OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Again I was probably educated very similar to you. However I don't have white friends, I don't have black friends, I don't have Asian friends , I don't have gay friends and I don't have trans friends. Maybe 10 years ago I did , but now as an adult I'm blessed to just have friends. I have friends that I talk to equally, openly and liberally about everything in the spectrum life. I talk to people as people now.

It's great that you went to the MOW "for you" and I'm glad it was your first step. Just know that if you keep up with activism that eventually you will get tired, you will get frustrated, and you will learn that intersectionality in feminism eventually does require you to chose. In June 2015 I chose that I was black first and a woman second, and these marches, rallies and causes have made me painfully aware that I don't have time to be both. I may root from a distance but I'm not showing up and "other women" can do the grunt work.

I have a 21 y/o sister and fortunately for her she's always been "woke" and didn't have to go through this "journey"

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I do too. I only mention my friend ethnicity to add context. I think this is the most important and many don't think this way. They think you're ignoring the issues, but that is what I want from someone.

And I'll get tired, and it will be because I have to chose- something I refuse to do. It's why I've been slow in my activism. It's hard to be both. It's hard being a child of law enforcement family, but with Black Lives Matter.

I'll go back to dealing with things as they happening as an individual. Because I don't do well in group think to being with.
I do too. I only mention my friend ethnicity to add context. I think this is the most important and many don't think this way. They think you're ignoring the issues, but that is what I want from someone.

And I'll get tired, and it will be because I have to chose- something I refuse to do. It's why I've been slow in my activism. It's hard to be both. It's hard being a child of law enforcement family, but with Black Lives Matter.

I'll go back to dealing with things as they happening as an individual. Because I don't do well in group think to being with.

These two things are not mutually exclusive. "The media" wants people to think that. There are no blue people, you cannot compare the two and therefore blue lives are not the antithesis to black ones.

Respect and support for law enforcement does not mean they you can't want equal and fair policing, and I honestly respect people of all colors that can grasp that.

Nobody wants Officer Greg Alia dead anymore than they want Walter Scott dead.

Equality and accountability.

But that's a different discussion for a different day.

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These two things are not mutually exclusive. "The media" wants people to think that. There are no blue people, you cannot compare the two and therefore blue lives are not the antithesis to black ones.

Respect and support for law enforcement does not mean they you can't want equal and fair policing, and I honestly respect people of all colors that can grasp that.

Nobody wants Officer Greg Alia dead anymore than they want Walter Scott dead.

Equality and accountability.

But that's a different discussion for a different day.

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Thanks. Again groups come into play. I don't believe in Blue Lives Matter but I can't begin the attempted read I got from my friends when I said I don't hate or fear the police. She said "you were lucky to be in your situation that most of us didn't have." I informed her my brother, an officer could be shot like Trayvon when he's out and about. And my father WAS brutalized because when he was driving his police vehicle and weapon.
Thanks. Again groups come into play. I don't believe in Blue Lives Matter but I can't begin the attempted read I got from my friends when I said I don't hate or fear the police. She said "you were lucky to be in your situation that most of us didn't have." I informed her my brother, an officer could be shot like Trayvon when he's out and about. And my father WAS brutalized because when he was driving his police vehicle and weapon.

My point is that the majority of people that believe in BLM don't believe that the lives of police don't matter as well. People want to use a small sampling that poorly reflect a cause as the reason to negate a cause but for instance will not want to be lumped in with the "racist" Trump supporters or those that wear a confederate flag but they don't want to be equated with Dylann Roof. There should be no reason someone from a law enforcement family should be made to feel uncomfortable believing Black Lives Matter, but it's not the case. However our SRO at work will say BLM....as well as other PO I know. Because they recognize it's not mutually exclusive and I appreciate that

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My point is that the majority of people that believe in BLM don't believe that the lives of police don't matter as well. People want to use a small sampling that poorly reflect a cause as the reason to negate a cause but for instance will not want to be lumped in with the "racist" Trump supporters or those that wear a confederate flag but they don't want to be equated with Dylann Roof. There should be no reason someone from a law enforcement family should be made to feel uncomfortable believing Black Lives Matter, but it's not the case. However our SRO at work will say BLM....as well as other PO I know. Because they recognize it's not mutually exclusive and I appreciate that

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I know that-I'm saying people have made me feel like I can't even though that's not the case of the major movement-which is why it doesn't stop me from believing in the movement.
I am very disappointed that D.C. Is essentially left as a huge garbage dump post women's march. Seems like everyone just dropped whatever they had in their hand where the stood and left it. It's disgusting. And before anyone says it was isolated or in one spot, it was a widespread disrespect for those who will have to clean up after them.

