High School Kinda Sad, Don't Know What My Position Is. Any Tips On Being The Best Flyer There Can Be?

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Dec 6, 2012
I've been an on and off flyer. For the stunt clinic I flew, for the next practice I didn't. Then for the practice after that I flew again. & Now for the pep rally they're putting together the stunt formation and I'm apparently front spotting (they decided this after I told them they hadn't assigned me to do anything yet...) The reason I'm on and off is there's this girl in my stunt group (one of my bases) who wanted to fly. She's really nice and I have nothing bad to say about her as a person, but shes not a great flyer and I heard the coaches discussing how "We're just going to have her group stay in a half. She won't cradle." I thought I was doing good, even my coaches complimented me on how tight I was at the stunt clinic. Luckily, I did talk to one of my coaches and I asked if it was too late for me to fly. She said, "Oh no of course not we're just trying things out." I also said I was willing to learn how to do anything. & She smiled"good." I just don't know if I'm the problem or what. I hope this doesn't sound like a bad attitude, but in the simple stunts were doing right now, a front spot really isn't an essential position. Most people can do it on their own.

I'm really sad but I'm going to work extra hard. Even though flexibility isn't required yet I'm going to get healed and go to pilates to get flexible and when I'm healthy again (not injured) I'm going to stretch like crazy.

Thanks for listening everyone I hope you have some feedback.
I also was the only person on JV who stayed in the hang drill for the full minute.
It sounds like you're in a very frustrating situation! Roles switch all the time at the beginning of the season, so don't let it discourage you. It sounds like you want to fly, but don't rule out basing or back spotting. All roles are important and you may be needed elsewhere. Don't let your spot in this routine upset you. Pep-rally routines focus more on involving the crowd than including advanced stunts. The fact that you're front-spotting for pep-rally could mean nothing in regards to the rest of the season.

It never hurts to work hard at home. Here are some things you can do at home to improve as a flyer:

1. Practice staying tight and pulling body positions at home. You can use a block of wood or a paint can to stand on.
2. Stretch! Flexibility is always a plus.
3. Condition your entire body. Core work, push ups, squats, calf raises, etc. Stronger muscles will help you in every aspect of cheerleading.
It sounds like you're in a very frustrating situation! Roles switch all the time at the beginning of the season, so don't let it discourage you. It sounds like you want to fly, but don't rule out basing or back spotting. All roles are important and you may be needed elsewhere. Don't let your spot in this routine upset you. Pep-rally routines focus more on involving the crowd than including advanced stunts. The fact that you're front-spotting for pep-rally could mean nothing in regards to the rest of the season.

It never hurts to work hard at home. Here are some things you can do at home to improve as a flyer:

1. Practice staying tight and pulling body positions at home. You can use a block of wood or a paint can to stand on.
2. Stretch! Flexibility is always a plus.
3. Condition your entire body. Core work, push ups, squats, calf raises, etc. Stronger muscles will help you in every aspect of cheerleading.

Thanks. :) Will do.
Oops and clarification the thing my coaches said- "We're just going to stay in a half, she won't cradle" was about the other girl, not me. I noticed how that could be confusing.
I also was the only person on JV who stayed in the hang drill for the full minute.

Don´t be sad - i´m sure if your coaches said you were doing good at flying, they ment so. I know it´s not easy, but try to do the pep rally routine as good as you can, i´m sure there are other parts of the routine where you can show how motivated you are.
retiredl5cheer gave good tips for getting better as an flyer and athlete.
You could ask your coaches too what you need to work on to improve in flying and being a base to show them you will work hard at every spot they put you in. :)
Don´t be sad - i´m sure if your coaches said you were doing good at flying, they ment so. I know it´s not easy, but try to do the pep rally routine as good as you can, i´m sure there are other parts of the routine where you can show how motivated you are.
retiredl5cheer gave good tips for getting better as an flyer and athlete.
You could ask your coaches too what you need to work on to improve in flying and being a base to show them you will work hard at every spot they put you in. :)

Yeah. Although I'd much rather be a base than a front spot, but hey, no matter what I do I'm going to work my butt off doing it. It sucks because I went to a different school my freshman year, so everyone who was there last year gets first pick, even if the newbies are better/more motivated than them. Oh well, still going to work hard and it's only JV anyway. I'll work super hard and kick butt in Varsity next year if this doesn't work out. (=
You did talk with your coach which is great. You didn't talk down the other girl which is even better. Focus on stretching. I will tell you at our gym one thing that stuck with me was the coach director telling us parents how she had an alternate - who was the first to show up, always ready, always positive attitude, stretching or doing when her stunt group was not being worked with... and that girl got moved. So I think you are doing the right things and always if you stick with it even if you don't fly now - trust me the coaches will notice and take note. Sometimes it is the stuff like this and how you handle the not so great stuff that make you the stand out cheerleader.
You talk about getting healed....the coach may not want to overwork you if you are (i'm inferring) injured. Having a potential flyer learn air awareness at a basic level while another flyer is healing sounds like a good idea from a coaching standpoint to me quite honestly (if you are indeed not physically 100% at the moment). As a coach, you wouldn't want to push someone too early before they are back to 100% or you risk re-injury/making things even worse. Therefore, might as well give others a chance to see how they do/gain experience in the meantime before an injured flyer is back in the swing of things. Focus on bettering yourself, working on strength and flex at home, and the flying will come with it.
While it does suck that she only gets to fly "because she wants to", and front-basing a prep sucks, I don't think this is unreasonable. While I don't doubt that either of you are good flyers, how are her basing skills? If she can't base well, that might be why she is staying a flyer and you are moving around. And that isn't a bad thing. It makes you a more well-rounded cheerleader and allows flexibility for the coaches while mapping our routines!

It could also be because your sideline season is short on bases or flyers. All of our "set" flyers on my team are on the basketball squad. So for football, we only have bases. Three girls CAN fly, but limited; only one of them has a lib. So these girls in particular tend to switch around a lot.

Another suggestion: If you really don't want to front-base and this isn't part of a comp routine, you could ask the coach if instead, you could throw some tumbling or jumps or even just rally and work the crowd with poms during that part of the routine :)
You talk about getting healed....the coach may not want to overwork you if you are (i'm inferring) injured. Having a potential flyer learn air awareness at a basic level while another flyer is healing sounds like a good idea from a coaching standpoint to me quite honestly (if you are indeed not physically 100% at the moment). As a coach, you wouldn't want to push someone too early before they are back to 100% or you risk re-injury/making things even worse. Therefore, might as well give others a chance to see how they do/gain experience in the meantime before an injured flyer is back in the swing of things. Focus on bettering yourself, working on strength and flex at home, and the flying will come with it.

Thanks all of you guys have great insight although, she has no idea I have a pulled hamstring. But everything you guys are saying is very logical. & Will do! :)
UPDATE- Coaches talked to me and I found out what I was doing wrong. I was standing up too early therefore making it look a little different. & I was extremely tight but I wasn't pulling up, which was making me heavier. The coaches worked with me and we were able to fix the problem. They're still letting the other girl do it, but I'm flying in the ending pyramid. Also, the front spotting hasn't been too bad since the segment has been upgraded, therefore making the front spot more important and active.
UPDATE- Coaches talked to me and I found out what I was doing wrong. I was standing up too early therefore making it look a little different. & I was extremely tight but I wasn't pulling up, which was making me heavier. The coaches worked with me and we were able to fix the problem. They're still letting the other girl do it, but I'm flying in the ending pyramid. Also, the front spotting hasn't been too bad since the segment has been upgraded, therefore making the front spot more important and active.

Great news - hope you will enjoy doing the routine!

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