OT Casey Anthony Trial

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Unfortunately in this case as any other the burden of proof was on the DA and State of Florida to make that case and they did not. The jury does not get the same information that you and I get. They only get what is allowed by the court. Remember they can not watch, read, or listen to any news, or comments during the trial. In addition the jury was picked and brought in from another part of Florida so there would not be any pre judgment on the juries part.

The only way there wouldn't have been any judgment, pre-trial, is if the jury was picked in the 31 days that baby was missing. I live nowhere near FL and even I know the media had their spin from minute one.
Basically, her lawyers pulled an O.J. D@mn good lawyers, I'll give them that much.
I'm disgusted by this as well. Who does this kind of stuff to their own child. That's sickening! But may I just point out... one lady on the jury specifically said she didn't believe in the death penalty and another guy said he had a vacation planned for Thursday. So obviously the lady was going to vote against the penalty and the guy was going to do whatever would make it so he could still catch his flight... ugh, I hope they feel guilty that this awful person will still be living around them and their families.
I'm disgusted by this as well. Who does this kind of stuff to their own child. That's sickening! But may I just point out... one lady on the jury specifically said she didn't believe in the death penalty and another guy said he had a vacation planned for Thursday. So obviously the lady was going to vote against the penalty and the guy was going to do whatever would make it so he could still catch his flight... ugh, I hope they feel guilty that this awful person will still be living around them and their families.
WHY would you agree to be on a jury knowing you had a vacation planned? Did he really think this thing was gonna be wrapped up in a week and tralala he's off the hook? It's taken FOREVER for us to get the trials on for the Petit Murders here in CT..and they're less high-profile than this.
Im disgusted, that women is a pig, and doesnt deserve to be free. My thoughts are that she is going to write a book , and be making millions, having all the fame. Hopefully most people will this shes mentally unstable, and not a good person to hang around with . I personally think she was guilty from the beginning. Caylee Marie Anthony, you are in all our hearts <3
As someone who one day hopes to enter law school and work on the prosecution side this entire thing makes me sick. How can a jury find her guilty of lying to the police on 4 accounts but say she was not guilty?? I watched the entire trial from the beginning and can not imagine how the jury came to the conclusion that they did. They could have went with manslaughter which is a lesser charge then murder and they still found her not guilty.

If the little girl drowned in a pool why oh why would a mother hide the body and dispose of it in a wooded area? That doesn't scream I did something wrong? They didn't even consider that a form of child abuse which she was found not guilty of. Things like this is what puts so little faith in the justice system.

The only thing that makes me at ease about it all is that one day she will face her judgement and get what she deserves.
As someone who one day hopes to enter law school and work on the prosecution side this entire thing makes me sick. How can a jury find her guilty of lying to the police on 4 accounts but say she was not guilty?? I watched the entire trial from the beginning and can not imagine how the jury came to the conclusion that they did. They could have went with manslaughter which is a lesser charge then murder and they still found her not guilty.

If the little girl drowned in a pool why oh why would a mother hide the body and dispose of it in a wooded area? That doesn't scream I did something wrong? They didn't even consider that a form of child abuse which she was found not guilty of. Things like this is what puts so little faith in the justice system.

The only thing that makes me at ease about it all is that one day she will face her judgement and get what she deserves.

I agree. EVEN if an accident - (which I don't believe the drowning story) - the jury basically ignores the fact that Caylee's body was just tossed in a swampy area in the woods. - but because they are a dysfunctional family and it was an "accident", and didn't know how to cope... then that makes it ok...It is just so wrong.
WHY would you agree to be on a jury knowing you had a vacation planned? Did he really think this thing was gonna be wrapped up in a week and tralala he's off the hook? It's taken FOREVER for us to get the trials on for the Petit Murders here in CT..and they're less high-profile than this.

You don't get a say in if you're on the jury or not. During the selection process people are "weeded out" based on factors that the attorneys feel could influence the outcome one way or another. A co-worker got called to jury duty for a time when she was going to be on vacation. She asked to postpone her jury duty due to her pre-paid trip, the court denied her request. She had to change her trip dates, and pay the date change fees charged by the airline and the higher hotel room rates for the new dates.
I agree. EVEN if an accident - (which I don't believe the drowning story) - the jury basically ignores the fact that Caylee's body was just tossed in a swampy area in the woods. - but because they are a dysfunctional family and it was an "accident", and didn't know how to cope... then that makes it ok...It is just so wrong.

