Thinking About Quitting... (i Need Advice Respond Asap)

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@colorora - your fierceboard mama is spot on. We have all struggled with something. That is part of childhood, adulthood, and life in general. My kids have had horrible practices, have struggled with skills and mental blocks, have worked through injuries, and there was a time when I thought my youngest was going to walk away. Instead she made the adjustment she needed and she has been more successful than even she could have ever imagined. It sounds like your coach and your team is supportive - which means you are likely doing a far better job than you are giving yourself credit for. Do this for yourself, but also for them. If you make a mistake you won't be the first, nor the last to do so! Every second you spend on that cheer floor is a lesson!! Hang in there!
I agree - don't quit! That being said, if the stress is messing with your health I would advise you to go and talk to your school counselor. He/She may be able to give you some tools to cope with the stress. Also, if you are feeling stressed or anxious about other areas of your life and it is interfering with your health, you may want to consider an appointment with your doctor to be evaluate for anxiety. I doubt that that is your problem, but felt like I should put it out there, just in case. Good luck!

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As someone who has an anxiety disorder, and has had to quit things midseason because they were becoming extremely bad for my health, I can understand what you are going through. However, if you only have one competition left, you might want to try to finish out the season and then take a break. Seeing through a commitment is very important, but not at the cost of your health. Only you know how much it's costing you. I hope you feel better soon!
I know how you're feeling because I have been in your same situation. I live for cheer the passion I have for it is unbelievable but here's the catch. I didn't tumble past level 1. I was put on senior 2,3 and 4.2 teams throughout my years. Did I always feel bad for not tumbling? Of course! Did I get upset after practices? Heck yeah! Did I want to give up at sometimes? Yes, but I knew that if I gave up I wouldn't ever forgive myself and that it wasn't the end of the world if I didn't tumble. Was there something else I was great at? Yes, stunting.
I wasn't put on the team for tumbling I was put on it because of my stunting skills. Because of my lack of tumbling. I was taught how to stunt really great because that's all that I could do. I was the backspot in the back right and left corners helping flyers who weren't that strong of flyers because my coaches knew I'd keep them up or if they get loose I'd fight for it. Because of all the love I have for the sport and because I never gave up I am now a coach. I've been through a lot of struggles but staying in the "game" I feel was a great choice for me. I think you should stay you never know something great would happen. But also do what's best for you.

ETA: sorry if this post is not very clear.
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sooo, i know what you're about to say "stick with it!!! it'll be worth it" but this is different.

first, a little bit of backstory, this year I joined my school's cheer team, i enjoyed it so much that I am considering joining my local allstar team. but over the past few months, its becoming downright stressful, I won't bore you, but i just feel that I'm dragging my team down, I know this isn't the case but over the past month, I've been crying every practice, its becoming very not fun, very quickly. I feel terrible even considering this, because we're so close to competition but it's becoming too emotionally tolling for me. there have been nights when I've cried myself to sleep over it, but at the same time, I love my teammates and coaches, they're so supportive and would not like it if left, i feel like I'm letting them down either way, advice please? Coaches need an answer by tomorrow.

This is more than cheer. What are you going to do in 10 years when you have a life situation that makes you anxious and sick to your stomach and emotional? What if you have kids and people depending on you to see it through even thou it makes you scared to death? Are you going to give up and run away because it is too hard?

This is a moment in your life where you have a choice. You can practice and do all you can to work through your nerves and anxiety, or you can drop out and run away because it scares you. The choice is yours. But I promise you that you will have scary situations in the future as you grow up that will make you cry, make you lose sleep, and make you want to run. It is best to use this as a life lesson now so that you will have a tool box in the future.

Don't run away from this. Face your fears and anxiety. You will be a better person. You gave your word to this team that you would be there and do your best. You can totally do this.
LOL is it weird that I was expecting a long, inspirational comment from you? I'm cracking up.

But did you quit or not? I hope not.

As I read the thread, I think @Mamarazzi said it best so I left it alone.

But I did debate just recommending that she quit and stop wasting everyone's time.


**Some day all cheerleaders will want to compete at "Varsity Stadium" and won't have any clue what the "Milk House" even was.**
My only question to you would be, "When your mom gave you permission to quit, said she was proud of you for hanging in this long and you said it has had you in tears... why would you then come here to ask us?" My guess is you already know that you will regret it if you quit or you would have already been running out the door.

Sometimes you just need to trust those little instincts you have whether it is the hair standing up on the back of your neck, the hesitation, the urge to go say hello when it's out of character, or to run like a bat out of Hades.

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