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Thanks. Again groups come into play. I don't believe in Blue Lives Matter but I can't begin the attempted read I got from my friends when I said I don't hate or fear the police. She said "you were lucky to be in your situation that most of us didn't have." I informed her my brother, an officer could be shot like Trayvon when he's out and about. And my father WAS brutalized because when he was driving his police vehicle and weapon.

I know enough police officers who have been injured or killed doing their jobs that blue lives matter to me. ALL lives matter to me.

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I am very disappointed that D.C. Is essentially left as a huge garbage dump post women's march. Seems like everyone just dropped whatever they had in their hand where the stood and left it. It's disgusting. And before anyone says it was isolated or in one spot, it was a widespread disrespect for those who will have to clean up after them.

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Actually it's not. One of the cleaning officials said on the news today that the clean up was pretty good and that they could tell that there was a considerable effort to use the trash. If I can find it I can post, it was tweeted by a local news source this morning, I just can't remember who. Here's another statement about it though.

NPS: Cleanup ‘going well’ after inauguration, Women’s March | WTOP
After watching the Beaches remake I want to watch the original. It's more up to date or modern for those youngsters. It just had me thinking of every scene and comparing. It's not bad just not the original.
I'm stumped and hoping someone has an idea or suggestion.

I do a lot of the bulletin boards at the school my kids go to. Normally I can come up with a few different ideas that are themes and teachers pick what they want and I create. This year, one of the new 1st grade teachers has asked me to do a Valentine's Day Black History Month mash-up that emcompasses both. We agree on a unity wreathe (cut outs of boys and girls representing multiple ethnicity's holding hands in a big circle) and I'll do a pink background to make it pop. Hearts will be filled out by the kids to be placed up, but I am at a loss for a phrase or saying to go with it.

This is the same school that had zero issues with me putting up the word 'Christmas' without an issue so not much is off limits. I want to do something meaningful but also graspable for her 6-7 year olds. The only thing I've come up with is "When We DREAM Together Anything Is Possible" which would be an ode to MLK Jr. but it's bulky and kind of long.

Posting a picture to show the space I have to work with...thoughts? Or, suggestions? It's getting done this week and I want it to be exactly what she wants.

I think the point (and I know for sure my point) is that it's white women that should have been marching and that we as black women are tired of picking up the slack and marching for them. If you weren't saying BLM prior to 11/7 I don't care. If you weren't marching for Trayvon. I don't care. If you weren't out at the SC statehouse every day with me Summer '15. Then I don't care. I can count the number of "allies" on both hands at any March or rally I attended prior to 11/7.
People mainly showed up yesterday because NOW it hits close to home. Now it impacts you.

TBH one of the main issues was Planned Parenthood. If PP loses funding in the next two minutes it won't make a lick of difference to me, because while I certainly am a "proponent of women's health care" I also don't need PP personally and I think my perspective toward that issue reflects other people's perspective on issues that been at the forefront. It doesn't impact them so why care.

It's also been my experience that white women "check" their privilege and "acknowledge" their privilege all the while whining about being privileged. I know for sure first thing tomorrow, while 8th graders go to related art, one of my coworkers that went to D.C. will be in my library whining and complaining about her privilege and looking for my approval and I don't have it to give.

The fact of the matter is white women don't show up for black women. They just don't. And I'm not showing up for them. They might agree with issues, they might agree that BLM....but they don't show up.