EXACTLY! Even if it was an accident how does it make it alright that it was never reported and the body was stuffed in a trunk to later be dumped on the side of the road? Dr. G (the medical examiner) said it best when she stated over and over that she has NEVER had a case where the parents of an accidental drowning didn't come forward and call 911. She knew from doing to autopsy that the little girl did not drown in that pool and that Casey knew it didn't happen.

What I find really telling are the reports of Casey's parents having no reaction to the verdict and just leaving the courtroom. I wonder if her mother feels guilt for possibily giving testimony that got her daughter off the hook.
EXACTLY! Even if it was an accident how does it make it alright that it was never reported and the body was stuffed in a trunk to later be dumped on the side of the road? Dr. G (the medical examiner) said it best when she stated over and over that she has NEVER had a case where the parents of an accidental drowning didn't come forward and call 911. She knew from doing to autopsy that the little girl did not drown in that pool and that Casey knew it didn't happen.

What I find really telling are the reports of Casey's parents having no reaction to the verdict and just leaving the courtroom. I wonder if her mother feels guilt for possibily giving testimony that got her daughter off the hook.

Or how her dad feels for what the defense said about him..I can't see dad having a relationship with her, mom -probably wants one, hence some of her testimony that I don't think was truthful...she basically lied about the computer searches...
I don't see them being able to stay in the area. Although, they went back home and are there now.
The only way there wouldn't have been any judgment, pre-trial, is if the jury was picked in the 31 days that baby was missing. I live nowhere near FL and even I know the media had their spin from minute one.
Basically, her lawyers pulled an O.J. D@mn good lawyers, I'll give them that much.
it escapes me how they could not at the very least find her guilty of manslaughter....how can they get past the 31 days and the duct tape? If your child drowns....who puts duct tape over her mouth and dumps her body....geeeeeez...sick!
this entire situation makes me absolutely sick. she IS guilty, 'not enough evidence' is ridiculous, all of the lies? not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days while she goes out and parties while caylee stays with a FAKE nanny? i just can't even believe it. that's enough evidence for me to know that she is not an innocent woman. and really? not reporting her missing for 31 days...how is that "not guilty" for neglect. or that her parents got up and left the courtroom after the verdict was announced not looking very happy? hmmm...a little shady right? not to mention her mother clearly lied on the stand about searching for chloroform. these people all need help.

if that was me, and i actually was innocent (which clearly she's not), i wouldn't be laughing and celebrating i would be making the statement that someone needed to find my daughters murderer and bring justice for my little girl.

she will never live a normal day in her life ever again, due to the fact that it's obvious the entire country wants to give her a piece of their mind.

and one more thing, i think the fact that if new evidence is brought up she can't be tried and convicted again is absolutely bogus.
EXACTLY! Even if it was an accident how does it make it alright that it was never reported and the body was stuffed in a trunk to later be dumped on the side of the road? Dr. G (the medical examiner) said it best when she stated over and over that she has NEVER had a case where the parents of an accidental drowning didn't come forward and call 911. She knew from doing to autopsy that the little girl did not drown in that pool and that Casey knew it didn't happen.

What I find really telling are the reports of Casey's parents having no reaction to the verdict and just leaving the courtroom. I wonder if her mother feels guilt for possibily giving testimony that got her daughter off the hook.
exactly, and what RANDOM person took caylee and wrapped her in her own winnie the pooh blanket...

"oh i'm gonna take this little girl and kill her but let me get her blanket first?" like, sorry that's not happening. casey anthony is a sociopath.
Lets all remember that none of us were jurors in this case. We had loads on media influence that shaped the way we viewed the case. The jurors had none. They did not know that all of America thought that Casey was guilty. I am not saying that Casey was innocent because I believe she was guilty, but it was not the jurors fault. The prosecution needs to prove without a doubt that she did it. This is a 100% circumstantial case. How would everyone on here feel if in a few years evidence comes out to prove that she was innocent? If she was convicted of the crime, she would have been already executed. You can not say someone is guilty when their life is on the line, unless there is without a shadow of a doubt that she did it.

ETA* RIP Caylee <3
Lets all remember that none of us were jurors in this case. We had loads on media influence that shaped the way we viewed the case. The jurors had none. They did not know that all of America thought that Casey was guilty. I am not saying that Casey was innocent because I believe she was guilty, but it was not the jurors fault. The prosecution needs to prove without a doubt that she did it. This is a 100% circumstantial case. How would everyone on here feel if in a few years evidence comes out to prove that she was innocent? If she was convicted of the crime, she would have been already executed. You can not say someone is guilty when their life is on the line, unless there is without a shadow of a doubt that she did it.

ETA* RIP Caylee <3
still cant get past the duct tape.....period!!!!!!!!!!

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