High School Bad Injuries.

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i damaged the muscle that circles from your next to your shoulder blade. i did it doing a rbhs my freshman year, a girl ran into me causing me to land on my head, the EMTS said if i had my head tilted one inch to the rich i would have broke 3 vertebrae in my neck i was out for the rest of the season.
I tore some soft tissue in my shoulder, my friend fracture her back, and my other friend tore her acl. The thing that took me out for the longest was when I had mono and got pnumonia about half way through it. i was out for about 2 months:(
Well. I've seen girls get their bellybutton rings ripped out in allstar a few years back, that was not pretty. Once i was basing a girl and we were doing half ups and she came around and her foot kicked my jaw really hard and i developed TMJ from it and now have to wear a mouth guard at night to correct it. I have also seen, and will never forget.. at tryouts last season for allstar, a girl came in and no one knew her, she was about 14 and our coaches said do you have a bhs? she said yes, they said how about a tuck? she seemed a little unsure, but said yes. he said ok lets see it, she did her rbhs then when she was about to tuck she freaked out, landed really weird on her arm, and i really try not to remember too much of it, but her bone in her arm popped out.. (blood everywhere) she broke her arm verryyyyy bad and was taken to the hospital, had surgery a few hours later. That was SCARY. This year i was backing a lib in highschool cheer and my flyer fell right on top of my head and i got knocked out and had to be carried off.. dont remember too much but it was very very scary. It was a bad concussion and i sprained my wrist. nothing too terrible. My flyer felt really bad. I felt bad i was out of cheer SO long though. :/
I´ll try to find the right words, but my englisch is not really god when it comes to anatomy :oops:

I had my nose broken two times at cheer (one time by accident so three times), one was a simple kick full gone bad, my flyer hit me with her elbow really hard and my nose bone was in four pieces. So i had a surgery and it went really well, my nose is okay. Since that, practising something new, i sometimes wear a mask, we call it Hannibal :D
The doctor said she doesn´t want to see me again because she´s not sure if she could fix it again.

Then i broke my ankle (don´t know how the bone is called), it still hurts sometimes because i didn´t wait long enough before i got back into cheer. That was coming down from a 2,5 high pyramid really bad (middlelayer).

And i broke my wrist (again, a little bone on the outside coming from the hand, don´t know the name), that was just an arabesque full down and it was my own fault because i had my hand to far in the middle.

Some bruises and some blood, but that´s all (hopefully i won´t have to add something next year ;))

Is it me or do cheerleaders tend to go back to practise to fast after an injury?
for all those with torn meniscus issues, did you have surgery? how long did it take to recover? A friend of mine tore it yesterday from landing a full all wonky and such. The docs think she will need to have the surgery and I was curious as to how long you are out for and how long until you can actually start doing things cheer related.
My daughter was doing a full up to extension and fell backwards from the top onto her head. Nobody caught her. Fortunately no broken neck or back, but a severe concussion.4 months later she still has symptoms and can't return to cheer. Most likely a cheer ending blow. Don't take concussions lightly. This is your brain

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One of the girls on my high school team popped her knee cap out of place doing a full in competition , and then at the beginning of the season we had a girl tear her ACL .
and then we had a girl pop her shoulder out of place .
Ahh , and there were more but not as serious
I know a lot of girls who have injured their acl. Is there anything you can do to prevent these kind of injuries?
Not really. Other than what was said about building proper technique.
I tore mine in 2011 on a softball field when I literally jumped up 3 inches to catch a ball. Doc said I may have already had a partial tear and just finished it off. I actually had a friend who tore his while emptying the dishwasher. Neither of us were out of shape for our ages sometimes its just a freak thing.

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