I'm only 31 and I'm literally tired. I'm literally tired of race relations. I've gone to predominately white schools where people flat out only accepted me because I wasn't "that black". I've had my friend and former boss murdered in a church at the hands of a white supremacist. I sat in the court room rows behind the murderer 2 weeks ago. I listened to testimony and I watched him be physically unbothered. I've had strangers and friends of other races constantly talk about "the grace that was shown" "the forgiveness of the families " but they never want to talk about the climate here that contributed to the creation of Dylann Roofs.

So no. I don't care about marches. No I'm not showing up. Yes the pictures and signs were lovely. The turn out was great. But like MLKjr said "where do we go from here?" I love all people regardless of the color of their skin, but I'm done tiptoeing around feelings because of the color of people's skin

I've done my part and I'm not showing up for white feminist issues.

Honestly for better or for worse I think what we are going to see in this administration is a shift toward a lack of caring from traditionally democratic -socially -compassionate people such as myself toward a "not my problem " mindset.

Do you follow Kinfolk Kollective on Facebook. She articulates my sentiments better than I ever could.

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ive been so busy with work, i didnt really read up to much about what the march was about, was it about women empowerment or was it protesting trump?? reading social media has given me the impression that it was about both....
i also agree with a lot of this above, but i dont agree with the views on planned parenthood. Then again i dont agree with a lot of peoples views on planned parenthood.

i grew up extremely poor, we did not have any form of insurance for most of my growing up years and when i hit that age where a young girl/woman should start seeking out a doctor, planned parenthood was my only option for quite a number of years, so it pains me to see so many people wanting to defund it and shut it down, simply because they only see one side of PP.
if legislation only wants to cut out one part of it (abortion) fine, but to completely shut planned parenthood out because the government is made up of a bunch of republicans who dont believe in having a choice or whatever their stance is, i just cant get behind any of that. I just cant stand the close minded side of it all.
It's my understanding that federal funding cannot be used for abortions, and that funding for those services comes from donations. So the defunding would make it next to impossible to provide the other services they have to offer.
but media portrays it as if thats what its funding, the abortion side. if the abortions are funded by donations then great, but then why do SO MANY people lie about how and what is funding planned parenthood.
Which side is doing the lying?
(My guess is that people might be so fixated on planned parenthood providing abortions, that they haven't bothered or aren't willing to look into where the organization's funding comes from/where it goes to.)
i would say a lot of sides lie about what the funding goes to, it could be anyone from media/politicians/republicans/christians/certain organized groups, etc, etc.
has planned parenthood been the most honest organization, no. But lets be real here, neither have any of the groups fighting them have been either.
ive been so busy with work, i didnt really read up to much about what the march was about, was it about women empowerment or was it protesting trump?? reading social media has given me the impression that it was about both....
i also agree with a lot of this above, but i dont agree with the views on planned parenthood. Then again i dont agree with a lot of peoples views on planned parenthood.

i grew up extremely poor, we did not have any form of insurance for most of my growing up years and when i hit that age where a young girl/woman should start seeking out a doctor, planned parenthood was my only option for quite a number of years, so it pains me to see so many people wanting to defund it and shut it down, simply because they only see one side of PP.
if legislation only wants to cut out one part of it (abortion) fine, but to completely shut planned parenthood out because the government is made up of a bunch of republicans who dont believe in having a choice or whatever their stance is, i just cant get behind any of that. I just cant stand the close minded side of it all.

I'm definitely not saying "de fund PP". I'm all about women's healthcare and I'm very much pro choice.

But what I am saying is that I'm getting the impression that a lot of the next four years will have people with a "put my life vest on first and then help others"

I think that unfortunately for some traditional liberals when it comes to social issues we're going to have to learn to look out for self first and then come back for others.

So while I support PP I've never been a beneficiary of it and more than likely never will. If it is defunded tomorrow I won't feel the burn. I've always had health insurance, in fact I've always had two types of Health care, with the exception of one year of my life (the year before grad school ) and then President Obama made it so that I could go back on my parents. I've never had to log onto the ACA marketplace and I've been able to insure myself since I was 25.

Don't get me wrong I want it for other women, and I see the need but I'm not going to take to the streets with a sign about it. The same way a lot of people aren't going to go out and say BLM or stand up for LGBTQ issues even if they support them

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