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Kaley was going to leave with some of the coaches who went to GTIL last year, but after lots of promises from Darlene did not. While all of the other Ice coaches signed a noncompete, Kaley did not. She regretted staying at Ice within a couple months and started talking to CSP about some kind of partnership with CEA. The plan was for Kaley to finish the year at Ice and then open CEA Chicago. Darlene got wind of this plan and was worried about more athletes leaving and repeating what happened when GTIL opened, so she fired Kaley thinking that most athletes would stay and at least finish the year, giving her time to convince them to stay.

It backfired. Darlene isn't around Ice much and is a little out of touch at the gym. She didn't realize how many people were generally unsatisfied.

It seems weird to me that people would fault Kaley for looking for a new job. Isn't this the way people generally do it? You interview while you still have your old job. It doesn't make you disloyal. Why are cheer coaches held to some different standard?

As far as loyalty to a gym, that should be a two way street. Darlene thinks nothing of replacing a "loyal" athlete who isn't performing at the level she thinks the athlete should be, with a new better person who walks in the door midseason,. If it is OK for a gym to replace an athlete when a better one walks in the door, why isn't it OK for athletes to join a new gym when a better one comes along?

You reap what you sow.
Kaley was going to leave with some of the coaches who went to GTIL last year, but after lots of promises from Darlene did not. While all of the other Ice coaches signed a noncompete, Kaley did not. She regretted staying at Ice within a couple months and started talking to CSP about some kind of partnership with CEA. The plan was for Kaley to finish the year at Ice and then open CEA Chicago. Darlene got wind of this plan and was worried about more athletes leaving and repeating what happened when GTIL opened, so she fired Kaley thinking that most athletes would stay and at least finish the year, giving her time to convince them to stay.

It backfired. Darlene isn't around Ice much and is a little out of touch at the gym. She didn't realize how many people were generally unsatisfied.

It seems weird to me that people would fault Kaley for looking for a new job. Isn't this the way people generally do it? You interview while you still have your old job. It doesn't make you disloyal. Why are cheer coaches held to some different standard?

As far as loyalty to a gym, that should be a two way street. Darlene thinks nothing of replacing a "loyal" athlete who isn't performing at the level she thinks the athlete should be, with a new better person who walks in the door midseason,. If it is OK for a gym to replace an athlete when a better one walks in the door, why isn't it OK for athletes to join a new gym when a better one comes along?

You reap what you sow.

I'm sorry, you are? Not trying to be sarcastic, just curious where you personally fall in this situation---parent of an athlete involved, perhaps? Your information is kinda unique to the situation, so I'm unsure at what truth versus gossip level to take it.
I'm sorry, you are? Not trying to be sarcastic, just curious where you personally fall in this situation---parent of an athlete involved, perhaps? Your information is kinda unique to the situation, so I'm unsure at what truth versus gossip level to take it.
I'm a parent of an athlete at Ice. She was not on either of Kaley's teams. We have been there for a couple of years. Although this will be our last year, we will be staying to finish the season. The only people who really left are those people on Kaley's teams. They only stayed at Ice after GTIL opened to be with Kaley. If they had known this was going to happen, they would probably have followed Justin to GTIL. I think the people on this board are being unfairly judgmental about the girls who chose to follow their coach after she was fired, and just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
Not so long ago, I left my child in a situation to teach her to see out a commitment. While I couldn't see it, she was subjected to substandard coaching and left to feel she was not capable of making a valued contribution to a team. Because I never saw the coaching and general situation up close, (every practice closed) I didn't have any idea until it was too late that seeing out that commitment shattered her confidence and almost claimed her love for a sport she has devoted so much of her little 10 year old life to.

If I'd known then what I know now, I wouldn't have stayed. And you darn well better believe that if I found myself in that toxic situation again I would be out of there before Droplet could get her cheer shoes off and through the door of one that could change her life.

My loyalty is to MY child and MY family and no one or no thing else. Never will I ever make that mistake again.
I'm a parent of an athlete at Ice. She was not on either of Kaley's teams. We have been there for a couple of years. Although this will be our last year, we will be staying to finish the season. The only people who really left are those people on Kaley's teams. They only stayed at Ice after GTIL opened to be with Kaley. If they had known this was going to happen, they would probably have followed Justin to GTIL. I think the people on this board are being unfairly judgmental about the girls who chose to follow their coach after she was fired, and just wanted to put in my 2 cents.

Thanks for clarifying! It helps make sense of this situation a bit more.

Not so long ago, I left my child in a situation to teach her to see out a commitment. While I couldn't see it, she was subjected to substandard coaching and left to feel she was not capable of making a valued contribution to a team. Because I never saw the coaching and general situation up close, (every practice closed) I didn't have any idea until it was too late that seeing out that commitment shattered her confidence and almost claimed her love for a sport she has devoted so much of her little 10 year old life to.

If I'd known then what I know now, I wouldn't have stayed. And you darn well better believe that if I found myself in that toxic situation again I would be out of there before Droplet could get her cheer shoes off and through the door of one that could change her life.

My loyalty is to MY child and MY family and no one or no thing else. Never will I ever make that mistake again.

I have to admit, knowing what Droplet went through kinda clouds my judgement on this because I think too many people focus on the loyalty to the gym and the gym only---when reality says be loyal to your child first, gym second. I'm so glad Droplet it in a place where she is so clearly thriving now!
Not so long ago, I left my child in a situation to teach her to see out a commitment. While I couldn't see it, she was subjected to substandard coaching and left to feel she was not capable of making a valued contribution to a team. Because I never saw the coaching and general situation up close, (every practice closed) I didn't have any idea until it was too late that seeing out that commitment shattered her confidence and almost claimed her love for a sport she has devoted so much of her little 10 year old life to.

