All-Star Gabi's New Gym And Team Announcement 7/6/15

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Twilight fanfiction is all smut. Some of the original popular stories were the honeymoon scene that went fade to black in the books.
Dammit, I let my daughter read those things. :(

**All my best friends are imaginary**
Dammit, I let my daughter read those things. :(

**All my best friends are imaginary**

Read twi fanfiction? I really, really wouldn't suggest that---50 Shades, at one point, was a Twi fanfiction and I'd tell you the part that didn't make it to the movie, but then we'd need to move to 18+. Legit, stay far far away from fanfiction if you wanna keep your kids innocent.
Read twi fanfiction? I really, really wouldn't suggest that---50 Shades, at one point, was a Twi fanfiction and I'd tell you the part that didn't make it to the movie, but then we'd need to move to 18+. Legit, stay far far away from fanfiction if you wanna keep your kids innocent.

So basically stay away from tumblr.
So basically stay away from tumblr.

I'm on Tumblr way more than I care to admit and I could count the number of times fanfiction has popped up on my dashboard on one hand. It's much like twitter - sometimes you don't see the cheer drama because you follow the right people.

I feel like Tumblr gets a bad rap. It can be a great place if you follow the right people.
I'm on Tumblr way more than I care to admit and I could count the number of times fanfiction has popped up on my dashboard on one hand. It's much like twitter - sometimes you don't see the cheer drama because you follow the right people.

I feel like Tumblr gets a bad rap. It can be a great place if you follow the right people.

I totally get you! I must just be unlucky then because there's always that one person on mine who reblogs fanfics. The fandom side of tumblr is dangerous.My dash is basically a mess of marvel, Phan (because they must just dominate the Internet or something) and parks and rec, although the latter is by choice.
I totally get you! I must just be unlucky then because there's always that one person on mine who reblogs fanfics. The fandom side of tumblr is dangerous.

Ain't that the truth! I hate when someone you follow posts stuff you don't want to see but also posts things you do want to see and you don't know what to do.
Ain't that the truth! I hate when someone you follow posts stuff you don't want to see but also posts things you do want to see and you don't know what to do.

The epic struggle of that website. The other problem is friends' tumblr pages. you all have that one friend who posts things that irritate you but you just can't unfollow them.
My daughter is 22 with child so too late to save her. Lol

**All my best friends are imaginary**

Okay, well that's good---if you were talking like a tween to young teen than I would been a little more concerned.
No worries. It was smut written by a Morman. No sex until marriage.

Back when I was super involved in (Catholic) youth ministry growing up, a bunch of my YM friends were SUUUUPER hyped up for the release of Breaking Dawn. Like, went to the midnight launch and everything.

Then everyone realized that the Volutri is a really really thinly/badly veiled allegory/critique of the Catholic Church and we all stopped liking it. Seriously, Stephanie Meyer, try a little harder next time you try to bash something. Subtlety is an art.
Back when I was super involved in (Catholic) youth ministry growing up, a bunch of my YM friends were SUUUUPER hyped up for the release of Breaking Dawn. Like, went to the midnight launch and everything.

Then everyone realized that the Volutri is a really really thinly/badly veiled allegory for the Catholic Church and we all stopped liking it.

Bwahahahahahahaha! I'll shameless admit I was into Twilight, but I was a weird half-way fan. I had a friend push me to read the books while we were stationed in Germany but I ignored her---vampires were so not my thing. Then my husband called me about a month before he got home and said he had just watched a movie he thought I would like---it was Twilight. So I ordered it and we watched it when he got home. I kinda had a thing for Robert Pattinson (that thing is now over) and since all of the books were already out and I wanted to know how it ended, I binge read from NM to the end then read Twilight---then wondered why they screwed the movies up so bad; then a children's clothing board had a Twi fanfiction section so I got into that, then I found out people actually wrote stories to fix what was published and it kinda exploded from there. I left the fandom ages ago and I'll rip Twilight & Co to shreds in a second, but I do appreciate those who did re-writes to fix it.

A friend of mine gives me heck though---I've read all of the Twi books, but have never touched anything HP.

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