All-Star Cover Up Rule.

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Jul 29, 2014
So I'm just looking around the USASF website and looking at some rules and such. I noticed that there is a cover up rule that isn't being followed very well. The one all star cheer comp that I did attend, there were many young ladies walking around the facility, who I know for a fact, already performed and they still had on their uniforms w/o any type of cover up like it was nothing.

I'm really a big advocate for safety all around. Especially when it comes to comps like this. I feel like this is the main reason why the uniform rule change has taken into place this season, because a lot of gyms, didn't enforce the cover up rule all together.

I feel like walking around an arena with just a half naked uniform on before you compete and after you compete, is just asking child molestation and rape. Now, I know this is not as likely to happen at a comp where they're thousands of spectators and security, but you never know. You can never be too sure about safety. Basically, my question is,

Do you agree or disagree that this is why they changed the uniform rule? because many gyms didn't follow the cover up rule? So they had to take something into action to make sure that at least one rule was being enforced?
No matter what you wear (or don't wear) you're NEVER asking for child molestation or rape. And to go along with the idea that only people who have exposed skin are victims is dangerous.
that's not what I meant. I'm just saying in a general sense, they have a cover up rule for a reason, it should be enforced not dismissed. I'm pretty sure, safety concerns are the main purpose for the cover up rule. One of those main safety concerns may be Child molestation and rape.
Ok. They have the rule as a safety precaution. BUT what you are wearing or not wearing will never make you more safe. So, maybe people don't agree that the "rule" matters for their athletes safety. Once there are Uniform Cover-Up Safety Police patrolling competitions, maybe more gyms will enforce the rule. Until then, maybe we should bling up some mace clips for our nfinity backpacks.
that's not what I meant. I'm just saying in a general sense, they have a cover up rule for a reason, it should be enforced not dismissed. I'm pretty sure, safety concerns are the main purpose for the cover up rule. One of those main safety concerns may be Child molestation and rape.
USASF should probably focus more of their attention on passing laws that prohibit sex offenders from coaching, owning a gym, spotting at a competition, or judging (do judges receive background checks?). A pedophile will view kids in a sexual manner, no matter how fully clothed they are.
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Ok. They have the rule as a safety precaution. BUT what you are wearing or not wearing will never make you more safe. So, maybe people don't agree that the "rule" matters for their athletes safety. Once there are Uniform Cover-Up Safety Police patrolling competitions, maybe more gyms will enforce the rule. Until then, maybe we should bling up some mace clips for our nfinity backpacks.
Maybe fines would be more effective.
And, seriously, no. I just spent three hours rolling hair on pink sponge rollers the night before and it takes us over an hour in the morning to get the makeup and hair done, uniform on, half a bottle of hairspray and then you want me to try to stretch a Tshirt over that? We are in FL, there is a lot of uncovered folks. Doesn't bother me in the slightest if someone is walking around the venue in their uniform. Have you seen the girls' hair? There is a lot of us mommas that have spent a ton of time on that hair to not get signaled out for hair problems and there has been a few curse words by mom, a few ouuccchhhh and some general frustration with hairspray and curls. CP is tenderheaded, too. Dragging a Tshirt over the finished look and then back off to compete, hope I don't pull her hair in the process of trying to stretch that Tshirt to death, big hole in the pouf, hair now sticking out? Nope, babe, it looks great, that didn't frizz your hair out. Her attitude just took a dive and she's feeling my frustration. We still had glitter eye shadow, too, last year, that knocks glitter off. I've got glitter in my eye!!!! No thank you.
So I'm just looking around the USASF website and looking at some rules and such. I noticed that there is a cover up rule that isn't being followed very well. The one all star cheer comp that I did attend, there were many young ladies walking around the facility, who I know for a fact, already performed and they still had on their uniforms w/o any type of cover up like it was nothing.

I'm really a big advocate for safety all around. Especially when it comes to comps like this. I feel like this is the main reason why the uniform rule change has taken into place this season, because a lot of gyms, didn't enforce the cover up rule all together.

I feel like walking around an arena with just a half naked uniform on before you compete and after you compete, is just asking child molestation and rape. Now, I know this is not as likely to happen at a comp where they're thousands of spectators and security, but you never know. You can never be too sure about safety. Basically, my question is,

Do you agree or disagree that this is why they changed the uniform rule? because many gyms didn't follow the cover up rule? So they had to take something into action to make sure that at least one rule was being enforced?
The uniform rule and the cover up rule were introduced at the same time. They were simply implemented at different times - USASF gave gyms more time to add full top uniforms into their uniform planning cycle. Uniform changes take longer to implement, but requiring midriff-baring uniforms to be covered with a t-shirt could happen much more quickly.

The cover up rule is not enforced for multiple reasons: there are no specific sanctions for failing to follow it, there are no specific persons responsible for enforcing the rule, and there are loopholes in when the rule must be followed (for instance, you are not required to cover up going to/from warm-ups.)

Also, the uniform rule change is scheduled to be implemented for the 2015-2016 season, not this season as you stated above.
So I'm just looking around the USASF website and looking at some rules and such. I noticed that there is a cover up rule that isn't being followed very well. The one all star cheer comp that I did attend, there were many young ladies walking around the facility, who I know for a fact, already performed and they still had on their uniforms w/o any type of cover up like it was nothing.

I'm really a big advocate for safety all around. Especially when it comes to comps like this. I feel like this is the main reason why the uniform rule change has taken into place this season, because a lot of gyms, didn't enforce the cover up rule all together.

I feel like walking around an arena with just a half naked uniform on before you compete and after you compete, is just asking child molestation and rape. Now, I know this is not as likely to happen at a comp where they're thousands of spectators and security, but you never know. You can never be too sure about safety. Basically, my question is,

Do you agree or disagree that this is why they changed the uniform rule? because many gyms didn't follow the cover up rule? So they had to take something into action to make sure that at least one rule was being enforced?
If I am not mistaken, the new uniform rule for the 2015-16 season was announced at the same time as the suggested coverup GUIDELINE, so the uniform rule was not caused by the lack of adherence by athletes not covering up when not on the mat or in warmups. And unfortunately you can't enforce a rule if its not actually a rule.
I want to post this like 500 more times and I just might. WHAT YOU WEAR OR DONT WEAR DOESNT CAUSE RAPE OR CHILD MOLESTATION. RAPISTS AND CHILD MOLESTERS CAUSE RAPE AND MOLESTATION. If you want to keep kids safer, address rules and guidelines to keep those people away. Educate and supervise your children. Watch for suspicious behavior. Stop ever saying that people ASK to be victims. Unacceptable. /soapbox
I want to post this like 500 more times and I just might. WHAT YOU WEAR OR DONT WEAR DOESNT CAUSE RAPE OR CHILD MOLESTATION. RAPISTS AND CHILD MOLESTERS CAUSE RAPE AND MOLESTATION. If you want to keep kids safer, address rules and guidelines to keep those people away. Educate and supervise your children. Watch for suspicious behavior. Stop ever saying that people ASK to be victims. Unacceptable. /soapbox
okay we get it :) I never said anything after your first comment other then I didn't literally mean "asking for it" chill!!!!
Well, maybe the Uniform Police could pass out tickets. (Hahahaha! No. Because that would be idiotic. We pay enough already. And I agree HAIR makes the rule even more annoying)
To the gyms, I mean.
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