All-Star Gabi's New Gym And Team Announcement 7/6/15

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I guess they are talking about the athletes teaching camps/clinics. Robert posted this

Yes the tumbling clinics are the topic due to concern over insurance and gyms not being covered when allowing non USASF Certified minors conduct tumbling clinics in their facilities.

**spy games, let the fun begin**
I guess they are talking about the athletes teaching camps/clinics. Robert posted this


That's a nice statement and all but if what is being said is true about how this started, he's missing the point of kids being trained by certified and insured individuals that JP not so tactfully brought up. (He could've brought up that issue without bashing people - I whole heartedly agree. But unfortunately for the rest of us, that's the nature of JP :rolleyes: ) JP still has an excellent point regardless of how it was delivered.

You know, this wouldn't even be an issue if USASF/Varsity thought it was necessary to put certification and liability issues in place instead of some of the other non-necessities they seem to waste time with... But whatevs.
How am I just now learning Gabi went to Trinity? Wut.
And where does the line get drawn about the liability? I would hope they wouldn't actually be spotting tumbling not being certified. I always just kinda assumed these clinics were more like meet and greets or open gyms, I guess. If they're just there, teaching a dance or showing off stunts or something, how much danger are they really in?
Now, if they're working hands on with kids- which the more I think about it is likely- then yeah, they could be pretty vulnerable.
PS how does Robert think he can be taken seriously after that music video catastrophe he was a part of *snorts*
Robert's response left a sour taste in my mouth. He really thinks quite highly of himself..

Eta: spelling
This was my thought. He could have had a valid argument against JP here but this was not it. JP brings up a good point but didn't go about it in the best way. Tactfulness has never been his MO, but the man knows his stuff.

I just can't believe there are people in cheerleading who don't know who JP is. :help:
This was my thought. He could have had a valid argument against JP here but this was not it. JP brings up a good point but didn't go about it in the best way. Tactfulness has never been his MO, but the man knows his stuff.

I just can't believe there are people in cheerleading who don't know who JP is. :help:

Easy, kid. Most parents are never allowed to watch choreo. The pope could be in there teaching the routine and we'd never know it! lol
That's a nice statement and all but if what is being said is true about how this started, he's missing the point of kids being trained by certified and insured individuals that JP not so tactfully brought up. (He could've brought up that issue without bashing people - I whole heartedly agree. But unfortunately for the rest of us, that's the nature of JP :rolleyes: ) JP still has an excellent point regardless of how it was delivered.

You know, this wouldn't even be an issue if USASF/Varsity thought it was necessary to put certification and liability issues in place instead of some of the other non-necessities they seem to waste time with... But whatevs.

I personally am certified AND have FULL insurance covered by my company FieRSe Enterprises LLC. Most people just assume things and GOSSIP on websites like this without actually looking into logistics of the situation. I personally feel that we should be recognized & APPRETIATED that were traveling WORLDWIDE growing our sport AND inspiring kids to get involved with the sport that we all love. I've cheer at a few very successful gyms with different coaching styles at each gym. Why can't you guys just be happy for our success instead of hating? The fact that we have an opportunity to show foreign countries and small gyms how successful gyms run things is an act of GROWING the sport as a whole. It's absolutely ridiculous what this industry has turned to. It's losing the respect as a sport because we treat it like an ENTERTAINMENT industry. Get a grip people! Let's stop this non sense!
It is the difference between being able to do and being able to teach. It is a completely different skill set.

I don't know these kids so maybe they can. But just because you have an Arabian through to whip double doesn't mean you can teach one. I also think the reverse can be true, there have been some amazing coaches in the sports world who weren't so proficient at the execution but could teach someone else how to do it.

And I realize they can get certified as a coach but exactly how many threads have we discussed just how easy (read useless) that process is from the standpoint of practical application.

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This was my thought. He could have had a valid argument against JP here but this was not it. JP brings up a good point but didn't go about it in the best way. Tactfulness has never been his MO, but the man knows his stuff.

I just can't believe there are people in cheerleading who don't know who JP is. :help:

If he has ever taught my kid I'd know who he was, but he's never been mentioned in a thread here and I don't follow cheer on like twitter or Instagram so yeah...that's my excuse.

It is the difference between being able to do and being able to teach. It is a completely different skill set.

Yes to this times ten thousand.

Easy, kid. Most parents are never allowed to watch choreo. The pope could be in there teaching the routine and we'd never know it! lol

Also, very true.

