The One Mistake That’s Holding You Back From Being A Great Tumbler

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Dec 5, 2013
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Fixing it is simple, but not exactly easy.

What if I told you that by making one small fix, your tumbling could be twice as good as it is right now? (if not more)

Would you be willing to take the time to make the adjustment?

I hope so, because what I’m about to reveal today might be the most important piece of advice you ever get as an athlete.

How can I be so sure?

Because I was an athlete myself (actually I still am), and I’ve yet to come across anything else that’s had a bigger impact on my training.

The crazy thing is, you may have been making this mistake your whole life and not known about it. But don’t worry, I’ve been there. And it wasn’t until I fixed it that everything changed; I progressed faster, picked up new tricks in a matter of week, was able to compete at a high level, and it even improved the way I coach. In fact, it continues to help me reach new levels to this very day.

So yeah, you could say that it’s pretty powerful stuff.

And what’s weird is that it has nothing to do with anything physical; no need to condition any harder or spend more time stretching.

So, what is it this mysterious mistake?

It’s called, having a low Coachability Index (CI), and in my opinion it tops the charts as the number one mistake that I see tumblers make. Especially those that could have been amazing, but end up falling short of their potential.

The CI is so important, that I would rather take on level 3 athlete who has a high Coachability Index, than a level 5 athlete that always sits at a low Coachability Index.

Does that sound absurd?

It’s not, and you’ll understand why in just a moment. But first, you’re probably wondering…

What is the Coachability Index?

See, at any given time during any given day you’re subject to what is known as the Coachability Index – a number the determines how willing you are to accept and implement new information from an authority you respect. The number is based on a scale of 1-10.

But since definitions are boring, let me give you a few examples:

Let’s say your coach says “ok, you need to make ABC corrections and do an extra X reps today during leg conditioning.”

And if your instant, knee-jerk response is “Why?” or “I don’t feel like…” or “I dont think I can…” then guess what? You do not have a high Coachability Index.

When you want to skip or delay your workout because you want to watch another episode of American Horror Stories, you do not have a high Coachability Index.

When you cheat on your diet plan because “it’s only just one cookie,” you do not have a high Coachability Index.

When your coach asks you to try something new, and you act stubborn or are unwilling to do so, you do not have a high Coachability Index.

I think you get the picture.

Why You Need To Have A High CI

When your CI is low, it doesn’t matter if you hire the best coach in the world, you will not see results.

You see, when you aren’t coachable, you’ve instantly blocked yourself off from progress. You can have the best plan, the best diet, the best equipment, the best everything… it literally will be of no use to you.

You will forever trap yourself in a land of amateurs.

Personally speaking, the instant someone becomes un-coachable is the instant I stop giving advice, because I know that even if gold is coming out of my mouth, it is going to fall on deaf ears. And that’s just not worth my time.

This is why I said I’d rather take on a level 3 athlete with a high CI over a level 5 – because I know that with just a few months of work, they’ll be level 5 anyways. All without giving me headaches or making my job harder.

Better yet, after they reach level 5, they’ll continue to improve and get better instead of stalling.

Why This Is The Best Kept Secret

The best athletes, the best coaches, and the most successful people in the world – you know, the ones you look up to? They are in fact, the most coachable people on Earth. I mean just look at some real examples:

Jamie Andries? Very Coachable

Gabi Butler? Very Coachable

Kiara Nowlin? Very Coachable

Aaron Cook? Very Coachable

I can bet that their CI is constantly at a 9 or 10, which is why their success comes as no surprise to me personally.

It’s a given.

You just look at the way they train and it’s like, “Duh, of course!”

“when you aren’t coachable, you’ve instantly blocked yourself off from progress.” (tweet this)

So now the obvious question is, can you increase your CI and if so, how do you know it’s increasing?

The first answer is heck yes, and you’ll know it’s increasing when you start to say things like “Alright why not?”, “Sounds good” or “Sure I’ll try that” whenever you’re given advice. That’s a start anyway.

While verbalizing is definitely a step in the right direction, internalizing a high CI is a whole different ball game.

I have many athletes whom I’ll give corrections to, and they’ll be like “alright I’ll try that” or “sure thing”, but then will go on to do a half-assed job of it; five rope climbs become two, thirty pushups become ten, ten minutes of drills magically morph themselves into a two minute circus act.

This is because they usually have a mediocre CI (somewhere around 5-6). Verbally they’ve agreed, but mentally they haven’t internalized any of it.


Where do you think her Coachability Index is at?

Look, if you want to be at a 9 or 10 and want to be on the same level as the world champions, then you need to treat the information you receive from your coaches as if it has been passed down from the good lord himself.

Oddly enough, devoted religious folks who believe that any advice that has come from a “higher power” seem to have a very high CI.

How interesting.

This means that on top of having a high CI, you also need to trust the source. Luckily enough, if you’re paying for your training, this should be pretty easy to do. And if you don’t trust the source, then either find a way to do so or find a new source you do trust.

Once you have a trustworthy source, then you really have no more excuses.

So if your progress has stalled or you aren’t as good as you think you “deserve” to be, the first thing you should do is stop blaming your coach, parents or the presence of other athletes.

What you need to do is look in the mirror and ask yourself: “On a scale of 1-10 how Coachable am I?”

Do this every morning after you wake up.

If you think you’re a 9 or 10, that’s Mr.Wonderful. But you need to be sure, which means you also need to test it.

When your favorite TV show comes on, are you willing to turn off the idiot box and do what it takes to get you want?

When it’s competition season and your friends invite you to a party, do you tell them you can’t or give in to social pressure just because you’re afraid they’ll call you lame?

When your boyfriend or girlfriend texts you saying that you should skip practice just this once, do you tell them that’s not possible, or give in because you think they’ll dump you?

The answers to these question will quickly tell you what your true CI is, real fast. And the beauty of this is that while you can lie to others, you cannot lie to yourself.

You can’t cheat your way to a high Coachability Index – it’s foolproof. You either have it, or you don’t. And if you don’t, the results will speak for themselves. Period.

But once you have a consistently high Coachability Index, there’s almost nothing you cannot accomplish – doesn’t matter if it’s during tumbling, school, college or even your job.

A high Coachability Index spills over into all areas of your life.

So fix your attitude, before you fix your technique. [Tweet this]

I hope that you got a lot out of this article and it helped you grow as an athlete. If it didn’t, you might want to check how coachable you are, and read it again

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