OT Worst Cheer Nightmare

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Jan 16, 2014
Let's see how bad these can get!

You fly to Nationals/Worlds, and while unpacking in your hotel room you realize that you forgot your uniform AND your cheer shoes.
I've had a few recurring cheer nightmares at night.

Most are coaching related but I've had some others:

1. I'm back in college cheering (except I am current me, not the me from college) and I am running late for a game and can't find anything I need (uniform, hair stuff.) Terrifying.

2. I am back in high school, am about go out on the floor for a comp, and realize that I forgot how to fly.

3. I'm coaching and my last pass kid on Senior 2 who also flies in the center basket just doesn't show up for a big national comp. I fill her spot with an alternate who has only based and never flown. Routine crumbles.

4. My entire team shows up to a comp without hair done and 10 minutes to warm up and I lose it.

5. Entire team loses luggage on the way to an out of state comp.
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Once we had a Mom get mixed up and go to Reliant Center instead of George R Brown Center. She said she knew something was wrong when she didn't see tons of cheerleaders walking around. Luckily, they are both in Houston and she only missed a few minutes of warm ups.
One time I was stunting and all of the sudden I farted in the air. ( I was partner stunting with my coach) and he dropped me on my head. I was about to die when he said" She was worthless anyways." Kinda scared for life

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I've had a few recurring cheer nightmares at night.

Most are coaching related but I've had some others:

1. I'm back in college cheering (except I am current me, not the me from college) and I am running late for a game and can't find anything I need (uniform, hair stuff.) Terrifying.

2. I am back in high school, am about go out on the floor for a comp, and realize that I forgot how to fly.

3. I'm coaching and my last pass kid on Senior 2 who also flies in the center basket just doesn't show up for a big national comp. I fill her spot with an alternate who has only based and never flown. Routine crumbles.

4. My entire team shows up to a comp without hair done and 10 minutes to warm up and I lose it.

5. Entire team loses luggage on the way to an out of state comp.
Number 3 happened to my team in real life my senior year lolllllll

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Mine is always the same. We are at a competition and it's the old "5 minute touch" warm up and we don't have a routine. But my kids are begging to compete so I have to think up a routine on the spot. There's never anywhere to practice because the competition is always somewhere crazy like a library or on the side of a hill.
(5 minute touch used to be used at small comps where you just got on the competition floor for about 5 minutes and warmed up all your stunts and tumbling. In full view of everyone. It was first come, first served. This was normal.)
Real life: Varsity has the wrong address down for the Pine Belt Arena in Toms River, NJ. I know this because I tried to go to an AYF coaches clinic there last summer and ended up at the school board offices in a small business complex. Google didn;t help matters, since it had the wrong info too. Late spring, cp's allstar team was supposed to go to a comp there. I tried to warn the gym that the address might be wrong, but they assured me it was right since it was on the Varsity Website. The morning of the comp, we are the second team scheduled to go on at 8:04 (gotta love minis) and I am getting frantic phone calls from everyone who was stranded in the school board parking lot (about 2 miles from the venue!). All hell was breaking loose. Other teams were lost too. I tried giving them the correct address which was not coming up in anyone's gps, so I had to leave the venue and drive there. I lead like 50 cars back to the comp, like the pied piper of cheer- lol! Our team walked onto the mats with 2 minutes to spare. It was horrible! I have had nightmares since then reliving it.
My earlier post were all NIGHTMARES I've had, because I thought the thread was about recurring nightmares:

In terms of ACTUAL nightmare stuff that's happened:

1. When I coached Y2, one of my kids threw her TUCK in a pass that was supposed to end in a BHS. Cue horrified looks.

2. One of my main flyers on Senior 2 was in a custody situation in which the parents were being pretty nasty. The week of a comp, judge orders daughter to spend weekends with her dad. Girl goes to dad's for the weekend. Comp weekend. Dad is clueless about cheer and doesn't have directions to the venue. She shows up 10 minutes to warm up with hair and make up that screams "My dad did this and he has no idea what he's doing." (this is a younger senior girl who hasn't ever really done her own comp hair or make up.) My assistant tried to do what she could, but we didn't have time and she had to go on looking like RuPaul/Bozo the Clown.
When I cheered I had recurring dreams that I got to either a pep rally or a football game and I had forgotten my spanks (most of the time it was homecoming for some reason).
I also dreamed once that my allstar team was competing, but we were competing in my high school auditorium on the small stage with no mats and everything that could've gone wrong, went wrong; we started our routine and realized girls were running late and weren't there yet, the music messed up so we had to start over, and we got to first stunt and my flyer was hanging out at the back of the stage flirting with this big group of boys who just came in out of nowhere. (Like, what?)
And of course I've had the nightmare that I was a flyer. That was literally the whole bad dream: I was a flyer.

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When I cheered I had recurring dreams that I got to either a pep rally or a football game and I had forgotten my spanks (most of the time it was homecoming for some reason).
I also dreamed once that my allstar team was competing, but we were competing in my high school auditorium on the small stage with no mats and everything that could've gone wrong, went wrong; we started our routine and realized girls were running late and weren't there yet, the music messed up so we had to start over, and we got to first stunt and my flyer was hanging out at the back of the stage flirting with this big group of boys who just came in out of nowhere. (Like, what?)
And of course I've had the nightmare that I was a flyer. That was literally the whole bad dream: I was a flyer.

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I used to have nightmares that I met up with my team at a competition, and for some reason my uniform was always tattered and theirs were nice. I could never move for some reason, and I would watch them perform while I couldn't.

Depressing. And weird.
I used to have nightmares that I met up with my team at a competition, and for some reason my uniform was always tattered and theirs were nice. I could never move for some reason, and I would watch them perform while I couldn't.

Depressing. And weird.
It's amazing what stress will do to your psyche. (That and too much sugar before bed. I swear by that.)

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Here's a theoretical one that has happened before: the football team tramples you because you stood in front of the run-through banner for a few seconds too long.

Has anyone ever dreamed about being dropped from a stunt and falling into a bottomless pit? I never have, but I was just curious.
I have dreams where I'll go and do an easy pass for me like a tuck or a backhandspring and I fall and like break my neck and am unable to move and everyone just stands around me and does nothing then my coaches yell at me to get up and keep doing the routine (I know they would never do that) or like ill show up to a competition in my pjs and my hair a mess and no makeup on and don't get to warm up because I'm late and rust in the bathroom and try and get ready in like 2 seconds.

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