All-Star Cheerleaders Season 3?

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If anyone who missed the links to the emails & hate message pic private message me & I will give you the link ;) I may set up a facebook page & instagram account for this It will not be a Smoed bashing page (I have not done that in any way) just the truth & facts. I would like to see them try & take those down since there is absolutely no defamation contained in both my posts or emails in response to CA's. Everyone is entitled to their opinion & to see the truth in writing. I believe it is called freedom of speech.
I kept wracking my brain, while organizing 3,000 new legos (shoot me now), for a way to day just this and you did it better than I could. You have every right in the world to be part of this conversation, but just because you can do something doesn't mean you always should. You can not change everyone's perception of this event because you are 1 of 20 on a team, you are also not a coach, not the athlete, an owner, or the parent of the athlete involved. So while you can speak for you, and I believe everyone does and will appreciate your apology, you can't apologize for the disgustingly vile image Adrian sent him, you can not apologize for Kyle's mean spirited tweets at the time, you can not apologize for Jessica saying he betrayed her, you can not apologize for Eddie saying CEA is second rate and/or unethical...the list goes on, but I'm sure you've gotten the point. You can speak for you, but I see this as you trying to speak for the team as a whole---and right now, that isn't your place. And I think if you try, it's only going to cause you more aggravation than all of this probably already is.

This will all fizzle out in time, not right now because it's actively happening, but it will; and what people think and feel will be what they think and feel, but it doesn't mean you have to go out in a blazing fire of glory defending SMOED to the end as it happens.
I'm afraid to ask what the contents of the image were...
If people are allowed to post links to the episode I will very disapointed to say the least. If I am not allowed to post the truth & facts in writing then showing the link to episode here shouldn't be allowed either. Who cares that it will be on youtube, if people want to watch it there if it is aired then power to them ;) The show is a joke anyway

Since it is an episode that involves your son and it isn't very nice I don't mind removing it when someone posts. Just understand I can't stop someone posting it, only remove. As well I have to be alerted when it happens. The board has 1,000 plus posts a day and it is all community monitored. As far as reaching out I wasn't given a timeline.
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Then when they were replace it was with 2nd & 3rd choice bases that were just not cutting it & didn't have the skills. This caused Dylan to have to 'carry' his stunt group

For Jessica to say that she was taken into Eddies office & told she was being replaced then blaming it on Dylan leaving is damn ridiculous! She shouldn't of been there in the first place, she doesn't have the skills, just look at her jumps in the episode they are not very good at all.
This seems pretty harsh coming from someone who doesn't watch every practice or know what skills all of the other teammates have (unbiased first hand knowledge). If they're part of the team, I'm sure it's because they bring something to the table. Jessica wouldn't have put off going to Berkeley to half butt being on the team or not try to gain more skills and push past being 'not very good at all'. That girl has heart!

Then again, I do not know what skills everyone has either besides the glimpses on the show that could be taken on a bad day or at the end of a rough practice but I would never belittle they ones they do have and worked so hard to obtain. We get it, there are kids with skills below your son's but there are kinder ways of saying that.
This seems pretty harsh coming from someone who doesn't watch every practice or know what skills all of the other teammates have (unbiased first hand knowledge). If they're part of the team, I'm sure it's because they bring something to the table. Jessica wouldn't have put off going to Berkeley to half butt being on the team or not try to gain more skills and push past being 'not very good at all'. That girl has heart!

Then again, I do not know what skills everyone has either besides the glimpses on the show that could be taken on a bad day or at the end of a rough practice but I would never belittle they ones they do have and worked so hard to obtain. We get it, there are kids with skills below your son's but there are kinder ways of saying that.

i also think jessica is not to blame because if you put yourself in her situation, if you just got told you got cut from your dream team, the team you worked so hard for and deferred college for, emotions will take the best of you and you will probably say things you don't really mean, looking for any explanation or any other person to possibly blame to make yourself feel a little better. And to make it even worse, have all of it recorded for a reality show. I feel very sorry for the Girl , it must be verrryyy hard on her
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And him and his family had been completely silent until their son's name was placed front and center in that episode, titled.."Dylan's Story" SILENT. As a mother, you can't tell me that adults disparaging your child who left without drama or any noise whatsoever wouldn't set off a oh heck no reaction from you to protect your child?? Kris, you are so hot to defend these coaches and this show that you can't see this man was defending his SON??? DO you think what he did was out of line? You're shimmying post's about "I'm closing this thread and removing links until Eddie and Tannaz can reach out to this Dad." Too little too late on that front. Probably returning a text or email while his son was still on their team would have been in order but.........that was too much to hope for. Nobody wants the drama to continue as much as we believe this man has every right to sit up and say I know how you operate and under no circumstances will I sit back while you spread lies on your 6 minute webshow about my son! That wasn't Dylan's story. That 6 minutes of BS should have been titled Lying Liar that Lies............ Pssshhhhtttt

I completely disagree. I think a lot of people are upset the thread closed because they want to see all drama unfold. You seriously underestimate how many people love to sit on the sidelines and watch fierceboard devolve into a crapshow.
This seems pretty harsh coming from someone who doesn't watch every practice or know what skills all of the other teammates have (unbiased first hand knowledge). If they're part of the team, I'm sure it's because they bring something to the table. Jessica wouldn't have put off going to Berkeley to half butt being on the team or not try to gain more skills and push past being 'not very good at all'. That girl has heart!

Then again, I do not know what skills everyone has either besides the glimpses on the show that could be taken on a bad day or at the end of a rough practice but I would never belittle they ones they do have and worked so hard to obtain. We get it, there are kids with skills below your son's but there are kinder ways of saying that.

