All-Star Fake Social Networking Accounts 2

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The horrible thing about all this is that they are just cheerleaders. If you, for example, win X Factor you know that you will be entered into a world of fame and along with that may come stalkers, impersonators and haters. Its not great but if your goal is to be a famous singer you can be pretty sure that some of the above will happen. But these are just cheerleaders, some of them very young and all this having to be a role model and being 'famous' isn't what they signed up for when they started at how ever many years old, they just wanna do the sport they love (well, most of them anyway) :(
Seriously I don't get what makes a person think that it is okay for them to totally disregard the "cheerlebrities" feelings and invade their personal information and claim is as their own. It absolutely blows my mind....and I also don't get how the posers' parents are totally ignoring this and/or are in denial? Sometimes I'm glad I'm not famous in the cheer creepy things don't happen to me. I feel so bad for Erica, Jamie, Peyton, Maddie, Gabi, and all the other cheerlebrities that are getting posed as on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram...they're just like us, cheerleaders who love the sport. Let's play nice everyone.

*snaps for the queen*
I just don't understand the mindset... Like does a person wake up one day and say to them self, I wanna pretend to be _________ today? Like what is the train of thought that comes along with these fake profiles.

Honestly I think it's probably the fact that their fake lives are a scapegoat from their real lives. And allow them to have some other form of joy then what they're going through in real life
I think this goes beyond just "waking up" and wanting to be somebody else - I truthfully believe she/he/whoever is a damaged, confused, mentally unstable individual who struggles with self-esteem issues and needs attention. We don't know the backstory of this person. Yes, Deedle hurt people on this board and I understand why people have negative feelings about it - but nobody on here has the full power to make it just stop. It's unfortunately probably going to continue because of social media, it's going to be annoying - but hopefully it just all stops one day. :(
How does it happen? It can actually be much easier than you think:
For starting out as someone new- You join a message board, you join a website or something that requires you to have a 'presence'. You may not want to use your real name for whatever reason (especially if you're young and afraid of creepers finding you). You create a fake name and use that. Suddenly people ask you questions about your life. If you're insecure, you might embellish a bit. Lies beget more lies..suddenly you're a completely different online person than you are in real life and you don't know how to stop.
As for picking up someone else's identity- Watching someone else have what you think is a privileged life while you feel boring and insecure can be painful. You might start out just following them because you think they're cool. You think they're invincible. I think of one of those videos where Maddie met girls from a small gym, and they were so excited to meet her they cried. It's a very heady feeling to be that powerful, and if you're insecure you stick to that. Like Wormtail and Voldemort..except no killing.

But you want to know what it's like to be like them. Some just create the profile and do nothing. When you see how easy it is to get people to add you, you suddenly feel like you have 'friends.' It's very addictive.
All of this is the reason I am not a fan of "cheerlebrities" and I have become even less of a fan now that I've had to explain to cp what a stalker is. Someone had tweeted that all sports have "celebrities" so why would cheer be different, the difference is in a vast majority of sports (leaving out gymnastics) these "celebrities" are over 18, some of are even *gasp* adults! "Cheerlebrities" are almost ALL minors. So you have people stalking minors, or making hate sites about them. I honestly think I would pull my child from cheer if this happened to her, we would find a new sport for her to use her talents in. Cp has been very confused as to why girls want to "marry" her friend that she only knew as her tumbling buddy, or why someone would give out his phone number or make a hate site about him.
I mostly feel for these parents who now have to worry about their child's safety at competitions because of unbalanced people.
okay just to clear things up: nicole specifically told me she was on shooting stars last year (i asked kelsey, she wasn't). she told me she has whip double, (assuming not true..). and she specifically says on twitter that her MIDDLE name is athena, not her last name. not sticking up for her, just telling what she has told me :)
Has anyone ever heard of Eric Orzita? He 'cheers' for TG? ...I haven't... He comments on Jennifer Pickard's photos a LOT. (Logan Monty) So i'm pretty sure hes a fake. Plus when 'he' changes 'his' profile pic it says "Eric Orzita changed her profile picture" her? Anyway, heres the link...
I don't know if someone has pointed this out, and i know this post is fairly old.. but when you click on the link it shows some of his friends and one of them is a person by the name of "Jamie Monty" This seems superrrr suspicious to me.
sorry if this is out of topic. I just found this at tweeter and it makes me REALLY MAD!!!
cheerupdates: Very sad, when people from outside our industry find it acceptable to harass people for their sexuality. #reporthim
this @RenoGardner is so lucky that i live at different continent and far away from him. i will definitely smack his face to the wall if i meet him :mad:
okay just to clear things up: nicole specifically told me she was on shooting stars last year (i asked kelsey, she wasn't). she told me she has whip double, (assuming not true..). and she specifically says on twitter that her MIDDLE name is athena, not her last name. not sticking up for her, just telling what she has told me :)
Full name Nicole Athena Nortesano
When a photo has like "@bhauhf" in the middle of it so people don't steal it w/ giving @bhauhf credit. Example;
See the CheerOrDie in the middle? Thats watermarking it :)

LOVE the bows tho
The stories in this thread truly disturb me. I am eternally grateful that my adolescence only caught the beginning of online communication. Thankfully AIM profiles and AOL Hometown homepages didn't leave much room for stolen identities and "Tumblr famous" kids. (Yes, I have heard my little sister say "Oh yeah, she's Tumblr famous.") Um, what? :confused:

Carry on

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