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Correction to my previous post. SPOILER!!

Adam told Jordan that Dani gave him his word during the competition that she would NOT put up Jeff if he used the POV to take himself off the block. I know that Dani likes Adam and they talk on the regular so Brendon just may be getting the boot this week after all.

This goes with the previous post about Adam winning the POV.

I am not 100% sure about this but I read on twitter (a feed watcher) that the POV came down to Adam and Jeff and both of them made Dani promise Jeff safety and when she agreed Jeff threw the POV to Adam and took the money. Now if Dani doesn't want to lose more jury votes she will keep her promise to Jeff and Adam and backdoor Brendon, which seems like that is what will be happening.

Also here is the full list of winnings of the POV:

- Jeff: cash prize (not sure how much)
- Jordan: unitard (it is adorable and she is the only one in the house that could pull it off and look that cute)
- Kalia: vacation (cruise)
- Shelly: 24 hour confinement in the HN room and a call from home
- Adam: POV winner
- Dani: Veto ticket (it ensures that she will be able to play in next weeks POV no matter what)
Okay, so what I'm getting is Adam won the POV and Jeff is ensured safety. This means that the Brenchel deal with Dani is now dead (most likely) and Brendan is going bye bye to make this a successful HOH reign.
Okay, so what I'm getting is Adam won the POV and Jeff is ensured safety. This means that the Brenchel deal with Dani is now dead (most likely) and Brendan is going bye bye to make this a successful HOH reign.

From what I am seeing on the feeds I THINK that is the plan as do most people on twitter. Dani is sleeping right now so I am not sure until she wakes up and starts talking game. Seems Brendon and Rachel are really nervous. If Dani does end backdooring Jeff I think she will lose Kalia's and Porsche's trust because she is telling them she wants to get Brendon out (as well as Shelly, Adam, and Jeff). If Dani is as smart as she wants to be then she will backdoor Brendon.
Ok so I am taking a break from the feeds today but still following the update sites and twitter.

Here is a little recap of what important things happened while most were sleeping. SPOILERS!

Jeff/Jordan are thinking about keeping Brendon, but will only vote for him if Brendon can get Adam's vote. If Adam won't vote for Brendon then they are going with the house. They talked about this same thing multiple times last night and decide to sleep on it. That was really the only important thing that happened.

As far as currently in the house, Brendon and Rachel are basically throwing Jeff under the bus to Adam about already winning $15,000 and then asking Adam if Brendon can have his vote. They are getting pretty desperate right now because they know that Dani didn't take their deal.

If Porsche or Kalia win HOH next week I will probably stop watching and wait for next summer. I can't handle another week of those 3 sitting up in the HOH 24/7 talking crap about everyone when they really need to take a look in the mirror. Kalia is constantly dissing Jordan telling them that all Jordan does is hate which is crap because Jordan has a huge heart and doesn't dislike you until you try and screw her over (she put up with Rachel). Then Porsche talks about people gaining weight and not doing anything. She has gained weight and it shows and then all she does is sleep and eat (shelly gets onto her all the time because she doesn't even wash her own dishes). Dani is just so arrogant and I don't know why. I want to like the girl, but she has made mistake after mistake in this game and still thinks she knows all. It is becoming more and more clear that she would not have made final 2 during her season if it wasn't for her father. Hopefully this Thursday Jeff, Jordan, Shelly, or Adam wins HOH so there is some sort of change.
Ok so I am taking a break from the feeds today but still following the update sites and twitter.

Here is a little recap of what important things happened while most were sleeping. SPOILERS!

Jeff/Jordan are thinking about keeping Brendon, but will only vote for him if Brendon can get Adam's vote. If Adam won't vote for Brendon then they are going with the house. They talked about this same thing multiple times last night and decide to sleep on it. That was really the only important thing that happened.

As far as currently in the house, Brendon and Rachel are basically throwing Jeff under the bus to Adam about already winning $15,000 and then asking Adam if Brendon can have his vote. They are getting pretty desperate right now because they know that Dani didn't take their deal.

If Porsche or Kalia win HOH next week I will probably stop watching and wait for next summer. I can't handle another week of those 3 sitting up in the HOH 24/7 talking crap about everyone when they really need to take a look in the mirror. Kalia is constantly dissing Jordan telling them that all Jordan does is hate which is crap because Jordan has a huge heart and doesn't dislike you until you try and screw her over (she put up with Rachel). Then Porsche talks about people gaining weight and not doing anything. She has gained weight and it shows and then all she does is sleep and eat (shelly gets onto her all the time because she doesn't even wash her own dishes). Dani is just so arrogant and I don't know why. I want to like the girl, but she has made mistake after mistake in this game and still thinks she knows all. It is becoming more and more clear that she would not have made final 2 during her season if it wasn't for her father. Hopefully this Thursday Jeff, Jordan, Shelly, or Adam wins HOH so there is some sort of change.
I was thinking the same thing about Dani! I really liked her in the beginning but everytime I watch BB she always does something that makes me dislike her more. I agree, hopefully someone new wins HOH next week. Dani and Kalia are making me hate watching BB, it gets more boring everytime it comes on.
Glad that I took the day off from the feeds because it seems to have been very boring. The only big things that happened was Brendon and Rachel bashing Shelly, Jeff, and Jordan. The two haven't gotten to talk to Dani today which is bothering them. Dani said in the HOH room that if they throw Jeff under the bus to her again she will tell Jeff like she did last time so he gets mad (it will take his target off her).

