All-Star Worst Deductions Ever/can You Even Be Deducted For This?

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I honestly dont think that it should be a deduction because if your shoe flies off when youre tumbling theres nothing really you can do, our industry always tells us to keep going no matter what, get injured, push through it. If Im not gonna stop when I roll my ankle why in the world would I stop to put my bow back on, shoe back on? Throw it off the floor, same with a bow.
Can you actually get deducted for nail polish? My high school coach has always told me you can but I've never heard of it actually happening.
definitely a deduction. at a high school competition my best friend forgot to take her nail polish off, she was told that if it wasn't off before we competed we would get a 10 point deduction. it turns out we forgot the nail polish remover back at our practice gym and i sat with her for 20 minutes scratching the nail polish off of her nails. but the good news is it was off before we competed and we got 1st and grand champions! :)
I know for high school cheer if you step on signs or pins that it's a deduction, and I think if a bow falls off and you step on it that is also a deduction.
The worst thing that has ever happened to me was freshman year at state, getting disqualified for an illegal stunt :/
When I was on a jr.2 in 2006 we got a deduction for "smiling too much" apparently it was distracting to the judges. So our coaches told the other older teams to tone it down, and the judges told them "that they had no personality, and needed to smile more."

That same thing happened to me last season! The judges said that we were acting too confident and smiling too much in our routine but they would "let is slide" this time. It was a local comp so my coach just laughed it off. Last I checked you're supposed to be confident with your routine and it's okay to smile or get excited when you hit a perfect routine but hey, what do I know?
In our province, for school cheerleading if you lose a shoe and don't put it back on and continue the routine, you get disqualified. You aren't allowed to preform tumbling, jumps or stunts without proper footwear. Thats why they stress to teams that if someones shoe falls off during competition not to throw it off the mat because that person will need to put their shoe back on to finish the routine.
in maine high school if a shoe falls off they stop the routine and put the shoe back on. then start where it fell off from. It happened to my team at states 2 years ago :rolleyes:
I was given a penelty for warming up stunts on the grass at our first competiton. We hadn't even competed yet and the rules judge came up to me and said that he was giving us the penelty then just walked away....
Luckily the EP stepped in and just gave us a warning....Moral of the story don't stunt on anything but mats...???so how is that gonna work at worlds?? No more stunting on the football field??? That will be very disappointing:( ...
I was given a penelty for warming up stunts on the grass at our first competiton. We hadn't even competed yet and the rules judge came up to me and said that he was giving us the penelty then just walked away....
Luckily the EP stepped in and just gave us a warning....Moral of the story don't stunt on anything but mats...???so how is that gonna work at worlds?? No more stunting on the football field??? That will be very disappointing:( ...
Everyone does this at Spirt Sports in Palm Springs!!! The whole outside grass area in the back is taken up by teams! That is just silly.. It's not like you were on concrete. Glad the EP stepped in on that one!
at most bigger all star comps i don't think you get a deduction for a shoe or bow falling off. at cheersport, my flyers shoe fell off during running tumbling and it was in the middle of the floor for the rest of the routine and we didn't get a deduction. it was kinda hard to base her when she only had one shoe though. then at a jamfest nationals a girl's bow fell off in the very beginning of the routine and we didn't get a deduction for that either.

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