Become A Better Dancer For Cheer

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Dec 9, 2011
Any tips on how you became a fierce dancer?
Love front and centers that really SELL IT (and not just the dance but the routine as a whole), But ive always wondered how they got so fierce
How does your gym or you as an athlete train and perfect the dance aspect of cheer?
tips and drills & comments much appreciated :)
I think a lot of the fierceness is natural! Or its turned on during competition. I hate doing facials without a crowd, I feel stupid haha.
But becoming a better dancer takes practice just like anything else. The more you learn dances, the quicker you pick them up . The more you dance, the more aware you are of your body movement. As well as just having good motions :)
I'm not point dancer, but I've worked my way up from the back row to the point dancer's partner (does that make me co-point? I don't really know) within one season. Considering this is my second season, I'm proud! A lot of my motivation comes from not having my tumbling. I know I have to prove myself to my team in other ways and one way I knew I could improve without mental blocks or anything was the dance. I've grown to love performing and the attention so much. I just practice the dance all the time and mouth the words during competition. I also look to my coaches because without them, I could never be the cheerleader I am today. They inspire me so much.
I do think some are just naturally better dancers/performers than others, but anyone can improve! I know some INCREDIBLE flyers, tumblers, etc., who look completely out of their element when it comes to the dance. Stiff, awkward, barely on beat. My cp, on the other hand, is a rather average flyer and tumbler, but a BEAST when it comes to the dance. She just comes alive when it's time to work that dance and it just comes naturally. I would practice in the mirror at home, doing facials and everything. A well timed facial can turn a blah dance move into something a little more eye catching. Also, watch whoever you believe to be the best dancer on your team, and ask for tips on how she does certain moves. Loosen up and make sure your movements are big, but controlled. You have to look like you're having the time of your life, and not just counting beats. Overall, I think confidence is the key ingredient. I know our gym doesn't offer them, but if you can find the time in your schedule, maybe taking a hip hop class will help with teaching you how to be sharp, yet fluid, and looking fierce while doing it. Hope this helps. Good luck!
if you want to get noticed by your coaches and moved up to the center spot.. i suggest that whenever they have you practicing the dance row by row or line by line to really sell it get into the music and look like you are having fun!!! If it looks like you are enjoying yourself and your dancing makes them want to bust some moves then i wouldn't be surprsied when they move you up to the center spot. While at home I would say dance to the music, if you work on different dancing techniques (ex: pointing your toes, sharp motions,etc..) while dancing to your favorite song they it will help clean up your dance style overall!! :)

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