Shelly got her phone call from home (it was only 3-4 minutes long) and has been talking about it ever since. It is cute but at the same time annoying.

Porsche got in trouble by production for something she did last night. As a joke (which was far from funny) Porsche and Kalia took Benefiber and put it in the muscle milk mix. Well I guess Jordan drank one and production yelled at Porsche for it not being right and she had to throw the mix out. She doesn't understand what is wrong and that it was a joke. Well Porsche the fact that you know nothing about any kind of food allergy someone may have makes things like that dangerous. Joking around is one thing but group/house food is off limits. Not sure if she got a punishment for it or just got scolded (everytime she talks about it the feeds cut).
I'm so glad I got to watch the episode today. Either CBS or Dish network messed up because 60 minutes was in it's time place and then BB during Same Name. Shelly is SO dumb. It has been hella obvious that she has been running back and forth for weeks between Dani and JeJo. I can't believe that she sat there with the JeJo/ Brenchel alliance (that was funny seeing them all get knocked out one by one) for the HOH and as soon as Dani won she went running up to her room to talk to her. She gets called out and is now all pissed off about it? That's crazy.

Porsche is so funny. She acts like a big shot now and I have no idea why. That joke is inappropriate though.
The house was SUPER boring yesterday so I don't have an update on last night. BUT The POV ceremony just took place.

The replacement was BRENDON.
Of course Brendon and Rachel are upset and Rachel is back to her emotional self. She then tells Brendon that if J/J don't vote to keep Brendon then they are #1 on her hit list (uh I thought they already were seeing as how she has been talking crap about them since thursday).

Dani and Kaila already think that either Kalia or Porsche are going to win HOH next week and think that it would be better to get Jeff out over Rachel. Can't wait for someone other then those two to win Thursday just so they get knocked down off their high horse. Kalia is basically bashing EVERYONE right now (including Porsche). That girl needs a swift kick to the arse. I don't mind Dani staying in the game as long as Porsche or Kalia goes home next week (mostly Kalia).

Hopefully the house/feeds will be much more interesting today seeing as how Rachel and Brendon are upset but we shall see. I will update if something interesting happens.

Oh my that video is hilarious. Seriously I have nothing against big people, I am not little myself, but she complains about feeling huge and not liking the way she looks but she rarely exercises and if you watch the feeds you know that she is seriously always eating something. Between her and Brendon I am surprised there is any food left in the house.

I have actually thought about taking the rest of the week off (until Thursday) from watching the feeds because I honestly do not know how much more I can take of Kalia, Porsche, and Dani talking smack in the HOH room all the time. Last night they all socialized which was nice to see, but as soon as noms were over they all talked smack. Dani, Shelly, and Porsche are laying out and where is Kalia? Camped out in the HOH room alone. She wonders why no one likes her.
So happy I found this thread! I love big brother, and Jordan is my favorite. Might be cause she was wearing a Boone shirt and thats where I go to school
I took the rest of the week off until last night because I couldn't handle those 3 girls, but I figured I would update since there is a new HOH.

JEFF WON HOH! He won by a pretty big margin, but CBS probably won't make it seem that way. For a while Porsche and Jeff were neck and neck, but Porsche lost speed and Jeff was 2 or more cups ahead and his lead just increased from that point on.
Jeff is still weighing his options about who to put up today so I have no idea who he will nominate until they wake up and decide right before nominations. I will keep everyone updated when that happens.
Still no nominations yet but Jeff basically told Kalia a minute ago that he told her when she put him up that she was in trouble if he won HOH. She said that she understood and wouldn't take it personally, but Jeff told her that because she was straight up with him and kept her word that she wouldn't put up Jordan that he would remember that and take it into consideration. I am not sure who he is putting up yet to be honest.

As for something funny, Jeff got to pick the Have Nots for the week and picked Dani, Kalia, and Porsche. Dani is not happy about it while Porsche and Kalia are like "oh well". I am actually surprised at how well Porsche is taking it since this is her (and Dani's) first time as a Have Not. They get Eggs and Jalapenos on top of slop this week. Will be interesting for Dani because they started slop on season 11 so Dani has never had to eat slop. Dani's birthday is this week so they may give them a few hours to eat like they did for Adam's birthday. Funny to see them get upset about losing their beds that they claimed last night.

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