Cheer Pet Peeves?

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1. Rude athletes and parents
2. parents who sit in gym lobby and are in denial about their athletes abilities.
3. parents who complain about of their athlete not being on a level 5 team, yet their athlete doesnt possess any of the skills required for that team
4. Athletes from other (rival gyms) who are are just obnoxious.
5. Bitter, negative cheer parents
6. cheerleaders in Ugg boots with their uniform
7. when team isn't uniform
8. flyaway unkept hair uggh!
9. coaches who lack the skills and experience to coach
10. Coach who lack communication skills
Haha ohh so many
. Crazy cheer moms
. Other teams who give you the death glare
. When they make you dance at award ceremonies
. When teams are "cliquey"
. Skirts that look like lamp shades
. Shoes with color inserts
. When teams don't have the same shoes, hair, or makeup
. When girls just cheer so they can look cute or be popular
. Girls who've cheered for one or two years and they think they know everything
. That one person on a team who always tries to tell people what they're doing wrong
. How after you've cheered on a spring floor for awhile it doesn't seem springy anymore :(

I could probably go on forever. Hahah
I hate when you get injured 3 days b4 the first comp of the season.
I hate when people are rude and snobbie when they arent even that good
Ex: why this why that, they should do this and do that!
Its always the people that are flower pots or ppl. that dont even cheer
I hate when u hit stunts or tumbling durring all your practices and then wanna get to comp and fall all oveer the place .lol.
OMG i deff hate this one .lol.( When you have friends on a diff team, and they want u to watch and support them like they did for you, and like the ppl from that gym say excuse me but this is our gym going on next not world cup, so can you please)...... yes that happend 2 weeks ago at athletic championship bahaahhah
*when senior teams have flyers from youth teams..oh and they still can't hit there stunts.*

when flyers just give up.

when bases give up.

when the whole

when the flyers arent flexible to hold a heel stretch and hold their ankle. YUCK!

level 3 cradles from one leg...

level 5 teams with 3 fulls.

super young crossovers.

when a whole team crosses really?

sloppy tumbling/sloppy stunts.

watered down stunts in the back..we still see you :)

oh and last but not least PLAY BUTTON SCORPS.
Most of mine were covered. But I have to add:

-Over shimmying
-When everyone does a clean pop at the end of their passes but that one awkward person snaps, shimmies, hair flips, and has facial overload.
-When people from a different gym start to cheer at your gym and they think their "everything"
-When people pout when their not in the center

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