All-Star Bullying

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I know a young boy who is an outstanding tumbler, lots of family issues, but tumbling is where he could shine. Went to try out for his school team, but he was the only boy there and the girls made so much fun of him he left. Good job, girls. :(
It is sad that other teams would bully your team, but I think it is even worse & harder to take when your own team mate bullies you. Team mates are suppose to help & support each other.
Well not me, but my brother who is a straight male cheerleader was being bullied for it since he started high school 2 months ago (and before that as well). I am sure you can imagine what he was being taunted with. Well last week he just couldn't take it anymore and ended up getting in a physical altercation with the kid. Both him and the other kid got suspended for 3 days from school. As much as it stinks he got in trouble I was happy he stuck up for himself. This kid clearly had no idea what he as talking about because at the end of the day it's my brother who is around the girls 24/7. Not to mention the 5 kids on the high school team (which my brother is not on, he only does all stars) are all the star athletes of the school. One is the pitcher of the baseball team, one of the best basketball players, and plays football (I am not sure how he has time to also cheer on the h.s team but thats besides the point) ... I think it's totally wrong for kids to be picked on because of the sport they choose to play. I am extremely proud of my brother for getting up every day and continuing to cheer even though he gets ridiculed about it constantly!!! He truly loves cheering and I know for a fact that bully's could not do a quarter of the stuff my little brother can!!!
i was bullied alot before i started cheering again, ( i stopped for a while ) i was being called ugly stupid dumb and basicially everything out there, then i joined cheering and my life turned around, i met my 2 bestfriends and alot more who like me for who i am.
<------- my CP decided to become a male cheerleader when he started the 6th grade (among the general transition to middle school, let's add THIS :)

He's in 8th grade now. He gets bullied every single day....with every single name-calling, male cheerleader taunt you can possibly imagine. He's heard them all. He doesn't cheer for school (our school cheer programs here are not high caliber - they don't stunt/tumble in middle school at all and there's not much of it in high school because of that) so he's allstar with his sister.

About every 5-6 weeks it will get to the point where he gets frustrated. But, he has a phenomenal family in our allstar gym that wraps him in all the support he needs (including several team mates that attend his school and will let their displeasure be known if people mess with him) but on the whole, he just ignores it, goes to the gym and does what he loves. In 2 years he's gone from negative tumbling (i'm not sure how to even classify the first "skill" he ever "threw"). He's on a Jr. co-ed 3 now with 2 bhs to a tuck, has a standing tuck now, a gorgeous layout on the tumble trak (hasn't tried it on the floor yet) and can single base stunt to extension (from a step in) any 70lb (or less) flyer in the gym.

And he's accomplished all that while growing 9 inches in the course of about 18 months. I think he started at about 95 pounds and 5 foot 1 or so. He's now 5-10 and 146 pounds.

That's pretty much all the personal self-esteem he needs to withstand the obnoxious types at his middle school :D
theres one girl onmy team that is mean to every one (no exaggeration at all) and she has started so much drama that i have wanted to smack her across her freakin face but instead i walk away count to 10 calm myself down and go back then i repeat this like 80 gillion times because she wont get out of my face its like really just shut up we r all sick of how freaking mean u r and no one wants to put up with it
<------- my CP decided to become a male cheerleader when he started the 6th grade (among the general transition to middle school, let's add THIS :)

He's in 8th grade now. He gets bullied every single day....with every single name-calling, male cheerleader taunt you can possibly imagine. He's heard them all. He doesn't cheer for school (our school cheer programs here are not high caliber - they don't stunt/tumble in middle school at all and there's not much of it in high school because of that) so he's allstar with his sister.

About every 5-6 weeks it will get to the point where he gets frustrated. But, he has a phenomenal family in our allstar gym that wraps him in all the support he needs (including several team mates that attend his school and will let their displeasure be known if people mess with him) but on the whole, he just ignores it, goes to the gym and does what he loves. In 2 years he's gone from negative tumbling (i'm not sure how to even classify the first "skill" he ever "threw"). He's on a Jr. co-ed 3 now with 2 bhs to a tuck, has a standing tuck now, a gorgeous layout on the tumble trak (hasn't tried it on the floor yet) and can single base stunt to extension (from a step in) any 70lb (or less) flyer in the gym.

