankle last week tapping out of a stunt. her base thought they were bumping down so she tried to bring the foot down and Kayla tried to pull it up and the base moved it funny and it broke.
tore my mcl and messed up alot of things in my knee as well as chipping a bone all the same injury at the same time from landing with my legs straight
Ive torn both my hamstrings once. Right one 3 years ago just casually doing the splits at the end of a flexibility class :| and thats healed fine but took longer.. and 4 months ago my left one from hyperextended splits in a 2.5 high pyramid. Competed in June and now my toetouches are ever so slightly wonky but practically back to hwo they used to be. just cant left herkie/double yoyo/straight front etc cause its too much strain onit.
I was backing and my flyer jumped out of a lib instead of cradling and when I caught her with one arm I tore all the tendons in my elbow. I followed it up by burning my arm using a heat pad. Still have the marks.
i was at a competition in february and i saw a girl do a full and she landed the wrong way and fell to the floor screaming.. it was awful because you could hear her screams over the loud music. her ankle was pretty much hanging.. very scary!

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