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I'm literally at a loss for words another person I went to school with just died and I can't understand what it is with this town and loss of life so young. That makes 5/6 people in the last year in a half all within the same year or two of school as me. What makes it worse is he was the only person my best friend has ever truly been in love with and I have no idea what to even say to her. She's so far away I can't visit her, none of her roommates are home and my heart is so broken for her. I could barely finish my shift today because one of the security guards I was working near was identical to him. I just cannot understand anything that's happened to me or my friends or family lately
I'm literally at a loss for words another person I went to school with just died and I can't understand what it is with this town and loss of life so young. That makes 5/6 people in the last year in a half all within the same year or two of school as me. What makes it worse is he was the only person my best friend has ever truly been in love with and I have no idea what to even say to her. She's so far away I can't visit her, none of her roommates are home and my heart is so broken for her. I could barely finish my shift today because one of the security guards I was working near was identical to him. I just cannot understand anything that's happened to me or my friends or family lately

Thursday was the 3 year anniversary of my friends death. He was only 12 then. I was 11. He got shot on a basketball court. I was so close to there. I probably could've walked there if I wanted to... I was that close. All of the people we hung out with fell apart after that. I started crying when I got home from cheer on Thursday. I know your feeling. His brother and two cousins were also close friends of mine. I couldn't even talk to them for a month. I didn't know what to say.

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I'm literally at a loss for words another person I went to school with just died and I can't understand what it is with this town and loss of life so young. That makes 5/6 people in the last year in a half all within the same year or two of school as me. What makes it worse is he was the only person my best friend has ever truly been in love with and I have no idea what to even say to her. She's so far away I can't visit her, none of her roommates are home and my heart is so broken for her. I could barely finish my shift today because one of the security guards I was working near was identical to him. I just cannot understand anything that's happened to me or my friends or family lately
I am so sorry for you and your friend. The best thing you can do is just be there for each other. Talk to each other about your feelings. It's okay to cry and be sad for a while- the grief process is different for everyone. Take as long as you need to grieve and heal. Prayers for you and your friend.

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If anyone here lives in Washington State and can legally vote- you have an AMAZING opportunity! They're putting a vote in to get GMO foods labeled in your state. If you don't know anything about GMOs, google them! Basically every other decent country demands labeling of their produce, but Monsanto (the lovely people who help create Agent Orange, the defoliant used in Vietnam that has killed/maimed/caused birth defects in over 1 million people including my uncle and cousin) spends over a BILLION dollars a year trying to tell people that GMOs are safe and don't affect non-GMO crops (when there is plenty of evidence to the contrary).

Other companies who fight against GMO labeling? Pepsi- who was outed in a class-action lawsuit a few months back for their misleading 'Naked Juice' that contains much less fruit and a lot more chemicals than is allowed for 'all-natural.' This is your chance to KNOW what you put in your body (something very important for all athletes- healthy food won't do much good if it's stuffed with chemicals/genetically modified)!!
I say, yes, you'll love it. My NonCP didn't want an iphone 5, wanted something that she wanted, loves it. Didn't want an ipad, wanted something that she wanted, loves it. She is 17. (sniff, sniff, sniff, not ready for senior year HS)

There is an app called Notability. It was either free or .99. It is amazing. You can synch large documents and things from your computer through Dropbox. Write on the document in Notability and it all stays right there. You can type into the document or "red ink" mark it up. You can take photos of something and include in on the pages. You just need to find useful apps.

Would you suggest iPad or iPad mini for this purpose? Was thinking larger iPad with keyboard would be easier for typing, but mini lighter to haul around.

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Would you suggest iPad or iPad mini for this purpose? Was thinking larger iPad with keyboard would be easier for typing, but mini lighter to haul around.

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All three of us like the larger one. Key is finding a case you like. I have CP's in a pretty much indestructable one, but it's bulky. I would do the larger one, but I don't have the mini.
So I've decided to be crafty recently.... If any of y'all want to buy a canvas from me, let me know! I'm not expensive cause I do them for fun I can do just about any color and I can put rhinestones on them:) sorry they're kinda janky



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Double post, but I'm super frustrated because I really want to register for ONE more class for the fall but cannot find anything for the life of me. Even an online class would be fine (ideal, actually). As of right now, I'm registered for 16 credit hours, which seems like a decent amount. But I really want to graduate in three years and as of right now, I am not on track to do that. I took eight credits at a community college this summer that just ended yesterday. But I really want two or three more credits for the fall. Ugh this is just so annoying.

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