All-Star New Idea To Boost Participation In All Star Cheer.

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LOVE this. It would force all the gyms in georgia to go against each other.

just as long as the columbus civic center is off limits.

But I don't really want to go to Atlanta more than once and there are a ton of Florida comps that are way closer.
Great comments and ideas---keep them coming. I'll just make another statement and try to cover some of the comments thru out the post. As far as Gymnastics being the same price---it is very similar but the number of participants is much higher and the amount of spectators is much higher. Trust me I own an even and I have never charged much over $100 per participant and we do very well----AND I even provide FULL MEALS FOR FREE to coaches all day, First place trophies are about $300 each, we spend $12,000 on trophies, $15,000 on hoodies fofr winners, $7000 on jackets for coaches of winning teams, $25,000 on stage sound and lights, $30,000 for rental of facility, then we host a coaches party for another $6000....then theres employee cost, equip rental and judges pay hotel and travel....the list goes on and on. But we still make out ok with only charging $100 per kid. I think some event are milking the system and they know people will come so they charge what we charge. If there was more emphasis on local events, then maybe less people would leave their own state so often and then these companies would cut back costs to lure people back to their event. Also, I commented about this in my note on Facebook but not here----Larger states have regions and only the winners go to finals ( Just like HS comp) We would need local chapters of Governing body to make this work. Its definitely in the beginning phases and we need all the input we can to see if this could ever become a reality.

As for gym fee's. We charge $100 a month for All Stars---thats it---and that includes all extra practices. Every other fee goes out of our gym and we do not mark up. All fee's are Uniform, practice outfits, shoes, Competition, choreography, music, coaches fee's 9 which go towards hotel, per diem, and travel costs for coaches). My cost to be an All Star for 11 months of about 5-10 hours a week is $1100 a year. The other $2000 plus additional hotel /travel costs is whats keeping people from cheering on All Stars. So Im losing athletes because of costs that I dont even make any money off of for my gym---this puts me in a spot wherre I have to make a I let the kid not cheer or do I suck it up amd not charge them to do all stars and they only pay external costs---_Which is a BAD business decision.

Making USASF (or whatever governing body we have) sanction all local state championships is a start to making us lower costs. Keep the ideas coming!!!!!!

I haven't really looked much into Carolina area competitions but around here there are plenty of cheaper local competitions. There are 1 days from 30 to 70 dollars with varying production level.

We charge about $2500 for the year which includes everything (tuition, choreo, music, uniforms, comp entry fees, etc)
but there are spectator entry fees, hotels, food and merchandise costs that are going to be there whether we're going to Atlanta for Cheersport or for USASF State championships.

But as it is now we have the choice to mix and match competitions that are of various sizes, costs and values to make a schedule that fits our comp fee budget, our actual schedule, and is reasonable with travel costs.

Gyms have the ability to use the availability of a variety of competitions to affect our price point as a gym to make it fit what parents in the given area can afford and our willing to do.

Not every gym can go to 6 2-day travel comps a year, some gyms would get bored only doing smaller locals.

You just have to find the right mix that fits your gyms ability and personality as well as your local demographics. If particular competitions are forced on us, we loose that ability
There are maybe 3 events in columbia to go to each season. So we have to travel to every event we go to a minimum of 90 miles. For one days not to bad but even then there might be 2 one days that close. So basically we have to drive to Atlanta or further for a soild event with competition in all our division. Travel costs are eating us up and 90% of our event s have to be out of state especially if we want a worlds bid-------only one event in our entire state with a bid and they charge a travel package---Like $450 per cheerleader to go to myrtle beach when you can compete at same venue with 3 times more teams at spirit sports the next week for $80 per kid. So we have no choice but to travel.
There are maybe 3 events in columbia to go to each season. So we have to travel to every event we go to a minimum of 90 miles. For one days not to bad but even then there might be 2 one days that close. So basically we have to drive to Atlanta or further for a soild event with competition in all our division. Travel costs are eating us up and 90% of our event s have to be out of state especially if we want a worlds bid-------only one event in our entire state with a bid and they charge a travel package---Like $450 per cheerleader to go to myrtle beach when you can compete at same venue with 3 times more teams at spirit sports the next week for $80 per kid. So we have no choice but to travel.

Thats rough, we probably have close to 15 (only 4 of which are in GA) events of varying quality and price within about an hour drive from us. But we will still travel to 2 or 3 a year but prefer to stay within a 5 hour range.