And he's accomplished all that while growing 9 inches in the course of about 18 months. I think he started at about 95 pounds and 5 foot 1 or so. He's now 5-10 and 146 pounds.

That's pretty much all the personal self-esteem he needs to withstand the obnoxious types at his middle school :D
thats amazing :jawdrop:i would have completly broke down by this point
when i switched gyms to the "rival" gym of my old team, everyone from my old team turned on me when the reason I quit was because i wanted to go to worlds sometime in my life. it was mostly over facebook and texting but they called me the most worst things. i was glad to have my new teammates, though, to tell me to just blow it off because they weren't worth it :)
<------- my CP decided to become a male cheerleader when he started the 6th grade (among the general transition to middle school, let's add THIS :)

He's in 8th grade now. He gets bullied every single day....with every single name-calling, male cheerleader taunt you can possibly imagine. He's heard them all. He doesn't cheer for school (our school cheer programs here are not high caliber - they don't stunt/tumble in middle school at all and there's not much of it in high school because of that) so he's allstar with his sister.

About every 5-6 weeks it will get to the point where he gets frustrated. But, he has a phenomenal family in our allstar gym that wraps him in all the support he needs (including several team mates that attend his school and will let their displeasure be known if people mess with him) but on the whole, he just ignores it, goes to the gym and does what he loves. In 2 years he's gone from negative tumbling (i'm not sure how to even classify the first "skill" he ever "threw"). He's on a Jr. co-ed 3 now with 2 bhs to a tuck, has a standing tuck now, a gorgeous layout on the tumble trak (hasn't tried it on the floor yet) and can single base stunt to extension (from a step in) any 70lb (or less) flyer in the gym.

And he's accomplished all that while growing 9 inches in the course of about 18 months. I think he started at about 95 pounds and 5 foot 1 or so. He's now 5-10 and 146 pounds.

That's pretty much all the personal self-esteem he needs to withstand the obnoxious types at his middle school :D
5-10 and in 8th grade?! :jawdrop: Oh man he's going to be tall unless that was the end of his growing.
thats amazing :jawdrop:i would have completly broke down by this point
I know he's mine so I'm totally biased, but he's a pretty amazing kid. He is focused on what he wants - which is an appointment to the US Air Force Academy so he's 13 - has 10 hours logged so far, recently ranked up to Cadet Master Sergeant in the Civil Air Patrol and was actually deployed to the NC coast for a week in late August because of his multiple emergency services and disaster relief certifications. He was gone for a week on emergency services and disaster relief from Hurricane Irene. He got his official commendation from NC Wing CAP this past week. He's just as fiercely committed to cheer because he wants to cheer for the Air Force Academy. He has some nerves of steel and the desire to serve his country as a fighter pilot - but for as much as he's got all that - the "gay queerleader" WILL get to him far more (I think) than he vocalizes. He's just a great kid and I couldn't be more proud of his choice to cheer, or to follow in the family footsteps and give his life to military service :)
5-10 and in 8th grade?! :jawdrop: Oh man he's going to be tall unless that was the end of his growing.
I know right! I'm only 5-9, he literally passed me in a weekend. He went to bed Thursday night, I didn't see him again until Saturday night (I had to supervise a football game Friday and he went to Civil Air Patrol ES training on Saturday) so when we caught back up....he was taller than me. No. Lie. His dad (my hubby) is a 6-4 offensive lineman type, the doctor who delivered him said he'd be taller than dad but lean as a beanpole. So far - she's right on the money. He's not done growing by a long shot based on how he's eating and always complaining about his joints!
Unfortunately, and sadly, I feel there there is a growing trend prevalent on this board to bully athletes with respect to tumbling skills. Comments are being used as a weapon, and as a justified reason to put people down. It really makes me sad.
Bullies are those who are to insecure to tell someone else that they're beautiful , because they don't see the beauty in themselves!

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