I think this is more the frustrations of a parent who's son got injured because a teammate was put in a position she doesn't have enough practice/strength on. I'm not sure if you've seen the episode or not, but Eddie himself said that without Dylan pulling the weight of that group it can't stay up hence why Jessica was replaced.
This seems pretty harsh coming from someone who doesn't watch every practice or know what skills all of the other teammates have (unbiased first hand knowledge). If they're part of the team, I'm sure it's because they bring something to the table. Jessica wouldn't have put off going to Berkeley to half butt being on the team or not try to gain more skills and push past being 'not very good at all'. That girl has heart!

Then again, I do not know what skills everyone has either besides the glimpses on the show that could be taken on a bad day or at the end of a rough practice but I would never belittle they ones they do have and worked so hard to obtain. We get it, there are kids with skills below your son's but there are kinder ways of saying that
I completely disagree. I think a lot of people are upset the thread closed because they want to see all drama unfold. You seriously underestimate how many people love to sit on the sidelines and watch fierceboard devolve into a crapshow.
While I do enjoy a good fierceboard "crapshow" I was more annoyed because the thread was shut down by a request of a big gym to give them time to get their ducks back in a row. Ducks which they have had plenty of time to handle. I can understand why some threads get shut down at certain points when things get ugly or out of line but this was not one of them. Reminded me more of a bailout of Wall Street by the government.
I think this is more the frustrations of a parent who's son got injured because a teammate was put in a position she doesn't have enough practice/strength on. I'm not sure if you've seen the episode or not, but Eddie himself said that without Dylan pulling the weight of that group it can't stay up hence why Jessica was replaced.

Still he is bashing just like he is complaining about others doing to his kid! Also @obsessivecheer you keep saying your telling the truth in your diatribe of Dylans story but your also using it to bash a bit! If you say a woman has blonde hair that can be truth but saying a woman has blonde hair and a big nose is truth mixed with a bit of opinion. Reading what you wrote I see a lot of the latter.

Also, were those the ONLY emails you received and sent or only the ones you wanted to post? Did dylan ever talk to tannaz or ANY coach about leaving after being approached by a "friend" to go to CEA? Did Courtney ever call Tannaz just out of professional respect about this boy coming to her program?

I know you see it as threats of deportation, but I believe it could also be seen as a way for Cali to cover their behind to contact immigration and tell them that the guy they helped come live with them has now bailed on them and they want nothing to do with what happens to him now, so take us out of anything regarding is exploits in the US now.
I've read through this thread as it progressed, and read through that locked thread so I missed the emails and the edited/deleted posts, but here's my stance on the whole issue.
Firstly, for anyone from California Allstars, or Smoed, had this happened at any other gym, on any other team, chances are no one would know about it. If anyone did know about it, it would be because teenagers like to talk, teenagers like to spread drama, be petty, cause cat fights. The owners of California Allstars, the coaches and athletes of Smoed, and the families of both decided they would be, and assumed all responsibilities for, airing a REALITY "TV" show about a team. When the "reality" show decided to delve into the personal lives of the athletes, as coaches, athletes, owners, and parents, you basically said to the public "Here's my dirty laundry, do with it as you please." Had this show stayed about the athletes, about the sport, and never once touched on the personal lives of a single athlete, maybe then people would not be talking about your personal lives.
Secondly, though legal, I think posting those emails for everyone to see took it too far. That is not my business. Though it's interesting, it is not my business. Furthermore, for them to be released without the knowledge or consent of the other parties involved, again, I don't think the information enclosed was important enough to warrant emails like that being released. The point could have been defended without.
Thirdly, if this drama is the fire, @Obsessive Cheer you are the oxygen. You come on here defending your child, great. You want to tell his story? Amazing. You're going about it in such a way that is only fuelling the fire. A fire that should have been dealt with privately. Do I think that the producers of Awesomeness TV, the owners of CA, and the coaches/athletes/parents of Smoed are right in allowing the slandering of your son on this web show? Absolutely not. That does not mean it needs to become a public spectacle. Creating an Instagram page, a Facebook page, whatever you're talking about, to post private emails between yourself and those working at CA is extremely petty. You are a grown man, I'm sure you know how to act like one, so maybe it's time to start.

Do I find the information interesting? Absolutely. I love a good bit of juicy drama. But similarly to when a lot of drama happened regarding CSP (if you don't know, don't DM me I'm not talking about it), it is not my business. It doesn't effect me, it is not illegal, nobody's life is in danger, why should I know? I think it's time we all take a step back and decide if we would really want people prying into our business like this if the situation happened with our families? I know for me, though I don't have any children, if this happened to a child of mine, we'd be dealing with it privately. If an episode was airing slandering my child, you bet your bottom dollar that California Allstars, and Awesomeness TV, would be publicly apologizing to my family and my child, and it would be on them to offer a true and reasonable explanation as to why.
I am so disappointed in what I have seen in the treatment of this young man. Not only is he basically ALONE in this country and a gazillion miles away from his family but it seems like his "friends" and support system in our country completely turned their backs on him and bashed him publicly. Thank god he was able to find a home at CEA and has been welcomed with open arms.

In my opinion, the links to the emails shouldn't have been removed as there was nothing wrong with linking them. It is very apparent that "someone" didn't want the truth getting out in regards to their poor behavior. What a terrible PR nightmare for Cali.

In regards to the show, it has run its course and is seeming very staged to me. I am certain that the producers are running out of ideas. Perhaps the show should have followed a different team each season to keep the story line going.

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