We're not in the worlds bid hunt yet but the two closest events are in Orlando and both have themepark/hotel packages Outside of those the closest are Cheersport and Spirit of Hope which would probably be your cheapest bid options as well.
I like the idea of a true State Championship is nice, I just don't think it's the best means for increasing participation in the sport. What we need to do is simply increase visibility. All Star gyms (big or small) need to exhibition at every local event - parades, festivals, anything. Larger events (Super Bowl :) ) could feature All Star cheerleaders in the opening or half-time, or whatever. I, personally, have brought ex-jocks to the side of seeing cheer as a sport by posting on facebook, having open, knowledgeable discussions, and raising awareness by social media and word-of-mouth. Invite people to your gym, get others involved, personal responsibility, y'all.

Parents will pay whatever is necessary, and if they have the time and desire, they can fundraise. We literally have a ton of athletes whose parents have never paid a dime out-of-pocket for cheer, and get reimbursed off their accounts for travel. It's not the half-tops that keep people from cheer either. Parents might grumble about them, but they typically don't refuse to buy them - plus, the parents are allowed to put a cami or leotard under their girl's top if they really don't like it. Shoe cost? Our gym doesn't require a specific shoe. Cut costs that way. Don't blame EPs for the high cost of cheer. Blame your gym.
I think having state championships would increase exposure because local media would cover it.

I don't think the existing EPs would be in favor of this idea so it would have to be something coaches demand in order to get it going.
I will say gymnastics comp. fees are similar.

what are the number of competitors for gymnastics compared to cheer?

I have some theories/ideas on how to control competitions costs but need to do a little more research.
I like the idea of a true State Championship is nice, I just don't think it's the best means for increasing participation in the sport. What we need to do is simply increase visibility. All Star gyms (big or small) need to exhibition at every local event - parades, festivals, anything. Larger events (Super Bowl :) ) could feature All Star cheerleaders in the opening or half-time, or whatever. I, personally, have brought ex-jocks to the side of seeing cheer as a sport by posting on facebook, having open, knowledgeable discussions, and raising awareness by social media and word-of-mouth. Invite people to your gym, get others involved, personal responsibility, y'all.

Parents will pay whatever is necessary, and if they have the time and desire, they can fundraise. We literally have a ton of athletes whose parents have never paid a dime out-of-pocket for cheer, and get reimbursed off their accounts for travel. It's not the half-tops that keep people from cheer either. Parents might grumble about them, but they typically don't refuse to buy them - plus, the parents are allowed to put a cami or leotard under their girl's top if they really don't like it. Shoe cost? Our gym doesn't require a specific shoe. Cut costs that way. Don't blame EPs for the high cost of cheer. Blame your gym.
In response to the above comment----Local flare and recognition about cheer is the best way to increase participation. I remember when Gymnastics was the thing to do---it started to decline in participation----you know why??? It used to be in schools as a class---when that went away so did the flare of being a gymnast. Now a days you could be a National champion gymnast and No One cares. Media doesnt care, kids a school dont care, local community doesn't care ---why---because it happend somewhere else. Not in their town. Put on an awesome state championship when people live in the hype of it, see the ads and the banners, the local media is there covering the event ---then you get people excited about it and the word gets out there. Think about the strong hold Cheerleading has over Gymnastics. Kids do gymnastics till they hit middle school then they quit to cheer....why----because they can be the worst cheerleader on the middle school team and still be popular at school, people know you, and you get some of the limelight. You go win a pre olympic gymnastic event in Dallas TX and live in SC-------no one cares. I hate to say it but thats the real reason.

As far as parents will spend whatever---NO THEY WONT. The ones who can afford it will but that is a limited population--especially now a days. Trut me when I say----as I said before---I have 1000-1500 kids in my gym right now. I only have 130 All STars---reason number one why people dont do it----Its too expensive!!!!

I agree with your comment about the outfits....In over 20 yrs of cheer I have NEVER had someone not do all stars because of our outfits. Personally a gymnastic outfit is more revealing than any cheer uniform I have ever seen.

