OT Not Using Social Media

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But without doing something like that, kids won't realize the seriousness of it, IMO. I coach hs field hockey and at our preseason meeting we tell them that I will be following them on social media, and if anything is deemed inappropriate (i.e. Poor sportsmanship, anything related to drugs, alcohol, etc, or bullying) we will bench them for a week, meaning they'd miss three practices and two games. Well two years ago one of the senior star athletes posted a picture of her at a party holding a solo cup. Guess what? She was benched the following week. If it was a playoff week, guess what, she still would've been benched. She was pissed, but the team realized that we were not playing around when it came to that. Policy still holds today and we haven't had any other issues since then. I think if we had let her slide, and not punish her others would've felt it was okay as well. I can't babysit them 24/7 and stop them from partying or being disrespectful all the time, but I can help teach them not to be idiots online.

I mean really, you can make rules all you want, but if you have no consequences, it's less likely that people will follow those rules, IMO. It sucks that it's a worlds team, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet (no cali pun intended) and make some tough choices. May just be me, but teaching kids accountability and respect always trumps winning.

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Yes yes yes to all of this. Kids don't learn without consequences. I like the practice you have of benching the athlete for a game. Maybe in cheer a coach could bench the athlete for the next competition. I know it would affect the team and make it difficult but that would kind of be the point. It would put pressure on the athletes and show them that 1. You're actions affect others, 2. You are responsible for your actions, and 3. Your spot is not guaranteed on the team if you can't abide by all of the rules of the gym. And the athlete should be mandated to attend every practice and if it's a comp where you aren't staying over night, they should be required to be at the competition.

Me likey. Of course I doubt many gyms would actually follow through with this. But it'd be great to see, especially with all the ridiculousness that has been happening recently. I'd respect any gym that does that.
Suffice it to say I think there is a hugggggeeee difference between using drugs/alcohol and posting a prom picture on Instagram and, as such, the two incidents can not and should not be handled in the same way.

Are CALI athletes still posting(oh no...light torches, grab pitchforks)...yes! But I sure haven't seen much so I feel that they are generally abiding and that is refreshing in light of what is out there from others after this past weekend.

I agree that the key is to hold athletes accountable for what they say on social media. The real question is how ? I don't believe the coaches can moniter the athletes adequately as we approach Worlds. To get a handle on things we would need a social media police force the size of Homeland Security, only smarter. Then there is the question of sanctions. No matter the violation, Coaches are not going to want to sanction an athlete. That would be cheer suicide for them.

So, who has some good suggestions about how the athletes social media can best be
controlled ? Be specific. Don't say general things like have the coaches tell the athletes what they can and can't do? Think about the monitoring and enforcement aspect, how should that be handled ? Without that part control will not be regained. What about sensitivity training ? Should that be mandatory? Or, should we all just lighten up and let kids be kids ? Maybe leave each program with guidelines but let them employ there own methodss ? What if sanctions got handed down to the programs when one of their athletes acted poorly? Who would make those decisions ? I'm interested in seeing what everyone thinks on this subject. Can we invoke change and regain integrity on social media? Or, was it never lost ? What's your opinion?
Here's how I would handle it:

Give the kids examples of what they can and can not say on social media.
Have them hold each other accountable. Say Suzy sees Mary say "xyz team sucks they shouldn't have won." Suzy should then screenshot the tweet/picture/post whatever and send it to the coach.
Coach then sits down with the athlete and talks about it - why did they feel the need to post it? What were the feelings behind it?
1st incidence - small punishment (gym clean up, idk)
2nd incidence - seated at practice
3rd incidence - you're out.

It might not be completely practical but that's just MY opinion.
Here's how I would handle it:

Give the kids examples of what they can and can not say on social media.
Have them hold each other accountable. Say Suzy sees Mary say "xyz team sucks they shouldn't have won." Suzy should then screenshot the tweet/picture/post whatever and send it to the coach.
Coach then sits down with the athlete and talks about it - why did they feel the need to post it? What were the feelings behind it?
1st incidence - small punishment (gym clean up, idk)
2nd incidence - seated at practice
3rd incidence - you're out.

It might not be completely practical but that's just MY opinion.
This is mostly how it works at our location but with less chances. One of the girls posted a caption that was offensive to another team. Neda saw and spoke to our team again about social media. (We talk about it at camp.) Next she had to delete the caption and post although there's obviously still screenshots somewhere. She had to email girls on the team apologizing and the whole team had to find someone from the gym/team to wish luck to.
If it happens a second time she gets kicked off the team.

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