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This past weekend for UK cheerleaders was FC (Future Cheer) Internationals. This was unfortunately my last competition as a cheerleader due to financial reasons. However my team, GCA Onyx Coed 3 won national champions!! Despite our illegal pyramid at Europeans two weeks before and having to change the routine, we done it. I know it's no Worlds, but it doesn't get any better for me. It was such a great end to an amazing 10 years with GCA.
Here in Florida our high schools were 'free' (i.e. payed for through our taxes) and we only had to pay if we were part of a sport (for example, in cheer we had to pay for our shoes, poms, camp, camp gear, midriffs for under our uniform when it was cold (aka below 60), bows, and I believe we payed for our uniforms to rent them. Your parents could also join the booster club for a fee). Parking at my high school was $75 a year for a pass, and you weren't guaranteed a spot. They sold more passes than spots and the rest had to park in the gravel next to the football stadium or the lot by the tennis courts (basically a 10 minute walk which sucked when you were late).

More randomness, I didn't get a break at work today.. 10-3 and no break equals unhappy and tired Lauren. Not fun.
This is seriously my biggest pet peeve. And unfortunately, my boyfriend's dad is this parent. Like if we go somewhere he has to make things so difficult and complain about everything and it makes me so mad like he can't just go with the flow or the slightest thing will tick him off and he just makes everyone around him miserable. I just hope my boyfriend doesn't get like that.
We're talking about like parents to kids like 10 and under. I'm sure you'd know by now if your boyfriend was like that haha
We're talking about like parents to kids like 10 and under. I'm sure you'd know by now if your boyfriend was like that haha

No I know and I really wonder if he was this bad when my boyfriend and his sister were younger. I just meant like when he actually gets older...I've been seeing my dad taking on more and more qualities of his dad as he's gotten older that he never used to have.
I'm getting revenge on my friend for spamming me pictures of whales. I was nice about it then. She finally stopped. I sent one funny cheer picture. She's like I don't give a **** about cheer. I'm like okay *sends 30 cheer pictures*

The Fiercest App of All... Fierce Board
Ankle weights... 5 lb or 2.5 lb? For jumps and such

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Are you talking about 2.5 per foot/ 5 pounds per foot (i think thats what youre talking about)

I have both, and I got the 2.5 first, and I got used to it and I'd definitely start with those! They're kinda light, but they aren't too light. BUT you might get used to them quickly. The 5 pounders are pretty heavy and i barely get my legs up. Still not used to em and i've had them for about 2 months
Guys please pray for my sister. She is a very, very bad alcoholic and right now she is in the hospital. Her pancreas is failing and she's got jaundice really bad also her belly is bloating which is a sign of liver failure. They are detoxing her now and she will be admitted into rehab when she gets out of the hospital. She is only 27...
^ i hope she'll get better. I will pray tonight!

To change the subject - i just watched the perks of being a wallflower. It was totally one of the best movies i've seen!! And Logan Lerman.. Yum!

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...it took me four hours to get home from work today... four (and it takes me an hour usually) shoutout to the ttc and flooded ABANDONED subways...
I haven't been on the boards in months it feels like, but now I really see no point to it because cheer stuff just makes me sad and miss my cheer family #retiredcheerprobs

But on a side note, I cannot wait for college to start, I'm beyond excited for this new adventure I'll be starting in 45 days!

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Ugh. I don't get why stunt stands and many other stunting machines SO expensive..

Like, if my dad had the right tools, we could make either for around 100...

ugh rip offs

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