The EPs are to blame. They DO NOT need to charge what they charge for events. It is total price gouging. Also---they get a % of what the vendors sell at the events---so guess who pays that in increased prices-----the athletes and their parents. Our gym doesnt require anything but the uniform and bow. But if athletes want the other stuff it all adds up. Choregraphy and music is very expensive too. I believe all vendors, Event producers, choreographers, Dj,s, etc keep raising prices because people will pay it. If we as a whole put our foot down we could reshape the pricing structure of this entire industry.
Love the raw idea... The more involved the governing organization is in the sport, the more seriously its going to be taken. This, along with a few other scenarios, is what is holding our sport back...
theres only 5 gyms in my state, maybe a few more. not enough to really do a state comp. maybe a regional championship, but we have US FINALS providence for that.
In response to the above comment----Local flare and recognition about cheer is the best way to increase participation. I remember when Gymnastics was the thing to do---it started to decline in participation----you know why??? It used to be in schools as a class---when that went away so did the flare of being a gymnast. Now a days you could be a National champion gymnast and No One cares. Media doesnt care, kids a school dont care, local community doesn't care ---why---because it happend somewhere else. Not in their town. Put on an awesome state championship when people live in the hype of it, see the ads and the banners, the local media is there covering the event ---then you get people excited about it and the word gets out there. Think about the strong hold Cheerleading has over Gymnastics. Kids do gymnastics till they hit middle school then they quit to cheer....why----because they can be the worst cheerleader on the middle school team and still be popular at school, people know you, and you get some of the limelight. You go win a pre olympic gymnastic event in Dallas TX and live in SC-------no one cares. I hate to say it but thats the real reason.

As far as parents will spend whatever---NO THEY WONT. The ones who can afford it will but that is a limited population--especially now a days. Trut me when I say----as I said before---I have 1000-1500 kids in my gym right now. I only have 130 All STars---reason number one why people dont do it----Its too expensive!!!!

I agree with your comment about the outfits....In over 20 yrs of cheer I have NEVER had someone not do all stars because of our outfits. Personally a gymnastic outfit is more revealing than any cheer uniform I have ever seen.

The EPs are to blame. They DO NOT need to charge what they charge for events. It is total price gouging. Also---they get a % of what the vendors sell at the events---so guess who pays that in increased prices-----the athletes and their parents. Our gym doesnt require anything but the uniform and bow. But if athletes want the other stuff it all adds up. Choregraphy and music is very expensive too. I believe all vendors, Event producers, choreographers, Dj,s, etc keep raising prices because people will pay it. If we as a whole put our foot down we could reshape the pricing structure of this entire industry.

One thing I do agree in this post is the cost of all star cheerleading expenses. Competitions, camps/special events, and cheer music is way out of control. The top events charge so much money, but yet in still they are constantly sending marketing reps to your gym asking what could make you attend their event. PRICES!!!! Same thing with music DJ's. Seriously, they are amazing at what they do, but the top 5 cheer DJ's are out of control in what they charge. I wish those prices were cheaper.
I like the idea of a true State Championship is nice, I just don't think it's the best means for increasing participation in the sport. What we need to do is simply increase visibility. All Star gyms (big or small) need to exhibition at every local event - parades, festivals, anything. Larger events (Super Bowl :) ) could feature All Star cheerleaders in the opening or half-time, or whatever. I, personally, have brought ex-jocks to the side of seeing cheer as a sport by posting on facebook, having open, knowledgeable discussions, and raising awareness by social media and word-of-mouth. Invite people to your gym, get others involved, personal responsibility, y'all.

Parents will pay whatever is necessary, and if they have the time and desire, they can fundraise. We literally have a ton of athletes whose parents have never paid a dime out-of-pocket for cheer, and get reimbursed off their accounts for travel. It's not the half-tops that keep people from cheer either. Parents might grumble about them, but they typically don't refuse to buy them - plus, the parents are allowed to put a cami or leotard under their girl's top if they really don't like it. Shoe cost? Our gym doesn't require a specific shoe. Cut costs that way. Don't blame EPs for the high cost of cheer. Blame your gym.

Everyone knows about all-star cheer where we live, and our gym gets lots of people who inquire about the program only to get turned off by the cost. As I talked about at length in the CA thread, the lack of competitive rec options that don't cost $1000+ per year really hurt participation in cheer. And as it was explained to me in the same thread, there really aren't options to get to a price point where you're competitive with other rec-type sports.

Parents that have a committed kid will do what's necessary to keep them in the sport, but the options for people to "try" all-star cheer at a price point that's affordable are non-existent. To me, that's the number-one issue regarding participation.
Also, another "plan B" and maybe the most reasonable plan would be to take the top 30, 40 or even 50 scores from each division rather than the winner from every state. That way you had the best 30 teams, instead of the best team from each state. Either way, you're going to likely have the same winner, just better competition. However, this whole scheme calls for the desperately needed universal score sheet...

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