Okay, now that it's been explained I understand the lead-up to the comment and how it was formed. I've never let CP go to a cheerleb clinic before so it hasn't really been an issue for us, so I guess I don't really have an opinion on it.

I personally am certified AND have FULL insurance covered by my company FieRSe Enterprises LLC. Most people just assume things and GOSSIP on websites like this without actually looking into logistics of the situation. I personally feel that we should be recognized & APPRETIATED that were traveling WORLDWIDE growing our sport AND inspiring kids to get involved with the sport that we all love. I've cheer at a few very successful gyms with different coaching styles at each gym. Why can't you guys just be happy for our success instead of hating? The fact that we have an opportunity to show foreign countries and small gyms how successful gyms run things is an act of GROWING the sport as a whole. It's absolutely ridiculous what this industry has turned to. It's losing the respect as a sport because we treat it like an ENTERTAINMENT industry. Get a grip people! Let's stop this non sense!

See above, I don't care nor have much of an opinion on your clinics and what have you, but I would consider very carefully how you word things. In one sentence, you completely obliterated the hard work and dedication of gyms across the country; I get that you're upset and on the defense, but just because a gym is 'small' does not mean they need to be shown how the bigger gyms do things---it doesn't mean they're not capable of the same amount of success, when the Summit has proven that you don't need to have a World's team or even a World's trophy to be successful, and frankly, not every owner is aiming at mega-gym status.

What you're fighting over, I don't really care about---but your words are going to be read, and read not just by the parents who pay you for your service, but also by the athletes who idolize you. Don't trash their programs in your quest to 'stop the hate,' I can assure you, you can start a forest fire with those type of words.
I personally am certified AND have FULL insurance covered by my company FieRSe Enterprises LLC. Most people just assume things and GOSSIP on websites like this without actually looking into logistics of the situation. I personally feel that we should be recognized & APPRETIATED that were traveling WORLDWIDE growing our sport AND inspiring kids to get involved with the sport that we all love. I've cheer at a few very successful gyms with different coaching styles at each gym. Why can't you guys just be happy for our success instead of hating? The fact that we have an opportunity to show foreign countries and small gyms how successful gyms run things is an act of GROWING the sport as a whole. It's absolutely ridiculous what this industry has turned to. It's losing the respect as a sport because we treat it like an ENTERTAINMENT industry. Get a grip people! Let's stop this non sense!

I feel like you are approaching this all wrong. If you are fully licensed and certified (as compared to some of the other cheerlebrities) you just found yourself a differentiator to everyone else. A market was just created where there is a large desire for cheerlebrity clinics from licensed professionals. Don't hate the players, don't hate the game, play the game and make more money than the rest.
I personally am certified AND have FULL insurance covered by my company FieRSe Enterprises LLC. Most people just assume things and GOSSIP on websites like this without actually looking into logistics of the situation. I personally feel that we should be recognized & APPRETIATED that were traveling WORLDWIDE growing our sport AND inspiring kids to get involved with the sport that we all love. I've cheer at a few very successful gyms with different coaching styles at each gym. Why can't you guys just be happy for our success instead of hating? The fact that we have an opportunity to show foreign countries and small gyms how successful gyms run things is an act of GROWING the sport as a whole. It's absolutely ridiculous what this industry has turned to. It's losing the respect as a sport because we treat it like an ENTERTAINMENT industry. Get a grip people! Let's stop this non sense!
I'll probably get slayed for this but I'm not on here much these days so it's okay I guess.

I say this to both this post and the screenshot one: if you want to be taken seriously as a professional you need to layoff the random ALL CAPS yelling at potential customers. You have some discussion circulating related to your qualifications, the last thing you need to come off looking like is a temperamental child. It doesn't help your case and I can't help but read this as someone throwing a tantrum. It doesn't make me want to sign my kid up for your clinic.

And spelling is important when you're speaking as a professional businessman. Appreciated*

slay away.

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This was my thought. He could have had a valid argument against JP here but this was not it. JP brings up a good point but didn't go about it in the best way. Tactfulness has never been his MO, but the man knows his stuff.

I just can't believe there are people in cheerleading who don't know who JP is. :help:
This! I saw this on Twitter yesterday and some of the responses younger kids who love the "cheerlebs" we're giving to JP I was like :oops::oops::oops:.... Yes the whole situation could have been handled much better, but it seriously makes me feel old/aged at the ripe age of 23 with people not realizing who JP was/is in the cheer/choreography world

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