All-Star Heel Stretch Stretches?

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Mar 28, 2011
I've always been more flexible with my right leg but now I need my left leg heel stretch and I'm having some trouble. I can kick up to the heel stretch but it's really low. I'm seeing some progress but not as much as I'd like. I always warm up with basic stretches before I go into the actual stretching. I try and stretch at least twice a day for an hour each time I stretch.

Right now for stretches I:
- Hold left splits for 1 minute (I'm not quite all the way down yet. I can go all the way down but not consistantly.)
- Lay on my back and pull up my heel stretch leg and hold for 1 minute.
- Go against a wall and have someone lift my leg as high as it will go and hold for 1 minute.
- Go into a doorway and put my left foot as high as it can go and hold it for 1 minute.
- Sit down and pull my leg up as high as I can and hold it.
- Use a chair for balance while standing and pulling it as high as it can go.

Does anyone have any other stretches that will help improve my heel stretch?
Overstretch your split. Start with something kinda short, like a folded up panel mat. Put your front foot up on the elevated surface and hold it until it feels natural, then try something even higher!

And it helps if you try to get your chest to the floor; and if you want an even better stretch, put your arm through your leg like a bow & arrow :)

Good luck!
The quickest way to get it is to stand up and have someone hold it in the exact position that you want it, while you are also holding it. Then have them let go slowly while you fight to keep it there. Do that a couple times per day. It is negative resistance training and very effective!!

The other thing to remember is that it is half flexibility, and half strength. If you can sit in your splits then it is not a flexibility issue, but a strength issue. The best way to get stronger (including the exercise above) is to actually stand up and pull it over and over and over as if you were doing it on a group. Pulling it on the ground or sitting does you no good at all for strength because you are not activating the muscles needed in your core and shoulders to hold it up there. It may help to grab it like a front stretch with both hands, and really pull it towards you with both arms. Make yourself hold it as high as possible for a count of 5. Each day increase the number of seconds you hold it until you can count to 20. I hope this helps! Good luck :)
Have the flyer go on their opposite knee and wrap their arms around the person who is helping stretch leg then have the person grabbing above pull the leg up by ear and then across the flyers body ... Works wonders !
It is negative resistance training and very effective!!

Completely agreed. And it needs to be done repeatedly and as close to when you perform it as possible.

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