If I'd known then what I know now, I wouldn't have stayed. And you darn well better believe that if I found myself in that toxic situation again I would be out of there before Droplet could get her cheer shoes off and through the door of one that could change her life.

My loyalty is to MY child and MY family and no one or no thing else. Never will I ever make that mistake again.
I couldn't agree with you more! Teaching your daughter to be loyal for the sake of loyalty, and to be committed to something or someone who isn't as committed to her, doesn't teach value. It teaches her that she isn't valued. It teaches her to accept less than she gives in relationships. If your daughter tells you that she isnt valued and isn't appreciated, believe her. Leaving a program that isn't helping your child grow, isn't disloyal. It is responsible parenting. It also (hopefully) empowers her to believe that when a relationship is one sided and unhealthy, that leaving is good and doesn't mean you have an issue with loyalty.
So we are all supposed to feel sorry for the coach because she was scheming and planning behind Darlene's back and got caught. But it's Darlene's fault because she isn't around enough to pander to unhappy cheer moms and makes athletes maintain their level skills or they will be moved to a different level. Got it.

I don't really consider it scheming or planning when feelings were known, promises were made, and then not upheld. I have no horse in this race, but just using some basic common sense Darlene should have seen the writing on the wall when she didn't uphold her promises. If this was somehow supposed to be crisis management, she failed at it.
I thought things in Illinois were too quit! It's been a minute, but they always come through with some scandal.

I don't know anyone involved, nor do I have many accurate details I'm sure. However this sounds like a lot of drama that went down years ago in our area. Coaches that are let go and magically appear at another program are let go because they're planning on leaving anyways and gym caught wind of it. Too big of a following as a firing reason? That screams you're planning on leaving and are recruiting our kids in the process.

I have no doubt CEA can put things into motion quick, they're very experienced at opening new gyms. I'm more curious about how they knew about this coach and her lack of employment as fast as they did though. That's the part that screams pre-meditated intentions. Unless the coach called up CSP personally to ask for a gym, then I just find the timing too odd to believe it just happened. There had to be some type of planning in advance. It's nationals season and CSP is a busy woman. She's not just sitting around following coaches online to see if there's anyone suddenly available. They had to be in talks before this all went down.
I've been speaking to people on the ice and CEA teams in the last few days from what I've heard the ice team are ready to come back stronger from this and frost have already re worked their routine adding 3 or 4 crossovers, but people from CEA said they didn't mean any harm and they wanted this opportunity so they took it
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I'm a parent of an athlete at Ice. She was not on either of Kaley's teams. We have been there for a couple of years. Although this will be our last year, we will be staying to finish the season. The only people who really left are those people on Kaley's teams. They only stayed at Ice after GTIL opened to be with Kaley. If they had known this was going to happen, they would probably have followed Justin to GTIL. I think the people on this board are being unfairly judgmental about the girls who chose to follow their coach after she was fired, and just wanted to put in my 2 cents.

Assuming all of this is true, this changes things in my perspective. I think several of us said what we thought we would do, but we also acknowledged that there were too many unknown factors to say for certain.

I'm curious though-do you think you will stay at the end of this season or look elsewhere? You mention a lot of people are unhappy (not just the ones who left). I'm just wondering what kind of mass exodus this will result in at the end of the season.

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Kaley was going to leave with some of the coaches who went to GTIL last year, but after lots of promises from Darlene did not. While all of the other Ice coaches signed a noncompete, Kaley did not. She regretted staying at Ice within a couple months and started talking to CSP about some kind of partnership with CEA. The plan was for Kaley to finish the year at Ice and then open CEA Chicago. Darlene got wind of this plan and was worried about more athletes leaving and repeating what happened when GTIL opened, so she fired Kaley thinking that most athletes would stay and at least finish the year, giving her time to convince them to stay.

It backfired. Darlene isn't around Ice much and is a little out of touch at the gym. She didn't realize how many people were generally unsatisfied.

It seems weird to me that people would fault Kaley for looking for a new job. Isn't this the way people generally do it? You interview while you still have your old job. It doesn't make you disloyal. Why are cheer coaches held to some different standard?

As far as loyalty to a gym, that should be a two way street. Darlene thinks nothing of replacing a "loyal" athlete who isn't performing at the level she thinks the athlete should be, with a new better person who walks in the door midseason,. If it is OK for a gym to replace an athlete when a better one walks in the door, why isn't it OK for athletes to join a new gym when a better one comes along?

You reap what you sow.

I'm also an ICE Parent and I had heard she did sign a non compete. I doubt they'd make all coaches except one sign it - that is illogical. But again, also none of my business what employment documents are used.

Also, heard a way different version of how this all went down. I do think it's important to reiterate that unless you are Darlene and Kaley, you don't have 100% accuracy of the story. None of us do.

I disagree that replacing an athlete on a team to improve the team is even remotely close to the same level as 20-some girls leaving their team high and dry right before nationals.

Do they have the right to leave? Sure.

Is it ethical- however, is another discussion.

Say what you want about Darlene, she's doing something right for that program and despite what others say - there are many of us who are very happy with ICE, Darlene, and how things are there. There's no perfect gym anywhere and as shiny and new as CEA is - give it time and it will have its own problems, just like everywhere else.

If Kaley was looking to leave, then I'm glad this occurred so the coach that remains for the rest of the girls is 100% in and dedicated to ICE. That's what we are paying for.

Good luck to those that left and to Kaley. But everyone needs to stop making it out like it's because of x, y and z. It happened because of a combination of things, how people reacted to said things, and personal choices. In other words - everyone in this situation played a part.
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